< 1 Kings 5 >

1 And Hiram King of Tyrus sent his seruants vnto Salomon, (for he had heard, that they had anoynted him King in the roume of his father) because Hiram had euer loued Dauid.
Iram, wa peyi Tir, te toujou yon bon zanmi wa David. Lè li vin konnen se Salomon ki te vin moute wa nan plas David, papa l', li voye kèk chèf bò kote l'.
2 Also Salomon sent to Hiram, saying,
Salomon ba yo mesaj sa a pou yo pote bay Iram:
3 Thou knowest that Dauid my father could not build an house vnto the Name of the Lord his God, for the warres which were about him on euery side, vntill the Lord had put them vnder the soles of his feete.
-Ou konnen ak lagè David, papa m', te genyen ak peyi ki toupre l' yo, li pa t' kapab bati yon kay kote pou yo adore Seyè a, Bondye li a, toutotan Seyè a pa t' fè l' kraze lènmi l' yo anba pye l'.
4 But now the Lord my God hath giuen me rest on euery side, so that there is neither aduersarie, nor euill to resist.
Men koulye a, Seyè a, Bondye mwen an, ban m' lapè sou tout fwontyè yo. Mwen pa gen moun pou chache m' kont, ni moun pou fè m' move kou.
5 And beholde, I purpose to build an house vnto ye Name of the Lord my God, as the Lord spake vnto Dauid my father, saying, Thy sonne, whom I wil set vpon thy throne for thee, he shall build an house vnto my Name.
Seyè a te fè David, papa m', pwomès sa a: Se pitit gason ou m'ap mete wa nan plas ou a k'ap bati yon kay pou mwen. Enben, koulye a, mwen fè lide bati yon kay pou Seyè a, Bondye mwen an.
6 Now therefore commaund, that they hewe me cedar trees out of Lebanon, and my seruants shall be with thy seruants, and vnto thee will I giue the hire for thy seruants, according to all that thou shalt appoynt: for thou knowest that there are none among vs, that can hewe timber like vnto the Sidonians.
Ou menm, ou pral bay lòd pou yo koupe kèk pye sèd pou mwen nan peyi Liban. Moun pa m' yo va travay ansanm ak moun pa ou yo. m'a peye mesye ou yo jan wa vle l' la. Ou konnen pa gen moun nan peyi m' ki ka koupe bwa tankou moun Sidon yo.
7 And when Hiram heard the wordes of Salomon, he reioyced greatly, and sayde, Blessed be the Lord this day, which hath giuen vnto Dauid a wise sonne ouer this mightie people.
Lè Iram resevwa mesaj Salomon an, sa te fè l' plezi anpil. Li di: -Lwanj jòdi a pou Seyè a ki bay David yon pitit gason ak bon konprann konsa pou gouvènen sou gwo pèp sa a!
8 And Hiram sent to Salomon, saying, I haue considered the things, for the which thou sentest vnto me, and will accomplish all thy desire, concerning the cedar trees and firre trees.
Apre sa, Iram voye di Salomon: -Mwen resevwa mesaj ou a. M'ap fè tou sa ou mande m' fè pou bwa sèd ak bwa pichpen yo.
9 My seruants shall bring them downe from Lebanon to the sea: and I will conuey them by sea in raftes vnto the place that thou shalt shew me, and wil cause them to be discharged there, and thou shalt receiue them: nowe thou shalt doe mee a pleasure to minister foode for my familie.
Moun pa m' yo va pote madriye yo desann soti peyi Liban jouk bò lanmè. Lè y'a rive la, m'a fè yo mare madriye yo fè rado, y'a pouse yo sou lanmè a rive jouk kote w'a chwazi sou kòt la. Rive la, moun pa m' yo va demare madriye yo. Lè sa a, w'a fè moun pa ou yo fè rès travay la. Ou menm, w'a ban m' pwovizyon pou moun pa m' yo.
10 So Hiram gaue Salomon cedar trees and firre trees, euen his full desire.
Se konsa Iram bay Salomon tout madriye sèd ak madriye pichpen li te bezwen.
11 And Salomon gaue Hiram twentie thousand measures of wheate for foode to his householde, and twentie measures of beaten oyle. Thus much gaue Salomon to Hiram yere by yere.
Salomon menm, bò pa l', bay Iram sanmil (100.000) barik ble ak sandimil (110.000) galon lwil oliv chak lanne pou l' bay moun li yo manje.
12 And the Lord gaue Salomon wisedome as he promised him. And there was peace betweene Hiram and Salomon, and they two made a couenant.
Seyè a kenbe pwomès li. Li bay Salomon anpil bon konprann. Te gen bon antann ant Iram ak Salomon. Yo siyen yon kontra yonn ak lòt.
13 And King Salomon raised a summe out of all Israel, and the summe was thirtie thousand men:
wa Salomon fè ranmase trantmil (30.000) moun nan tout peyi Izrayèl la pou fè kòve.
14 Whome he sent to Lebanon, ten thousand a moneth by course: they were a moneth in Lebanon, and two moneths at home. And Adoniram was ouer the summe.
Li te mete Adoniram reskonsab kòve a. Li separe mesye yo fè twa gwoup, ak dimil (10.000) moun nan chak. Chak gwoup pase yon mwa nan peyi Liban, de mwa lakay yo. Chak fwa yon gwoup tounen, yon lòt al pran plas li.
15 And Salomon had seuentie thousand that bare burdens, and fourescore thousand masons in the mountaine,
Salomon te gen katrevenmil (80.000) moun ap taye wòch nan min wòch, ak swasanndimil (70.000) moun pou pote yo lavil Jerizalèm,
16 Besides the princes, whome Salomon appoynted ouer the worke, euen three thousande and three hundreth, which ruled the people that wrought in the worke.
san konte twamil twasan (3.300) fòmann gouvènè yo te nonmen alatèt mesye sa yo pou kontwole travay yo.
17 And the King commanded them, and they brought great stones and costly stones to make the foundation of the house, euen hewed stones.
Wa Salomon te bay lòd pou yo taye kèk gwo blòk nan bèl wòch pou sèvi fondasyon kay la.
18 And Salomons workemen, and the workemen of Hiram, and the masons hewed and prepared timber and stones for the buylding of the house.
Se konsa bòs mason Salomon yo ak bòs mason Iram yo ansanm ak mesye lavil Gebal yo te pare blòk wòch ak bwa pou bati Tanp lan.

< 1 Kings 5 >