< 1 Kings 4 >

1 And King Salomon was King ouer all Israel.
Erat autem rex Salomon regnans super omnem Israel:
2 And these were his princes, Azariah the sonne of Zadok the Priest,
et hi principes quos habebat: Azarias filius Sadoc sacerdotis:
3 Elihoreph and Ahiah the sonnes of Shisha scribes, Iehoshaphat the sonne of Ahilud, the recorder,
Elihoreph, et Ahia filii Sisa scribae: Iosaphat filius Ahilud a commentariis:
4 And Benaiah the sonne of Iehoiada was ouer the hoste, and Zadok and Abiathar Priests,
Banaias filius Ioiadae super exercitum: Sadoc autem, et Abiathar sacerdotes.
5 And Azariah the sonne of Nathan was ouer the officers, and Zabud the sonne of Nathan Priest was the Kings friend,
Azarias filius Nathan super eos qui assistebant regi: Zabud filius Nathan sacerdos, amicus regis:
6 And Ahishar was ouer the houshold: and Adoniram the sonne of Abda was ouer the tribute.
et Ahisar praepositus domus: et Adoniram filius Abda super tributa.
7 And Salomon had twelue officers ouer all Israel, which prouided vitailes for the King and his housholde: eche man had a moneth in the yeere to prouide vitailes.
Habebat autem Salomon duodecim praefectos super omnem Israel, qui praebebant annonam regi et domui eius: per singulos enim menses in anno, singuli necessaria ministrabant.
8 And these are their names: the sonne of Hur in mount Ephraim:
Et haec nomina eorum: Benhur, in monte Ephraim.
9 The sonne of Dekar in Makaz, and in Shaalbim and Beth-shemesh, and Elon and Beth-hanan:
Bendecar, in Macces, et in Salebim, et in Bethsames, et in Elon, et in Bethanan.
10 The sonne of Hesed in Aruboth, to whom perteined Sochoh, and all the land of Hepher:
Bethhesed in Aruboth: ipsius erat Socho, et omnis terra Epher.
11 The sonne of Abinadab in all the region of Dor, which had Taphath the daughter of Salomon to wife.
Benabinadab, cuius omnis Nephath Dor, Tapheth filiam Salomonis habebat uxorem.
12 Baana the sonne of Ahilud in Taanach, and Megiddo, and in all Beth-shean, which is by Zartanah beneath Izreel, from Beth-shean to Abelmeholah, eue til beyond ouer against Iokmeam:
Bana filius Ahilud regebat Thanac et Mageddo, et universam Bethsan, quae est iuxta Sarthana subter Iezrael, a Bethsan usque Abelmehula e regione Iecmaan.
13 The sonne of Geber in Ramoth Gilead, and his were the townes of Iair, the sonne of Manasseh, which are in Gilead, and vnder him was the region of Argob, which is in Bashan: threescore great cities with walles and barres of brasse.
Bengaber in Ramoth Galaad: habebat Avothiair filii Manasse in Galaad, ipse praeerat in omni regione Argob, quae est in Basan, sexaginta civitatibus magnis atque muratis, quae habebant seras aereas.
14 Ahinadab the sonne of Iddo had to Mahanaim:
Ahinadab filius Addo praeerat in Manaim.
15 Ahimaaz in Naphtali, and he tooke Basmath the daughter of Salomon to wife:
Achimaas in Nephthali: sed et ipse habebat Basemath filiam Salomonis in coniugio.
16 Baanah the sonne of Hushai in Asher and in Aloth:
Baana filius Husi, in Aser, et in Baloth.
17 Iehoshaphat the sonne of Paruah in Issachar.
Iosaphat filius Pharue, in Issachar.
18 Shimei the sonne of Elah in Beniamin:
Semei filius Ela, in Beniamin.
19 Geber the sonne of Vri in the countrey of Gilead, the land of Sihon King of the Amorites, and of Og King of Bashan, and was officer alone in the land.
Gaber filius Uri, in terra Galaad, in terra Sehon regis Amorrhaei et Og regis Basan, super omnia quae erant in illa terra.
20 Iudah and Israel were many, as the sand of the sea in number, eating, drinking, and making merry.
Iuda et Israel innumerabiles, sicut arena maris in multitudine: comedentes, et bibentes, atque laetantes.
21 And Salomon reigned ouer all kingdomes, from the Riuer vnto the lande of the Philistims, and vnto the border of Egypt, and they brought presents, and serued Salomon all the dayes of his life.
Salomon autem erat in ditione sua, habens omnia regna secum a flumine terrae Philisthiim usque ad terminum Aegypti: offerentium sibi munera, et servientium ei cunctis diebus vitae eius.
22 And Salomons vitailes for one day were thirtie measures of fine floure, and threescore measures of meale:
Erat autem cibus Salomonis per dies singulos triginta cori similae, et sexaginta cori farinae,
23 Ten fat oxen, and twentie oxen of the pastures, and an hundreth sheepe, beside hartes, and buckes, and bugles, and fat foule.
decem boves pingues, et viginti boves pascuales, et centum arietes, excepta venatione cervorum, caprearum, atque bubalorum, et avium altilium.
24 For he ruled in all the region on the other side of the Riuer, from Tiphsah euen vnto Azzah, ouer all the Kings on the other side the Riuer: and he had peace round about him on euery side.
Ipse enim obtinebat omnem regionem, quae erat trans flumen, quasi a Thaphsa usque ad Gazan, et cunctos reges illarum regionum: et habebat pacem ex omni parte in circuitu.
25 And Iudah and Israel dwelt without feare, euery man vnder his vine, and vnder his fig tree, from Dan, euen to Beer-sheba, all the dayes of Salomon.
Habitabatque Iuda, et Israel absque timore ullo, unusquisque sub vite sua, et sub ficu sua, a Dan usque Bersabee cunctis diebus Salomonis.
26 And Salomon had fourtie thousande stalles of horses for his charets, and twelue thousand horsemen.
Et habebat Salomon quadraginta millia praesepia equorum currulium, et duodecim millia equestrium.
27 And these officers prouided vitaile for king Salomon, and for all that came to King Salomons table, euery man his moneth, and they suffred to lacke nothing.
Nutriebantque eos supradicti regis praefecti: sed et necessaria mensae regis Salomonis cum ingenti cura praebebant in tempore suo.
28 Barley also and strawe for the horses and mules brought they vnto the place where the officers were, euery man according to his charge.
Hordeum quoque, et paleas equorum, et iumentorum deferebant in locum ubi erat rex, iuxta constitutum sibi.
29 And God gaue Salomon wisdome and vnderstanding exceeding much, and a large heart, euen as the sand that is on the sea shore,
Dedit quoque Deus sapientiam Salomoni et prudentiam multam nimis, et latitudinem cordis quasi arenam, quae est in littore maris.
30 And Salomons wisdome excelled the wisedome of all the children of the East and all the wisedome of Egypt.
Et praecedebat sapientia Salomonis sapientiam omnium Orientalium et Aegyptiorum,
31 For he was wiser then any man: yea, then were Ethan the Ezrahite, the Heman, then Chalcol, then Darda the sonnes of Mahol: and he was famous throughout all nations round about.
et erat sapientior cunctis hominibus: sapientior Ethan Ezrahitae, et Heman, et Chalcol, et Dorda filiis Mahol: et erat nominatus in universis gentibus per circuitum.
32 And Salomon spake three thousand prouerbs: and his songs were a thousand and fiue.
Locutus est quoque Salomon tria millia parabolas: et fuerunt carmina eius quinque millia.
33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon, euen vnto the hyssope that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of foules, and of creeping thinges, and of fishes.
Et disputavit super lignis a cedro, quae est in Libano, usque ad hyssopum, quae egreditur de pariete: et disseruit de iumentis, et volucribus, et reptilibus, et piscibus.
34 And there came of all people to heare the wisedome of Salomon, from all Kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisedome.
Et veniebant de cunctis populis ad audiendam sapientiam Salomonis, et ab universis regibus terrae, qui audiebant sapientiam eius.

< 1 Kings 4 >