< 1 Chronicles 26 >

1 Concerning the diuisions of the porters, of the Korhites, Meshelemiah the sonne of Kore of the sonnes of Asaph.
Mama si me agbonudzɔlawo nɔ lae nye si: Tso Korah ƒe viwo dome: Meselemia, Kore ƒe vi, ame si nye Asaf ƒe viŋutsuwo dometɔ ɖeka.
2 And the sonnes of Meshelemiah, Zechariah the eldest, Iediael the seconde, Zebadiah the third, Iathniel the fourth,
Meselemia ƒe kpeɖeŋutɔwoe nye viawo; woƒe ŋkɔwo le tsitsinue nye: Zekaria, Yediael, Zebadia, Yatniel,
3 Elam the fift, Ichohanan the sixt, and Eliehoenai the seuenth.
Elam, Yehohanan kple Eliehoenai.
4 And the sonnes of Obed Edom, Shemaiah the eldest, Iehozabad the second, Ioah the third, and Sacar the fourth, and Nethaneel the fift,
Obed Edom ƒe viwo hã nye gbedoxɔŋudzɔlawo. Woƒe ŋkɔwo le tsitsinue nye: Semaya, Yehozabad, Yoa, Sakar, Netanel,
5 Ammiel the sixt, Issachar the seuenth, Peulthai the eight: for God had blessed him.
Amiel, Isaka kple Peuletai. Mawu yrae kple viŋutsu enyi!
6 And to Shemaiah his sonne, were sonnes borne, that ruled in the house of their father, for they were men of might.
Viŋutsuwo nɔ via Semaya, hã si, ame siwo nye kplɔlawo le wo fofo ƒe ƒome me elabena ŋutete nɔ wo ŋu.
7 The sonnes of Shemaiah were Othni, and Rephael, and Obed, Elzabad and his brethren, strong men: Elihu also, and Semachiah.
Semaya ƒe viŋutsuwoe nye esiawo: Otni, Refael, Obed kple Elzabad; Semaya ƒe ƒometɔ Elihu kple Semakia hã nye ame siwo ŋu ŋutete nɔ.
8 All these were of the sonnes of Obed Edom, they and their sonnes and their brethren mightie and strong to serue, euen three score and two of Obed Edom.
Obed Edom ƒe vi kple tɔgbuiyɔvi siawo de ame blaade-vɔ-eve eye wo katã wonye ame siwo ŋu ŋutete kple ŋusẽ nɔ eye wodze na woƒe dɔdeasiwo wɔwɔ.
9 And of Meshelemiah sonnes and brethren, eighteene mightie men.
Meselemia ƒe vi wuienyiawo kple nɔviawo hã nye kplɔla nyuiwo.
10 And of Hosah of the sonnes of Merari, the sonnes were Shuri the chiefe, and (though he was not the eldest, yet his father made him the chiefe)
Hosa, ame si tso Merari ƒe viwo dome la, tia Simri tso viawo dome abe tatɔ ene togbɔ be menye eyae nye tsitsitɔ o hã.
11 Helkiah the second, Tebaliah the third, and Zechariah the fourth: all the sonnes and the brethren of Hosa were thirteene.
Via bubuwo dometɔ aɖewo ƒe ŋkɔwo le tsitsinue nye: Hilkia, vi evelia, Tebalia, vi etɔ̃lia kple Zekaria, vi enelia. Hosa ƒe viwo kple nɔviawo de ame wuietɔ̃.
12 Of these were the diuisions of the porters of the chiefe men, hauing the charge against their brethren, to serue in the house of the Lord.
Wotsɔ gbedoxɔŋudzɔlawo ƒe kplɔlawo ƒe ŋkɔwo na hatsotso vovovo siwo me woma dzɔlawo ɖo. Abe Levitɔ bubuawo ene la, woƒe dɔdeasie nye be woawɔ subɔsubɔdɔwo le gbedoxɔ la me.
13 And they cast lottes both small and great for the house of their fathers, for euery gate.
Wona wodzɔa gbedoxɔ la ƒe agbo vovovoawo ŋu; womebua ƒome siwo me wotso la ŋu o elabena wowɔa nu siawo katã to nudzidze me.
14 And the lot on the East side fel to Shelemiah: then they cast lottes for Zechariah his sonne a wise couseller, and his lot came out Northward:
Selemia ƒe dɔe nye wòadzɔ Ɣedzeƒegbo la ŋu. Woda akɔ na ƒe Via ŋutsu, Zekaria, ame si nye aɖaŋuɖola nyui aɖe eye akɔdada la na be wòadzɔ Anyiehegbo la ŋu.
15 To Obed Edom Southwarde, and to his sonnes the house of Asuppim:
Akɔdada la na be Obed Edom nadzɔ Dziehegbo la ŋu eye via ŋutsuwo nadzɔ nudzraɖoƒe la ŋu,
16 To Shuppim and to Hosah Westwarde with the gate of Shallecheth by the paued streete that goeth vpward, warde ouer against warde.
kple Ɣetoɖoƒegbo kple Salexet ƒe agbo si le dzigbemɔ la dzi yi Supim kple Hosa dzi la ŋu. Woma dzɔlawo ƒe dɔ na wo sɔsɔe.
17 Eastward were sixe Leuites, and Northwarde foure a day, and Southward foure a day, and toward Asuppim two and two.
Levi vi ade dzɔa Ɣedzeƒegbo la ŋu, ame ene dzɔa anyiehegbo la ŋu, ene dzɔa dziehegbo la ŋu, eye ame eve dzɔa nudzraɖoƒe la ŋu gbe sia gbe.
18 In Parbar towarde the West were foure by the paued streete, and two in Parbar.
Dzɔla ene nɔa gbadzaƒe la ƒe mɔto eye eve nɔa gbadzaƒe la ŋutɔ ƒe ɣetoɖoƒegbo la nu, ame ene dzɔa dzigbemɔ la ŋu eye ame eve dzɔa teƒe siwo ƒo xlã wo la ŋu gbe sia gbe.
19 These are the diuisions of the porters of the sonnes of Kore, and of the sonnes of Merari.
Wotia gbedoxɔŋudzɔlawo tso Korah ƒe viwo kple Merari ƒe viwo dome.
20 And of the Leuites. Ahiiah was ouer the treasures of the house of God, and ouer the treasures of the dedicate things.
Levitɔ bubuawo kpɔa gbedoxɔ la ƒe gadzraɖoƒe kple nudzraɖoƒe siwo me wodaa nu siwo wotsɔ vɛ na Mawu la dzi.
21 Of the sonnes of Laadan the sonnes of the Gershunnites descending of Laadan, the chiefe fathers of Laadan were Gershunni and Iehieli.
Ƒome geɖewo dzɔ tso Ladan, Gerson ƒe viwo dometɔ ɖeka me; Yehieli ƒe vi ƒe ƒome hã nɔ wo dome.
22 The sonnes of Iehieli were Zethan and Ioel his brother, appoynted ouer the treasures of the house of the Lord.
Yehieli ƒe vi bubu eveawo, Zetam kple Yoel, kpɔa gbedoxɔ la ƒe gadzraɖoƒe kple nudzraɖoƒe dzi.
23 Of the Amramites, of the Izharites, of the Hebronites and of the Ozielites.
Tso Amramitɔwo, Izharitɔwo, Hebronitɔwo kple Uzielitɔwo dome la:
24 And Shebuel the sonne of Gershom, the sonne of Moses, a ruler ouer the treasures.
Subael, Gersom ƒe dzidzimevi, ame si nye Mose ƒe viŋutsu la ƒe dɔ wònye be wòakpɔ gadzraɖoƒe la dzi.
25 And of his brethren which came of Eliezer, was Rehabiah his sonne, and Ieshaiah his sonne, and Ioram his sonne, and Zichri his sonne, and Shelomith his sonne.
Dzidzime la tso Eliezer dzi yi ale: Eliezer dzi Rehabia, ame si dzi Yesaya, ame si dzi Yoram, Yoram dzi Zikri, ame si dzi Selomɔt.
26 Which Shelomith and his brethren were ouer al the treasures of the dedicate things, which Dauid the King, and the chiefe fathers, the captaines ouer thousands, and hundreths, and the captaines of the armie had dedicated.
Wotia Selomɔt kple nɔviawo be woakpɔ nu siwo Fia David kple kplɔla bubuawo abe, asrafomegãwo ene, na Yehowa la dzi.
27 (For of the battels and of the spoyles they did dedicate to maintaine the house of the Lord)
Ame siawo kɔa afunyinu siwo wokpɔ to aʋawɔwɔ me la ŋu hena ŋu dɔ wɔwɔ le gbedoxɔ la me.
28 And al that Samuel the Seer had dedicate and Saul the sonne of Kish and Abner the sonne of Ner, and Ioab the sonne of Zeruiah, and whosoeuer had dedicate any thing, it was vnder the hand of Shelomith, and his brethren.
Selomɔt kple nɔviawo kpɔa nu siwo ŋuti Nyagblɔɖila Samuel kple Saul, Kis ƒe vi kple Abner, Ner ƒe vi kple Yoab, Zeruya ƒe vi, kɔ na Yehowa kple nu siwo ame xɔŋkɔ bubuwo na Yehowa la dzi.
29 Of the Izharites was Chenaniah and his sonnes, for the busines without ouer Israel, for officers and for Iudges.
Wotsɔ Kenania kple viawo tso Izhar ƒe viwo dome ɖo dɔdzikpɔlawo kple ʋɔnudrɔ̃lawo.
30 Of the Hebronites, Ashabiah and his brethren, men of actiuitie, a thousande, and seuen hundreth were officers for Israel beyonde Iorden Westward, in all the busines of the Lord, and for the seruice of the King.
Wotia Hasabia kple eƒe hlɔ̃metɔ akpe ɖeka alafa adre tso Hebron, ame siwo katã nye ame ŋkutawo la be, woakpɔ Israelvi siwo le Yɔdan tɔsisi la ƒe ɣetoɖoƒe la dzi. Woƒe dɔdeasie nye be woakpɔ afi ma tɔwo ƒe Mawusubɔbɔnyawo kple dukɔmenyawo dzi.
31 Among the Hebronites was Iediiah the chiefest, euen the Hebronites by his generations according to the families. And in the fourtieth yere of the reigne of Dauid they were sought for: and there were founde among them men of actiuitie at Iazer in Gilead.
Le Hebronitɔwo gome la, Yeriae nye woƒe tatɔ le ƒomeawo ƒe dzidzimegbalẽ lawo nu. Le David ƒe fiaɖuɖu ƒe ƒe blaenelia me la, woto dzidzimegbalẽ la me eye wokpɔ be, Hebronitɔ siwo ŋu ŋutete nɔ la woe nye, Yazer le Gilead,
32 And his brethren men of actiuitie, two thousand and seuen hundreth chiefe fathers, whom King Dauid made rulers ouer the Reubenites, and the Gadites, and the halfe tribe of Manasseh, for euery matter perteining to God, and for the Kings busines.
Ƒometɔ akpe eve alafa adre nɔ Yeria si. Ame siawo nye ame siwo ŋu ŋutete nɔ, wonye ƒometatɔwo. Fia David tsɔ wo ɖo Ruben ƒe viwo, Gad ƒe viwo kple Manase ƒe viwo ƒe afã nu be woakpɔ nya sia nya si ku ɖe Mawu kple fia la ŋu la gbɔ.

< 1 Chronicles 26 >