< Psalms 35 >

1 A psalm of David. Oppose my opponents, Lord; fight those who are fighting against me.
AGUAGUATE, O Jeova, ayo y umaguaguaguateyo; mumo yan ayo y amumumujo.
2 Put your armor on, and pick up your shield. Get ready, come and help me.
Mantiene y patang yan guinegüe, ya tojgue para unayudayo.
3 Draw your spear and your javelin, confront those who are chasing me. Tell me, “I am your salvation!”
Ya chule y lansa ya patang y chalan contra ayo y pumetsisigueyo: alog ni antijo: Guajo y satbasionmo.
4 Shame them! Humiliate those who are trying to kill me! Turn them back! Disgrace those who are planning to hurt me!
Polo ya ufanmamajlao, ya ufanquinenfunde y umaliligao y antijo: polo ya ufanalo tate ya ufanmamajlao y jumajaso y taelayejo.
5 Let them be like chaff blown by the wind; let the angel of the Lord drive them away.
Polo sija ya calang y paja gui menan y manglo: ya y angjet Jeova ufanchineneg sija.
6 May their path be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord chasing them down.
Polo y chalanñija ya jomjom yan palagse: ya y angjet Jeova ufanpinetsigue sija.
7 For no reason they set a net to catch me; for no reason they dug a pit to trap me.
Sa sin causa manatog para guajo y lagua gui joyo: ya sin causa manmanguadog joyo para y antijo.
8 Let disaster come on them suddenly; let the net they set catch them instead; let the pit they dug trap them instead.
Polo ya ufato guiya güiya ya yinilang ni ti jatungo: polo ya y lagua ni janaaatog, ucone maesagüe: yan y jalom yinilang nae upodong güe.
9 Then I will be glad in the Lord; I will be happy in his salvation.
Ya umagof y antijo gui as Jeova: ya umagof gui satbasionña.
10 Every part of me will say, Who can compare to you, Lord? You rescue the weak from the strong; the poor and needy from robbers.
Todo y telangjo y ilegñija: Jeova, jaye parejumo? ni unalibre y mamoble gui mas manmetgot qui güiya: magajet na y mamoble yan y mannesesitao, guinin y jachulelejguan?
11 Hostile witnesses stand up to testify against me, accusing me of crimes I don't know anything about.
Mangajulo testigon mandague: ya jafaesenyo ni y ti jutungo.
12 They pay me back with evil instead of good. I feel like giving up.
Manaeyo ni taelaye pot y mauleg, ya manataelaye y antijo.
13 But when they were sick, I put on clothes of sackcloth in sympathy. I denied myself through fasting. May my prayer for them return to bless me too.
Lao guajo anae manmalango sija, magagojo y luto: junatriste y antijo yan umayunat: y tinaetaejo tumalo jalom gui pechoco.
14 I was upset for them, as if they were my own friends or family; I bowed down in grief as if I was mourning my own mother.
Mamomocat yo ya ileleco: Güiya buente y gachongjo, pat y chelujo: ya tumecon yo triste calang uno ni y umuugung pot si nanaña.
15 But when I was in trouble, they gathered around and laughed at me. Even strangers I don't know attacked me, constantly tearing me apart.
Lao anae desgrasiaoyo, sija manmagof ya mandaña: ya y gosnamaase mandaña contra guajo ya guajo ti jutungo: sija matitegyo ya ti manbasta.
16 Like irreligious people mocking a cripple they mock me and call me names, gnashing their teeth at me.
Parejo yan y áplacha na minefea gui fandango, janachéchegcheg y nifenñija guiya guajo.
17 How long, Lord, will you sit by and just watch? Save me from their vicious attacks; defend the only life I have from these lions.
Jeova, asta ngaean nae unatan? nalibre y antijo gui yinilangña, yan y beya y corasonjo gui león.
18 Then I will thank you in front of the whole congregation and praise you in front of all the people.
Junae jao grasias gui dangculon y inetnon taotao: ya jualaba jao gui entalo linajyan taotao.
19 Don't let my enemies take pleasure in my troubles, those people who hate me and tell lies about me, gloating over me for no reason.
Chamo pumopolo na ufanmamagof guiya guajo y enimigujo sin jafa? ni ayo y chumatlieyo sin causa jaachetgue yo nu y atadog.
20 They are not looking for peace; they invent malicious and deceptive schemes against innocent peace-loving people.
Sa ti manguecuentos pas: ya contra y manmanso gui tano jajajaso y finijo dinague.
21 They open their mouths wide to make accusations against me, saying, “Look! Look! We saw it with our own eyes!”
Magajet na jabababa y pachotñija contra guajo; ilegñija: Ja, ja y atadogmameja lumie.
22 But Lord, you've seen all this! Say something! Don't give up on me, Lord!
Unlie este, O Jeova; chamo famatquiquilo: O Jeova, chamo chachago guiya guajo.
23 Wake up! Get up and defend me, my Lord and my God! Take up my case and make sure justice is done!
Jaso ya fagmata para y juisioco; junggan, para y causaco Yuusso yan y Señotto.
24 Vindicate me, my Lord and my God, because you are just and right. Don't let them gloat over me.
Jusgayo taemanoja y tininasmo, O Jeova, Yuusso, ya chamo pumopolo na ufanmamagof guiya guajo.
25 Don't let them say to themselves, “Look! We got what we wanted!” Don't let them say, “We completely destroyed him!”
Chamo pumopolo na ujaalog gui corasonñija: Ja, taegüije manmalagojit; chamo pumopolo na ujaalog: Jita jagas tacalamot güe.
26 Make them totally ashamed, all those who are happy for the trouble I'm in. Let those who are celebrating over me be covered with shame and dishonor.
Polo ya ufanmamajlao ya ufañatsaga ayo sija y manmagof pot y manadañujo: polo ya ufanminagago ni y minamajlao yan y disonra y munadangculo sija contra guajo.
27 Instead let those who are pleased I've been vindicated celebrate and shout for joy. Let them always say, “How great is the Lord! He is happy when his servants live in peace and have what they need.”
Polo ya ufanagang ni minagof ya ufanmagof y gumaeya y tinas na causaco: junggan, polo ya ujaalog siempre: innadangculo si Jeova, ni y yaña na memegae y tentagoña.
28 I will tell others about your character of truth and right, praising you all day long!
Ya y jilajo usangan ni y tininasmo, yan todotdia ni y alabansamo.

< Psalms 35 >