< Nehemiah 10 >

1 The document was sealed by: Nehemiah the governor, son of Hacaliah.
Un uz tā apzieģelētā stāvēja: Nehemija, tas zemes soģis, Hakalijas dēls, un Cedeķija,
2 Zedekiah, Seraiah, Azariah, Jeremiah,
Seraja, Azarija, Jeremija,
3 Pashhur, Amariah, Malchijah,
Pašhurs, Amarija, Malhija,
4 Hattush, Shebaniah, Malluch,
Hatus, Šebanija, Maluks,
5 Harim, Meremoth, Obadiah,
Harims, Merimots, Obadija,
6 Daniel, Ginnethon, Baruch,
Daniēls, Ģintuns, Bāruks,
7 Meshullam, Abijah, Mijamin,
Mešulams, Abija, Mejamins,
8 Maaziah, Bilgai, and Shemaiah. These were the priests.
Maāzgus, Bilgajus, Šemaja: šie bija priesteri.
9 The Levites: Jeshua, son of Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of Henadad, Kadmiel,
Un leviti: Ješuūs, Azanijas dēls, Binujus no EnHadada bērniem, Kadmiēls,
10 and these other Levites: Shebaniah, Hodiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,
Un viņu brāļi Šebanija, Hodija, Kelitus, Pelaja, Hanans,
11 Mica, Rehob, Hashabiah,
Miha, Reūbs, Hašabija,
12 Zaccur, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,
Zakurs, Šerebija. Šebanija,
13 Hodiah, Bani, and Beninu.
Hodija, Banus, Beninus.
14 The leaders of the people: Parosh, Pahath-moab, Elam, Zattu, Bani,
Tie ļaužu virsnieki: Pareūs, PaātMoabs, Elams, Zatus, Banus.
15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai,
Bunus, Azgads, Bebajus.
16 Adonijah, Bigvai, Adin,
Adonija, Bigvājus, Adins,
17 Ater, Hezekiah, Azzur,
Aters, Hizkija, Azurs,
18 Hodiah, Hashum, Bezai,
Hodija, Hašums, Becajus,
19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai,
Harips, Anatots, Nebajus,
20 Magpiash, Meshullam, Hezir,
Magpijas, Mešulams, Hezirs,
21 Meshezabel, Zadok, Jaddua,
Mešezabeēls, Cadoks, Jaduūs,
22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,
Platija, Hanans, Anaja,
23 Hoshea, Hananiah, Hasshub,
Hošeja, Hananija, Hašubs,
24 Hallohesh, Pilha, Shobek,
Haloūs, Pilka, Šobeks,
25 Rehum, Hashabnah, Maaseiah,
Rehums, Hašabnus, Maāseja.
26 Ahiah, Hanan, Anan,
Un Ahija, Hanans, Anans,
27 Malluch, Harim, and Baanah.
Maluks, Harims, Baēnus.
28 The rest of the people, including the priests, Levites, gatekeepers, singers, and Temple servants, and everyone who had separated themselves from the people of the land to keep the Law of God, as well as their wives and all their sons and daughters who were old enough to understand,
Un tie citi ļaudis, priesteri, leviti, vārtu sargi, dziedātāji, Dieva nama kalpotāji un visi, kas bija atšķīrušies no tiem pagāniem tanīs zemēs uz Dieva bauslības pusi, viņu dēli un viņu meitas, visi prātīgie un mācītie ļaudis,
29 joined the leaders in swearing an oath to follow the Law of God given through Moses the servant of God, to pay attention to and carry out all the commands of the Lord our God, his rules and regulations.
Šie turējās pie saviem brāļiem, tiem virsniekiem, un svēti apsolījās un zvērēja, staigāt Dieva bauslībā, kas caur Mozu, Dieva kalpu, dota, un turēt un darīt Tā Kunga, mūsu Dieva, baušļus un Viņa tiesas un Viņa likumus.
30 “We promise not to allow our daughters to marry the people of the land, and not to allow our sons to marry their daughters.
Un ka mēs negribam dot savas meitas tiem zemes ļaudīm, nedz ņemt viņu meitas saviem dēliem.
31 When the people of the land bring goods and all kinds of food to sell on the holy Sabbath, we will not buy anything from them on the Sabbath or on other holy days. Every seventh year we will leave the land to rest, and we will cancel all debts.
Un kad tie zemes ļaudis preces un visādu labību atvedīs svētā dienā pārdot, ka mēs no tiem negribam ņemt svētā dienā vai kādos citos svētkos, un ka mēs septīto gadu gribam turēt par vaļas gadu un atlaist visādu nastu.
32 We accept the obligation to pay one third of a shekel for the operation of the Temple of God,
Un tad mēs iecēlām sev bausli, ka ik gadus gribam dot viena sēķeļa trešo daļu sava Dieva nama kalpošanai,
33 for the showbread, for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings, for the Sabbath offerings, for the new moon and yearly festivals, for the holy offerings, for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, in short all that takes place in the Temple of our God.
Tām priekšliekamām maizēm un tam nemitējamam ēdamam upurim un tam nemitējamam dedzināmam upurim svētdienās, jaunos mēnešos un svētkos, tām svētām dāvanām un tiem grēku upuriem, Israēli salīdzināt, un visiem darbiem mūsu Dieva namā.
34 We have allocated by lot among the priests, Levites, and the people, to determine who will bring wood to the Temple of our God to burn on the altar of the Lord our God at specific times during the year, as required by the Law.
Un mēs, priesteri, leviti un tie ļaudis metām meslus par malkas došanu, kas bija pievedama pie mūsu Dieva nama, pēc mūsu tēvu namiem ik gadus savā laikā, dedzināt uz Tā Kunga, mūsu Dieva, altāra, kā tas bauslībā rakstīts;
35 We also promise to bring the first part of the produce from our fields and from every fruit tree to the Lord's Temple every year.
Un ka arī savas zemes pirmajus un visu augļu pirmajus no visādiem kokiem gribam ik gadus nest uz Tā Kunga namu,
36 We will bring the firstborn of our sons and of our livestock and of our herds and flocks to the Temple of our God, to the priests who minister there, as required by the Law.
Un savus pirmdzimušos dēlus un lopus, tā kā tas bauslībā rakstīts; un ka mēs savus pirmdzimušos vēršus un sīkos lopus gribam novest uz sava Dieva namu tiem priesteriem, kas mūsu Dieva namā kalpo;
37 We will bring to the storerooms of the Temple of our God, to the priests, the first part of our coarse-ground flour, of our grain offerings, of the fruit of all our trees, and of our new wine and olive oil. We will also bring a tithe of our produce to the Levites, for the Levites are the ones who collect the tithes in all the farming towns.
Un ka tos pirmajus no savas mīklas un no saviem cilājamiem upuriem un visādu koku augļus, vīnu un eļļu gribam nest tiem priesteriem sava Dieva nama kambaros, un desmito tiesu no savas zemes tiem levitiem, un ka šie leviti to desmito tiesu dabū visās pilsētās, kur zemi kopjam.
38 A priest descended from Aaron will accompany the Levites when they collect the tithe, and the Levites are to bring a tithe of these tithes to the rooms of the storehouse in the Temple of our God.
Un ka priesterim no Ārona bērniem būs būt pie tiem levitiem, kad leviti to desmito tiesu dabū, un levitiem būs to desmito tiesu no (saviem) desmitiem nest augšām mūsu Dieva nama mantu kambaros.
39 The people of Israel and the Levites are to bring the offerings of grain, new wine, and olive oil to the storerooms where the sanctuary objects are kept, where the ministering priests, the gatekeepers, and the singers are. We will not forget the Temple of our God.”
Jo Israēla bērniem un Levja bērniem cilājamo upuri, labību, vīnu un eļļu būs nest tanīs kambaros, kur arī svētās vietas trauki ir un tie priesteri, kas tur kalpo, un vārtu sargi un dziedātāji, ka mēs sava Dieva nama neatstājam.

< Nehemiah 10 >