< Proverbs 10 >

1 Solomon's proverbs. A wise son makes his father happy, but a stupid son only brings his mother grief.
所羅門的箴言: 智慧之子使父親歡樂; 愚昧之子叫母親擔憂。
2 Wealth gained through evil does you no good; but living right saves you from death.
不義之財毫無益處; 惟有公義能救人脫離死亡。
3 The Lord doesn't let good people go hungry, but he stops the wicked from getting what they want.
耶和華不使義人受飢餓; 惡人所欲的,他必推開。
4 Lazy hands make you poor, but hard-working hands make you rich.
手懶的,要受貧窮; 手勤的,卻要富足。
5 A son who gathers crops during the summer is sensible, but the one who sleeps during harvest brings disgrace.
夏天聚斂的,是智慧之子; 收割時沉睡的,是貽羞之子。
6 Those who are good are blessed, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
福祉臨到義人的頭; 強暴蒙蔽惡人的口。
7 The good are remembered as a blessing, but the reputation of the wicked will rot.
義人的紀念被稱讚; 惡人的名字必朽爛。
8 Those who think wisely pay attention to instruction, but a stupid chatterbox ends up in disaster.
心中智慧的,必受命令; 口裏愚妄的,必致傾倒。
9 Honest people will live in safety, but those who behave deceitfully will be caught out.
行正直路的,步步安穩; 走彎曲道的,必致敗露。
10 People who wink slyly cause trouble, but someone who gives a strong rebuke brings peace.
以眼傳神的,使人憂患; 口裏愚妄的,必致傾倒。
11 What good people say is a spring that gives life, but what the wicked say hides their violent nature.
義人的口是生命的泉源; 強暴蒙蔽惡人的口。
12 Hatred causes conflict, but love covers all wrongs.
恨能挑啟爭端; 愛能遮掩一切過錯。
13 Wisdom comes from people with good judgment, but stupid people are punished with a rod.
明哲人嘴裏有智慧; 無知人背上受刑杖。
14 Wise people accumulate knowledge, but the chattering of stupid people is a prelude to disaster.
智慧人積存知識; 愚妄人的口速致敗壞。
15 The wealth of the rich provides them protection, while the poverty of the poor ruins them.
富戶的財物是他的堅城; 窮人的貧乏是他的敗壞。
16 If you do right you're rewarded with life, but if you're wicked all you gain is sin.
義人的勤勞致生; 惡人的進項致死。
17 If you accept instruction, you're on the path to life, but if you reject correction you'll go astray.
謹守訓誨的,乃在生命的道上; 違棄責備的,便失迷了路。
18 Anyone who hides their hatred is lying, and anyone who spreads slander is stupid.
隱藏怨恨的,有說謊的嘴; 口出讒謗的,是愚妄的人。
19 If you talk too much, you'll say something wrong. Be wise and take care what you say.
多言多語難免有過; 禁止嘴唇是有智慧。
20 What good people say is like the best silver, but the mind of the wicked isn't worth much.
義人的舌乃似高銀; 惡人的心所值無幾。
21 Advice from good people helps feed many others, but stupid people die because they have no sense.
義人的口教養多人; 愚昧人因無知而死亡。
22 The Lord's blessing makes you rich, and he doesn't add any sadness to accompany it.
耶和華所賜的福使人富足, 並不加上憂慮。
23 Stupid people think it's fun to do wrong, but someone who has wisdom understands what's right.
愚妄人以行惡為戲耍; 明哲人卻以智慧為樂。
24 What the wicked fear will happen to them, while what good people hope for will be granted.
惡人所怕的,必臨到他; 義人所願的,必蒙應允。
25 When the storm hits, the wicked are no more, but the good are safe and secure forever.
暴風一過,惡人歸於無有; 義人的根基卻是永久。
26 In the same way vinegar irritates the teeth and smoke irritates the eyes, lazy people irritate their employers.
懶惰人叫差他的人 如醋倒牙,如煙薰目。
27 Honoring the Lord makes your life longer, but the years the wicked live will be cut short.
敬畏耶和華使人日子加多; 但惡人的年歲必被減少。
28 Good people look forward to happiness, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.
義人的盼望必得喜樂; 惡人的指望必致滅沒。
29 The way of the Lord protects those who do right, but he destroys those who do evil.
耶和華的道是正直人的保障, 卻成了作孽人的敗壞。
30 The good will never be removed from the land, but the wicked will not remain there.
義人永不挪移; 惡人不得住在地上。
31 What good people say produces wisdom, but liars will have their tongues cut out.
義人的口滋生智慧; 乖謬的舌必被割斷。
32 Good people know the right thing to say, but the wicked always lie.
義人的嘴能令人喜悅; 惡人的口說乖謬的話。

< Proverbs 10 >