< Psalms 139 >

1 For the music director. A psalm of David. Lord, you have examined me from the inside out—you know everything about me!
Wuta na buku ya mokambi ya bayembi. Nzembo ya Davidi. Yawe, omonaka mozindo ya bomoi na ngai mpe oyebi ngai malamu;
2 You know when I sit down and when I get up. You know what I'm thinking even when I'm a long way away.
oyebi tango navandaka mpe tango natelemaka. Liboso na ngai kokanisa, ososolaka mabongisi na ngai;
3 You observe where I go and when I rest. You're familiar with everything I do.
omonaka tango natambolaka mpe tango nalalaka, oyebi mozindo ya banzela na ngai nyonso.
4 Lord, you even know what I'm going to say before I say it.
Pamba te, oh Yawe, liboso ete liloba ekoma na lolemo na ngai, omiyebelaka yango.
5 You're always there—behind me, in front of me, and all around me. You place your caring hand on me.
Ozali pene ngai, na liboso mpe na sima, mpe osimbi ngai na loboko na Yo.
6 This amazing knowledge you have is far beyond me, way beyond my understanding!
Solo, boyebi oyo ya kokamwa elekelaka ngai, ezali likolo makasi, nakoki kososola yango te.
7 Where can I go that you're not already there? Where can I run to escape your presence?
Nakende wapi mpo na kokima Molimo na Yo? Nakima wapi mpo na kozala mosika na Yo?
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I lie down in Sheol, look—you are there too! (Sheol h7585)
Soki namati na likolo, ozali kuna; soki nakeyi na mboka ya bakufi, ozali lisusu kuna. (Sheol h7585)
9 If I were to fly away on wings of the dawn to the east; if I were to live on the far western shore of the sea,
Soki nazwi mapapu ya lipekapeka mpo na kokende kovanda mosika ya ebale monene,
10 even there your hand would lead me, your right hand would support me.
kuna mpe loboko na Yo ekotambolisa ngai, loboko na Yo ya mobali ekosimba ngai makasi.
11 If I asked the darkness to hide me, and light to become night around me,
Soki nalobi: « Tembe te, molili ekobomba ngai penza; tika ete pole ekoma butu zingazinga na ngai! »
12 Even darkness would not be dark for you, and the night would be bright as day, for darkness is like light to you.
Epai na Yo, butu ezalaka molili te, butu ezalaka na pole lokola moyi, pole mpe molili ezali ndenge moko.
13 You made me from the inside out, shaping me in my mother's womb.
Ezali Yo nde okelaki mozindo ya bomoto na ngai, obombaki ngai kati na libumu ya mama na ngai.
14 I praise you for making me in such an awesome and wonderful way. What you do is incredible—I realize this completely!
Nasanzolaka Yo, pamba te osala ngai kitoko makasi. Misala na Yo ezali ya kokamwa; ngai, nayebi yango malamu.
15 My growing body was not hidden from you as I was formed in secret, as I was intricately put together “in the depths of the earth.”
Na miso na Yo, nzoto na ngai ezalaki ya kobombama te tango osalaki ngai na esika ebombama, tango otongaki ngai kati na mozindo ya mabele.
16 You saw me as an embryo, and in your book all my days were written down—the days that were made for me before any of them existed.
Tango nazalaki nanu na lolenge te, ozalaki komona ngai; mpe omikomelaki kati na buku na Yo mikolo nyonso oyo obongisaki mpo na bomoi na ngai liboso ete moko te kati na yango ezala.
17 God, your thoughts are so valuable to me! Taken together, they can't be counted!
Oh Nzambe, tala ndenge ezali pasi mpo na ngai kososola makanisi na Yo! Tala ndenge motango na yango ezali ebele!
18 If I tried to count them, they would be more than every grain of sand. Yet when I awake I am still with you.
Nameki kotanga yango, ezali ebele koleka motango ya bambuma ya zelo. Nalamuki, nazali kaka elongo na Yo.
19 God, if you would only kill the wicked! Murderers, get away from me!
Oh Nzambe, soki kaka ozalaki na Yo koboma moto mabe! Bino basopi makila ya bato, bokende mosika na ngai!
20 When they speak of you they're being deceptively evil. Since they are your enemies, they call on you in vain.
Bayini na Yo basalelaka Kombo na Yo mpo na kosala mabongisi ya mabe, batangaka Kombo na Yo mpo na kokosa.
21 Lord, don't I hate those who hate you? I despise those who rebel against you!
Yawe, ndenge nini nayina te banguna na Yo, ndenge nini nayoka batelemeli na Yo nkele te?
22 I hate them with absolute hatred—they have become my enemies!
Nayinaka bango makasi; nazwaka bango lokola banguna na ngai.
23 Examine me carefully, God, so you can be sure of my true feelings. Check me out so you can know what I really think.
Oh Nzambe, kundola mpe yeba mozindo ya motema na ngai, meka ngai mpe yeba makambo oyo ezali kotungisa ngai!
24 Please show me if I'm following any kind of idol, and lead me along the path of eternal life.
Tala soki nazali kotambola na nzela mabe mpe tambolisa ngai na nzela ya tango nyonso!

< Psalms 139 >