< Psalms 50 >

1 A psalm of Asaph. The Lord, the Almighty God, speaks! He summons everyone on earth, from the east to the west.
亞薩的詩。 大能者上帝-耶和華已經發言招呼天下, 從日出之地到日落之處。
2 God shines out of Mount Zion, perfect in beauty.
從全美的錫安中, 上帝已經發光了。
3 Our God arrives, and does not stay quiet. Fire flames before him, burning everything up; a violent storm rages around him.
我們的上帝要來,決不閉口。 有烈火在他面前吞滅; 有暴風在他四圍大颳。
4 He summons the heavens above and the earth to witness the judgment of his people.
他招呼上天下地, 為要審判他的民,
5 “Bring me those who trust in me—those who confirmed the agreement with me through sacrifice.”
說:招聚我的聖民到我這裏來, 就是那些用祭物與我立約的人。
6 The heavens declare his decisions are right, for God himself is the judge. (Selah)
諸天必表明他的公義, 因為上帝是施行審判的。 (細拉)
7 “My people, listen to what I have to say. I am bringing charges against you, Israel. I am God, your God!
我的民哪,你們當聽我的話! 以色列啊,我要勸戒你; 我是上帝,是你的上帝!
8 I'm not complaining about your sacrifices or burnt offerings that you offer all the time.
我並不因你的祭物責備你; 你的燔祭常在我面前。
9 I do not require bulls from your barns or goats from your pens,
我不從你家中取公牛, 也不從你圈內取山羊;
10 for I own all the animals of the forest, and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to me.
因為,樹林中的百獸是我的, 千山上的牲畜也是我的。
11 I know every bird of the mountains; all living things in the fields are mine.
山中的飛鳥,我都知道; 野地的走獸也都屬我。
12 If I were hungry, I wouldn't tell you, for the earth and everything in it are mine.
我若是飢餓,我不用告訴你, 因為世界和其中所充滿的都是我的。
13 Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
我豈吃公牛的肉呢? 我豈喝山羊的血呢?
14 Give an offering of thanks to God; keep the promises you made to the Most High,
你們要以感謝為祭獻與上帝, 又要向至高者還你的願,
15 and call on me when you're in trouble. I will rescue you, and you will thank me.”
並要在患難之日求告我; 我必搭救你,你也要榮耀我。
16 But to the wicked God says, “What's the point of mechanically repeating my laws or making empty promises about obeying the agreement?
但上帝對惡人說:你怎敢傳說我的律例, 口中提到我的約呢?
17 You hate my discipline, and you toss my words away, leaving them behind you.
其實你恨惡管教, 將我的言語丟在背後。
18 When you see people stealing, you admire them; you associate with adulterers.
你見了盜賊就樂意與他同夥, 又與行姦淫的人一同有分。
19 With your mouth you say evil things; you use your tongue to spread lies.
你口任說惡言; 你舌編造詭詐。
20 You sit there and speak against your brother, slandering your own mother's son.
你坐着毀謗你的兄弟, 讒毀你親母的兒子。
21 I kept quiet when you did these things. You thought I was someone just like you. But now I confront you, and bring my charges against you.
你行了這些事,我還閉口不言, 你想我恰和你一樣; 其實我要責備你,將這些事擺在你眼前。
22 Think again, you people who dismiss God, or I will tear you apart, and no-one will be able to save you.
你們忘記上帝的,要思想這事, 免得我把你們撕碎,無人搭救。
23 But those who give an offering of thanks honor me, and to those who follow the right I will show them the salvation of God.”
凡以感謝獻上為祭的便是榮耀我; 那按正路而行的,我必使他得着我的救恩。

< Psalms 50 >