< Romans 4 >

1 Let's take Abraham as an example. From a human viewpoint he is the father of our nation. Let's ask, “What was his experience?”
Nene, Ibrahim uchifi bite nan nya kidowo tibaworu ana se iyang?
2 For if Abraham was set right by what he did, he would have had something to boast about—but not in God's eyes.
Bari andi Ibrahim wa se nin katwarik kidowo awa yitu nin nimon fofigiri, tutun na nbun Kutellẹ ba.
3 However, what does Scripture say? “Abraham trusted God, and so he was considered as being a good person who did right.”
Bari iyanghri uliru Kutellẹ na bellin? “Ibrahim na yinni ni liru Kutellẹ inalẹ wa batuzughne mu feu Kutellẹ.”
4 Whoever works gets paid—it's not considered as a gift, but because they've earned their wages.
Nene urika na adi katwa, na idin batuzughe mun nafo ubollu Kutellẹ ba, ina din batuzughe mu nafo ulẹ na min urẹ.
5 But God, who makes sinners right, considers them as right not because they've worked for it but because they trust in him. This is why
Nani tutun kitin nlẹ na adin suzu katwẹ ba, ame na yinna ni lẹ nadi nutuuzunu nchaut kiti na lẹ na iyiru Kutellẹ ba, uyinnu sa uyenu me ibata nafo feu Kutellẹ.
6 David speaks of the happiness of those whom God considers as right, and not because they worked for it:
Dauda wa belli nmari di litin nit ulẹ na Kutellẹ din batuzu feu mẹ sa katwa.
7 “How happy are those whose wrongs are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
A belle “anan nmareri alẹ na alapi mins ina shawa mun, tutun alẹ na ina tursu nani alapi mine.
8 How happy are those the Lord does not consider sinful.”
Unan nmareri unit urika na chikilari ma batuzu alapi me ba.”
9 Now is this blessing just for the Jews, or is it for others too? We've just stated that Abraham was accepted as good and right because he trusted God.
Nene mọ nmarẹ idin bellu minin kiti nannan bowarẹ sa vat nin nanna salin nbowe wang? Bari tiworo, “uyinnu sa uyenun Ibrahim iwa bataghe mun feu Kutellẹ.”
10 But when did this happen? When Abraham was a Jew or before?
Iyizari iwa nin bata? Kube na Ibrahim wa dinin bowarẹ sa nin salin nbo? Na iwa bataghe mun nan nya nbowari ba, iwa bataghe nan nya salin nbo
11 It was actually before he became a Jew by being circumcised, which was a confirmation of his trust in God to make him right. This happened before he was circumcised, so he is the father of everyone who trusts in God and are considered as right by God, even though they may not be circumcised Jews.
Ibrahim wa seru alama nbowe usoghe utinchara feu Kutellẹ na awadimu adutu sa ubowe, bari anan so uchifin vat n lẹ na iyinna, ko idin nan nya ndirun bowari, inan bata nani feu Kutellẹ.
12 He is also the father of circumcised Jews not merely because they're circumcised, but because they follow the example of the trust in God our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
tutun anan yita uchif nannan dak kitin nbowari machas ba, ndu vat kiti nalẹ na idin chin nabunun inyinnu uyenu inchifbite Ibrahim uyinnu sa uyenu me na awadimun nan nya ndirun nbo.
13 God's promise to Abraham and his descendants that the world would belong to him was not based on his keeping of the law, but because he was made right through his trust in God.
Bari na nan nya sharawari ubellu Kutellẹ wa kulo litin Ibrahime nin nisudume, au ima so anan minu iyii, nan nya nani fiu Kutellẹn iyinnu sa uyenu.
14 For if the promised inheritance is based on keeping the law, then the issue of trusting God is not necessary, and the promise is pointless.
Bari andi alẹ na inuzu, nshara din nan nya nannan serẹ, uyinnu sa uyenu nso hemmari une, tutun ubellu Kutellẹ nnana.
15 For the law results in punishment—but if there's no law then it cannot be broken.
Bari usharawẹ din dasu nin tinanayi, vat nin nani, kitẹ na ushara dukuba, na udirun ndortun nshara duku wang ba.
16 So the promise is based on trusting God. It is provided as a free gift, guaranteed to all the children of Abraham—not merely to those who follow the law, but also to those who trust like Abraham, the father of us all.
Bari nani. libau inyinnu sa uyenuwari, inan so libau nbolu Kutellẹ, bara ubellu me nan yita vat nisudu. Tutun ilẹ isudẹ na imayitu chas kiti nalẹ na iyiru usharawaba, imayitu vat nin na lẹ na idin nuzun yinu sa uyennun Ibrahim
17 As Scripture says, “I've made you the father of many nations.” For in the presence of God, Abraham trusted in the God who makes the dead alive and speaks into existence what didn't previously exist.
(urika na adi uchifbit vat, nafo na ina idi nya niyertẹ, “meng natifi uchif nisudu gbardang”). Amẹ Ibrahim wadi nbun lẹ na awayinin ninghe, Kutellẹri une, urika na adin nizu ulai nalẹ na ikuzu, akuru ayichila ilẹ imon na idiba imone yita.
18 Against all hope Abraham in hope trusted God, so he could become the father of many peoples, just as God had promised him: “This is how many descendants you'll have!”
Vat nin yenju ndas, Ibrahim wayinin nin Kutellẹ iwo aba yitu uchif nisudu gbardang, nafo na iwa bellu “Alelẹ ma yitu isudu fẹ.”
19 His trust in God didn't weaken even though he thought his body was practically dead (he was around a hundred years old), and knew that Sarah was too old to have children.
Na nan nya ndiru nagan inyinnu sa uyenuba, Ibrahim wa yau kidowo me kin kulari-awadi kupo nakus akut likuru, tutun kiti kumatin Saraya wadi kiku kubẹ.
20 He held on to God's promise—he didn't doubt it. Instead his trust in God grew stronger, and he gave glory to God.
Vat nin nani, bara ubellu Kutellẹ, Ibrahim wa daudau nan nya indirun yinnu sa uyenuba, awana kwii agaghari nan nya iyinnu sa uyenu, nin liru Kutellẹ.
21 He was totally convinced that what God had promised he had the power to deliver.
Awaynin vat imon irika na Kutellẹ bellẹ, adinin nagan usuninin.
22 That's why Abraham was considered right by God.
Bara nani iwakuru ibatizaghe mun nafo fiu Kutellẹ.
23 The words “Abraham was considered right” weren't just written down for his benefit.
Nene na iwa su iyertẹ nwọ ibatizaghe mugha usame nimon ichineba,
24 They were for us too, those of us who will be considered as right, since we trust in God who raised our Lord Jesus from the dead.
Vat nin gherik wang, nya narika na ima batuzu, arikẹ na tiyina nin lẹ na a fiya Yisa chikilaribit nan nya kul.
25 Jesus was handed over to die because of our sins, and was raised to life to make us right.
Yisa dana iwa nakpaghe bara alapi ikuru ifiyghe bari akusu ari.

< Romans 4 >