< Proverbs 30 >

1 These are the words of Agur, son of Jakeh. An oracle. This is what the man says, God, I'm really tired, I'm worn out.
Amazwi kaAguri indodana kaJake umMasa. Umuntu wathi kuIthiyeli, kuIthiyeli loUkhali:
2 I'm so stupid I'm not really a man; I can't even think like a human being.
Isibili, ngiyisithutha kulomuntu, kangilakuqedisisa komuntu.
3 I have not learned wisdom; I have no knowledge of the Holy One.
Kangifundanga inhlakanipho, kangilwazi ulwazi lwabangcwele.
4 Who has gone up to heaven, and come down? Who holds the winds in the palm of his hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak? Who has set the earth's boundaries? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Are you sure you don't know?
Ngubani owenyukela emazulwini njalo wehla? Ngubani oqoqe wafumbatha umoya ezandleni zakhe? Ngubani ogoqele amanzi esembathweni? Ngubani omise yonke imikhawulo yomhlaba? Lingubani ibizo lakhe, lebizo lendodana yakhe lingubani, uba usazi?
5 Every word God says has been proved true. He defends everyone who comes to him for protection.
Lonke ilizwi likaNkulunkulu licwengekile; uyisihlangu kwabaphephela kuye.
6 Don't add anything to his words, or he will criticize you and you'll be shown to be a liar.
Ungengezeleli emazwini akhe, hlezi akukhuze, utholwe ungumqambimanga.
7 God, I want to request two things from you. Please don't refuse to let me have them before I come to die.
Zimbili izinto engizicele kuwe; ungangigodleli zona ngingakafi.
8 Keep me from being false, help me not to tell lies. Don't make me poor or rich; just provide me with the food I need.
Susa khatshana lami ize lamazwi amanga; ungangiphi ubuyanga loba inotho; ungiphe ukudla kwesabelo sami.
9 Otherwise if I have plenty of money, I may give up on you, saying, “Who is the Lord?” while if I'm poor I may steal and bring the name of my God into disrepute.
Hlezi ngisuthe, ngikuphike ngithi: Ngubani iNkosi? Kumbe hlezi ngibe ngumyanga, ngintshontshe, ngithathe ngeze ibizo likaNkulunkulu wami.
10 Don't slander a servant to his master, or he will curse you and you'll suffer for it.
Ungahlebi inceku enkosini yayo, hlezi ikuthuke, ube lecala.
11 There are some who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers.
Kulesizukulwana esithuka uyise, esingabusisi unina;
12 There are some who see themselves as pure but they're still filthy—they have not been washed.
isizukulwana esihlambulukileyo emehlweni aso, kodwa esingahlanjululwanga engcekezeni yaso;
13 There are some who think themselves so high and mighty, and who look down on others.
isizukulwana omehlo aso aphakeme kangaka, lenkophe zaso ziphakanyisiwe;
14 There are some who have teeth like swords, incisors like knives, ready to devour the poor from the earth, the needy from society.
isizukulwana omazinyo aso zinkemba, lesimazinyo aso omhlathi zingqamu, zokudla abayanga emhlabeni, labaswelayo ebantwini.
15 The leech has two daughters who cry out, “Give me! Give me!” There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, “Enough!”:
Umkhaza ulamadodakazi amabili athi: Phana, phana; lezizontathu kazisuthi; ezine kazitsho ukuthi: Kwanele.
16 The grave, the womb that doesn't become pregnant, the earth thirsty for water, and the fire that never says, “Enough!” (Sheol h7585)
Ingcwaba, lesizalo esiyinyumba, umhlaba ongasuthi amanzi, lomlilo ongathi: Kwanele. (Sheol h7585)
17 People who ridicule their fathers and despise obedience to the mother will have their eyes pecked out by wild ravens and eaten by young vultures.
Ilihlo eliklolodela uyise, lelidelela ukulalela unina, amawabayi esihotsha azalikopola, labantwana bamanqe bazalidla.
18 These three things are amazingly hard for me, four things I just can't understand:
Lezizinto ezintathu ziyisimangaliso esikhulu kimi, yebo, ezine engingazaziyo:
19 The way an eagle soars in the sky, the way a snake slides over a rock, the way a ship sails across the sea, the way a man and a woman fall in love.
Indlela yokhozi emazulwini, indlela yenyoka edwaleni, indlela yomkhumbi enhliziyweni yolwandle, lendlela yejaha entombini.
20 This is the way of a woman who commits adultery: she eats, she wipes her mouth, and then says, “I haven't done anything wrong!”
Injalo indlela yowesifazana oliwule; udla, esule umlomo wakhe, athi: Kangenzanga isiphambeko.
21 Three things make the earth tremble, there are four things it can't support:
Ngenxa yezinto ezintathu umhlaba uyazamazama, yebo, ngenxa yezine ongezithwale:
22 a slave becoming a king, a stupid person eating like a pig,
Ngenxa yesigqili nxa sibusa, lesithutha nxa sisuthi ukudla,
23 an unbearable woman getting married, and a maidservant taking her mistress's place.
ngenxa yesaliwakazi nxa sendile, lencekukazi nxa iyindlalifa yenkosikazi yayo.
24 There are four things on earth that are small, but very wise:
Lezi ezine zingezincinyane zomhlaba, kanti zihlakaniphile zenziwe zihlakaniphe:
25 Ants—they're not strong, but they work hard all summer storing up food.
Ubunyonyo buyisizwe esingelamandla, kanti bulungisa ukudla kwabo ehlobo.
26 Hyraxes—they don't have much power, but they make their homes in the rock.
Imbila ziyisizwe esingelamandla, kanti zimisa indlu yazo edwaleni.
27 Locusts—they don't have a king, but they all march in line abreast.
Intethe kazilankosi, kanti zonke ziphuma zehlukene ngamaviyo.
28 Lizards—you can catch them in your hands, but they live in the king's palace.
Umbankwa ubambelela ngezandla ezimbili, njalo usezigodlweni zenkosi.
29 There are three things that are glorious to watch as they walk, four that look dignified as they move:
Lezi ezintathu zinyathela kuhle, yebo, ezine zihamba kuhle:
30 The lion, supreme among wild animals, who isn't frightened of anything.
Isilwane esilamandla phakathi kwenyamazana, esingeyikubuyela emuva ngenxa yobuso loba ngobukabani;
31 The strutting starling, the male goat, and a king with his army.
inja ebhince okhalweni, kumbe impongo; lenkosi ileviyo lamabutho.
32 If you have been foolishly boasting about yourself, or if you've been planning to do something wrong, stop and put your hand over your mouth.
Uba ube yisithutha ngokuziphakamisa, njalo uba ucebe okubi, beka isandla emlonyeni.
33 Just as churning milk produces butter, and twisting someone's nose makes it bleed, so stirring up anger causes arguments.
Ngoba ukuphehlwa kochago kuveza iphehla, lokucindezelwa kwempumulo kuveza igazi, lokucindezelwa kwentukuthelo kuveza ingxabano.

< Proverbs 30 >