< Romans 12 >

1 So I encourage you, my brothers and sisters, because of God's compassion for you, to dedicate your bodies as a living offering that is holy and pleasing to God. This is the logical way to worship.
Mwi evalunkidwangwa, niekhuvadova, khukhisa ikya Nguluve, muhumyie eimivieli gyienyo yieve nekhelo ienyumi, imbalanche, iyienoghelanile pamiho agha Nguluve. Ulwa lwu lyesayo lyenyo ulunonu.
2 Don't follow the ways of this world; instead be transformed by the spiritual renewal of your mind so you can demonstrate what God's will really is—good, pleasing, and perfect. (aiōn g165)
Mlakhikhonga ikheilunga eikhi, musyetukhe ukhuva vapya vamusango ghienyo. Muyiemanye eilweli iyalugano ulwa Nguluve uluunonu, ulunoghelaniele nukhwidihana. (aiōn g165)
3 Let me explain to all of you, through the grace given to me, that no one should think of themselves better than they ought to. You should think about yourselves realistically, according to the degree of trust God has shared with you.
Ulwa khuva ulusayo uluniekhaviele nikhumbula khila munu uvyaliekhulyumwe alekhage ukhunchova amavaha aghalutilile nduvugakhanughiwagwa, avinchage nukhwilola nukhuduga, nduvu uNguluve aghavile khila munu eikhighavilo lyueidikho.
4 Just as there are many parts to the body, but they don't all do the same thing,
Nduvuwu umbieli ghumu ghuliniefi ifilungielo fingi, ifilunghili ifi safiliene imbombo yeimo.
5 so we are one body in Christ, even though we are many—and we all belong to one another.
Nayufye tulievinigi, tulie umbieli ghumo mwa Klisiti, na yufwe khila munu alienikhilungielo ikya mwene khunine.
6 We each have different gifts that vary according to the grace given to us. So if it's speaking for God, then you should do so depending on how much you trust in God.
Tulinifikhungielwa ifisafi hwanine khiela munu ukhukhongana nulusayo ulutukhavile.
7 If it's the ministry of service then you should serve; if teaching then you should teach;
Tungave mukhutangiela tutangielage, avanyakhumanyisya vamanyisyaghe.
8 if encouragement then you should encourage; if giving then you should give generously; if leadership then you should lead with commitment; if being merciful then you should do so gladly.
Unya khuvunga, avungaghe, unyanumbula ienonu avombaghe khunumbula, uvilongoncha alongonchaghe na makha, unyakhisa avoneisyaghe ulukheghelo.
9 Love must be genuine. Hate what is evil; hold on tightly to what is good.
Ulughano lulekhaghe ukhuva lwa vudetelenchi; uliekhalalielaghe ielivivi, wibatieliele eilinonu.
10 Be completely dedicated to each other in your love as family; value others more than yourselves.
Muughananage yumwe khulughano ulwa khilukholo. Khulughano muvalongonchaghe ava yienyo.
11 Don't be unwilling to work hard; serve the Lord with an enthusiastic spirit.
Mlekhaghe ukhuva voolo, muvinchaghe nukwiyumilincha, munumbula vumukhumbombela Untwa.
12 Remain cheerful in the hope you have, put up with the troubles that come, keep on praying.
Khuluhuvielo, muhovokhaghe mumbupala vumupuliekhiela, mukyiesaya, mwieyumilienchage.
13 Share in providing for the needs of God's people, and welcome strangers with hospitality.
Vukhundiwa khuvavalanche vumunkhonga uvudekhedekhe, ukhuvupieliela avagheni mwintangaghe.
14 Bless those who persecute you—bless them, and don't curse them.
Muvasayaghe avikhuvaviphiencha; muvasayaghe mulekhe ukhuva kholola.
15 Be happy with those who are happy; cry with those who are crying.
Muhovokhaghe navihovokha numwe, mulielaghe naviliela numwe.
16 Think about one another. Don't consider yourself more important than others; live humbly. Don't be conceited.
Muphuliehanaghe mutamaghe ndunonchehencho navayienyo. Mlekhaghe ukwieghienia, muvinchage vanu vakhuvatanga avalemilwe. Khange mlekhaghe ukwieghinia ukhuta mukhimanyile khila khinu.
17 Don't pay back anyone evil for evil. Make sure you show everybody that what you're doing is good,
Mulekhaghe ukhung'omba umunu uvuvivi khu khuvuvivi. Muvombaghe inonu pha miho ghavanu voni.
18 and as far as it's up to you, live at peace with everyone.
Ulwa khuva uluvafu ulunghe khulyumwe, muntamaghe nulunonchehencho na vanu voni.
19 My dear friends, don't seek revenge, but leave it to God to execute judgment—as Scripture points out, “‘It's for me to dispense justice, I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
Vaghane, mulekhage ukhuhomba imbivi, hange muhenaghe uluviepho lwa Nguluve. Ulwa khuva liesimbiwe, 'Uluhombo luliepakyanya palyune; Une nielahomba,' inchova Untwa.”
20 If those who hate you are hungry, give them food; if they're thirsty, give them a drink; for by doing so you pile fiery coals on their heads.
“Khumbe unduguu vako angave nienjala undiesye. Angave nikyumiela, inywesye. Ulwa khuva ukhughaha eiwo wiva vukhuntumiela amakhalasiela agha mwoto pantwe pamwene.”
21 Don't be defeated by evil—conquer evil with good.
Vulekhaghe ukhukhutola uvuvivi, humbe vulemwaghe uvuvivi khuvunonu.

< Romans 12 >