< 1 Chronicles 5 >

1 The sonnes also of Reuben the eldest sonne of Israel (for he was the eldest, but had defiled his fathers bed, therefore his birthright was giuen vnto the sonnes of Ioseph the sonne of Israel, so that the genealogie is not rekoned after his birthright.
Сынове же Рувима первенца Израилева: яко той первенец: и внегда ему взыти на ложе отца своего, даде благословение его сыну своему Иосифу, сыну Израилеву, и не бысть (той) вменен в первенство,
2 For Iudah preuailed aboue his brethren, and of him came the prince, but the birthright was Iosephs)
яко Иуда силен крепостию и в братии своей, и в вожда из него, и благословение Иосифу.
3 The sonnes of Reuben the eldest sonne of Israel, were Hanoch and Pallu, Hezron and Carmi.
Сынове Рувима первенца Израилева: Енох и Фаллус, Асрон и Хармий.
4 The sonnes of Ioel, Shemaiah his sonne, Gog his sonne, and Shimei his sonne,
Сынове Иоилевы: Семей и Ванеа сын его. Сынове же Гога сына Семеина:
5 Michah his sonne, Reaiah his sonne, and Baal his sonne,
сын его Миха, сын его Риха, сын его Ваал,
6 Beerah his sonne: whom Tilgath Pilneeser King of Asshur caryed away: he was a prince of the Reubenites.
Векра сын его, егоже пресели Фаглафалласар царь Ассирииский: сей бысть князь колена Рувимова.
7 And when his brethren in their families rekoned the genealogie of their generations, Ieiel and Zechariah were the chiefe,
И братия его во отечестве своем, в исчислениих своих, по родом их, князь Иоиль и Захариа,
8 And Bela the sonne of Azaz, the sonne of Shema, the sonne of Ioel, which dwelt in Aroer, euen vnto Nebo and Baal meon.
и Валек сын Азузов, сын Саммы, сын Иоилев: той обита во Ароире и в Наване и Веелмаоне,
9 Also Eastwarde he inhabited vnto the entring in of the wildernes from the riuer Perath for they had much cattel in the land of Gilead.
и противу востока обита даже до входа пустыни, от реки Евфрата, яко скот их мног в земли Галаадстей.
10 And in the dayes of Saul they warred with the Hagarims, which fell by their hands: and they dwelt in their tentes in all the East partes of Gilead.
Во дни же Саула возведоша брань противу Агарян: и падоша в руках их обитающии в жилищах своих вси к востоку Галаадску.
11 And the children of Gad dwelt ouer against them in the land of Bashan, vnto Salchah.
Сынове Гадовы прямо их обиташа в земли Васани до Селха:
12 Ioel was the chiefest, and Shapham the second, but Iaanai and Shaphat were in Bashan.
Иоиль первенец, и Сафам вторый, и Ианин книжник Васанский.
13 And their brethren of the house of their fathers were Michael, and Meshullam, and Sheba, and Sorai, and Iacan, and Zia and Eber, seuen.
И братия их, по домом отечеств их: Михаил и Мосоллам, и Савей и Иора, и Иохан и Иовиа и Овид, седмь.
14 These are the childre of Abihail, the sonne of Huri, the sonne of Iaroah, the sonne of Gilead, the sonne of Michael, the sonne of Ieshishai, the sonne of Iahdo, the sonne of Buz.
Сии сынове Авихаила сына Рувиина, и Адди, сына Галаадова, сына Михаилова, сына Иессеина, сына Иедаина, сына Вузова,
15 Ahi the sonne of Abdiel, the sonne of Guni was chiefe of the houshold of their fathers.
брата сына Авдиилова, сына Гуниина, князь дому отечеств их.
16 And they dwelt in Gilead in Bashan, and in the townes thereof, and in all the suburbes of Sharon by their borders.
Обиташа в Галааде, в Васане и в весех их и во всех окрестных Саронских, даже до исхода.
17 All these were rekoned by genealogies in the dayes of Iotham King of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam King of Israel.
Вси сии сочтени быша во дни Иоафама царя Иудина и во дни Иеровоама царя Израилева.
18 The sonnes of Reuben and of Gad, and of halfe the tribe of Manasseh of those that were viliant men, able to beare shield, and sworde, and to draw a bowe, exercised in warre, were foure and fourtie thousand, seuen hundreth and three score, that went out to the warre.
Сынове Рувимовы и Гадовы и полплемене Манассиина (биша) сынове сильни, мужие носяще щиты и мечы и напрязающе луки и научени брани, четыредесять и четыри тысящы и седмь сот и шестьдесят, исходящии на ополчение.
19 And they made warre with the Hagarims, with Ietur, and Naphish, and Nodab.
И твориша брань со Агаряны и Итуреаны, и Нафисеаны и Надавеаны,
20 And they were holpen against them, and the Hagarims were deliuered into their hande, and all that were with them: for they cryed to God in the battel, and he heard them, because they trusted in him.
и укрепишася над ними: и предашася в руце их Агаряне и вся обитания их, зане к Богу воззваша во брани, и услыша их, зане уповаша на Него.
21 And they led away their cattel, euen their camels fiftie thousand, and two hundreth, and fiftie thousand sheepe, and two thousand asses, and of persons an hundreth thousand.
И плениша имения их, велблюдов пятьдесят тысящ, и овец двести пятьдесят тысящ, и ослов две тысящы, и душ человеческих сто тысящ:
22 For many fel downe wounded, because the warre was of God. And they dwelt in their steads vntill the captiuitie.
ранении же мнози падоша, зане (бысть) от Бога брань: и вселишася вместо их даже до преселения.
23 And the children of the halfe tribe of Manasseh dwelt in the land, from Baashan vnto Baal Hermon, and Senir, and vnto mount Hermon: for they increased.
И полплемене Манассиина вселишася в земли от Васана даже до Ваала Ермоня и Санира и горы Аермонски: и сии в Ливане умножишася.
24 And these were the heads of the housholds of their fathers, euen Epher and Ishi, and Eliel and Azriel, and Ieremiah, and Hodauiah, and Iahdiel, strong men, valiant and famous, heades of the housholdes of their fathers.
И сии (быша) князи дому отечеств их: Гофер и Иеси, и Елиил и Иеремиа, и Иодуиа и Иедиил, мужие сильни в крепости, мужие именитии, князи по домом отечеств своих.
25 But they transgressed against the God of their fathers, and went a whoring after the gods of the people of the lande, whome God had destroyed before them.
И оставиша Бога отец своих и соблудиша вслед богов людий земли, ихже потреби Бог от лица их:
26 And the God of Israel stirred vp the spirit of Pul king of Asshur, and the spirite of Tilgath Pilneeser king of Asshur, and he caryed them away: euen the Reubenites and the Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manasseh, and brought them vnto Halah and Habor, and Hara, and to the riuer Gozan, vnto this day.
и воздвиже Бог Израилев дух Фула царя Ассирийска и дух Фаглафалласара царя Ассирийска, и пресели Рувима и Гада и полплемене Манассиина, и введе их во Аллан и Иовор, и во Аран и на реку Гозан, даже до дне сего.

< 1 Chronicles 5 >