< Luke 5 >

1 One day, as Jesus was standing beside the Sea of Galilee, people crowded around him to hear the word of God.
Linu chikwa chitahala, Mukuti vantu vava kungeene kuzimbuluka Jesu ni kutekeleza linzwi lye Ireza, mi avali kuzimene he iyambezi lya Geneserate.
2 Jesus noticed two boats lying on the shore, left there by fishermen who were washing their nets.
Chavona mato ovele ni avakwitilwe he rizo lye iyambezi. bayambi civava kuzwile mwa teni mi vava kwete kushanza tunyandi twavo.
3 Jesus got into a boat, the one that belonged to Simon, and asked him to push it out into the water, just offshore. Then Jesus sat down in the boat and taught the people from there.
Jesu chechira muvumwi bwato, vuvali bwa Simone, chamucho kuti avusikule chivakazana kuzwa ha hamutunda. Chekala hansi ni ku luta vantu nena mubwato.
4 After he'd finished speaking, he told Simon, “Go out into deeper water, and let down your nets for a catch.”
Hamana kuwamba, cha wamba kwa Simone, “Twale bwato mumenzi male mi musohele tunyandi muchese.”
5 “Lord, we worked hard all night, and didn't catch anything. But if you say so, I'll let down the nets,” Simon replied.
Simone chetaba ni kucho “Simwine twatenda masiku onse, kakwina chitwa chesa, kono cha linzwi lyako, munisohele tunyandi.”
6 Having done this, a large shoal of fish filled the nets full to breaking point.
Hava chita bulyo, chiva kunganya impalo ingi ye nswi, mane tunyandi twavo tuva kuhaloka.
7 They waved to their partners in the other boat, asking them to come over and help. The others came over and together they filled both of the boats with fish. The boats were so full that they began to sink.
chibawambila ba mwavo mubwato bumwi kuti beze zeba vava tuse. Chiveza ni kwizuza mato onse ovele, linu niva tanga kumina.
8 When Simon Peter saw what had happened, he dropped to his knees before Jesus. “Lord, please stay away from me, for I am a sinful man!” he exclaimed.
Kono Simone Pitorosi, havona vulyo, cha wa cha mazwi a Jesu chati, “Zwe kwangu kakuti ni muntu ni muvi, Simwine.”
9 For he and everybody with him were completely amazed by the catch of fish that they had landed.
Kakuti avakomoketwe, mane nivonse vavali kwina naye, haku cheswa kwe nswi zivava hindi.
10 James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners, felt the same way. “Don't be afraid,” Jesus told Simon. “From now on you'll be fishing for people!”
Aha kuva kwina Jakovo ni Johani, vavali vaanaswisu va Zevedia vavali kusevelisana ni Simone. Mi Jesu chati kwa Simone “Kanji utiyi, kakuti kuzwa hanu mo mochese vantu.”
11 So they dragged the boats onto the shore, left everything, and followed Jesus.
Haba leta mato avo hansi, civa siya zintu zonse niku mwi chilila.
12 Once when Jesus was visiting one of the towns, he met a man there who had a very bad case of leprosy. The man fell with his face to the ground and begged Jesus, “Please Lord, if you're willing, you can make me clean.”
Hakuva kuti avali kwina imwi toropo, mukwame yabezwile vutuku bwe mbingwa mwavena. Havona Jesu, cha wa cha chifateho ni ku mukumbila, nacho, “Simwine, haiva usaka uwola kuni joloza.”
13 Jesus reached out and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy disappeared.
mi Jesu cha wolola iyanza lyakwe nikumu kwata, nawamba, “Nisaka jolole.” mi haho bulyo imbingwa yakwe chiya zwa kwali.
14 “Say nothing to anyone,” Jesus instructed him. “Go and show yourself to the priest and make the ceremonial offerings as required by the law of Moses as proof that you've been healed.”
Cha mulaela kuti sanzi awambili muntu, kono cha mucho kuti, “Liyendeze, mi ukalivonahaze kuba purisita mi ukatambike chitabelo cha ku jolozwa kwako, kuya ke taelo ya Mushe, ive vushupi kubali.”
15 Yet the news about Jesus spread more and more. Large crowds came to hear Jesus and to be healed from their diseases.
Kono ikande liamana naye chi lya yenda iñuwa, mi vungi bwa vantu chiva keza hamwina kwiza kumuzuwa na luta, mane nikuhozwa matuku abo.
16 But Jesus often used to retreat to quiet places and pray.
Kono inako ni inako cha zwa nikuya muzivaka zili mumatongo nikuka lapela.
17 One day when Jesus was teaching, the Pharisees and religious teachers who had come from all over Galilee, Judea, and Jerusalem were sitting there. The power of the Lord to heal was with him so he could heal.
Chikwa sika limwi zuva mwawo mazuva lyava kwete kuluta, mi kuvali kwina Mafarisi ni valuti va mulao vavali kwi kele mwateni kuzwila muminzi mingi ichinchana muzikiliti za Galileya ni Judeya, mane ni mwi tolopo ya Jerusalema. Ziho za Simwine zivali kwina naye za kuhoza.
18 Some men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They tried to take him in and lay him in front of Jesus.
Lyahanu vamwi vakwame chivakeza, vavali kuhindite muntu yo lwala vutuku bwaku zuminina ha vulo, vavali kusaka mahitilo a kumwinjilika mukati ni kuka mulalika havusu bwa Jesu.
19 But they couldn't find any way through the crowd, so they went up on the roof and made a hole in the roof tiles. Then they lowered the man down on the mat, right into the crowd in front of Jesus.
Kana vavali kuwola kuwana mahitilo o kumwinjilika mukati chevaka lya vantu vangi, linu chiva ya hewulu lya chituwa ni ku sezumwina mukwame hateni, havulo bwakwe, mukati ka vantu, hene havusu bwa Jesu.
20 When Jesus saw the trust they had in him, he said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Chakuvona kuzumina kwavo, Jesu chati, “mukwame, zivi zako chiza swalelwa we.”
21 The religious teachers and the Pharisees began to argue with that. “Who is this who's speaking blasphemies?” they asked. “Who can forgive sins? Only God can do that!”
Va ñoli ni ma Farisi chivatanga kuli vuza ichi, nivati, “Njeni uzu yo wamba cha kunyansiliza? Njeni yowola kuswalela vuvi konji Ireza yeyena?”
22 Jesus knew what they were arguing about, so he asked them, “Why are you thinking to question this?
Kono Jesu, chalemuha zivavali kuhupula, chetava nikuwamba kuvali, “Chinzi hamukwete kuli vuza vulyo mwinkulo zenu,
23 What is easier? To say your sins are forgiven, or to say get up and walk?
Njechihi chihuva kukuwamba, 'Zibi zako chiza swalelwa,' nikuta kuti 'zimane uyende?'
24 However, I will prove to you that the Son of man has the authority here on earth to forgive sins.” Then he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you: Get up, pick up your mat, and go home.”
Kono kuti mwizive kuti Mwana Muntu wina inkamaiso zakuswalela zivi hansi, Ni wamba kwako, zimane, 'Hinde vulo bwako mi uyende kwinzuvo yako.'”
25 Immediately the man stood up in front of them. He picked up the mat he'd been lying on, and went home, praising God as he went.
Haho vulyo cha zimana havusu bwavo ni kunyemuna vulo hava lele. Chavola kwinzuvo yakwe, nakavu kuchenchelela Ireza.
26 Everyone was completely astonished at what had happened, and in great awe they praised God, saying, “What we saw today was amazing!”
Vonse vavakomoketwe niku chenchelela Ireza. Vave zwile kutiya, ni vati “Twavona zintu zihitilize sunu.”
27 Later, as Jesus was leaving the town, he saw a tax collector called Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus told him.
Hakumana kupangahala izi zintu, Jesu cha zwa mwateni umo mi avavoni Mutelisi we zina lya Levi nekele mwi tente lya kutambwila mitelo. Chamuta kuti, “Ni chilile.”
28 Levi stood up, left everything, and followed Jesus.
Linu Levi cha zimana ni kumwi chilila, kusiya zintu zonse kuma sule.
29 Levi organized a large banquet at his home in Jesus' honor. Many tax collectors and others were in the crowd that sat down to eat with them. But the Pharisees and the religious teachers complained to Jesus' disciples, asking,
Linu Levi cha ha Jesu zilyo zingi munzuvo yakwe. Muvali kwina vatelisi vangi mwateni ni vantu vamwi vavali shamine he ntafule mi niva kwete kulya navo.
30 “Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?”
Kono Vafarisi ni va ñoli vavo vavakwete kuvilela kuvalutwana vakwe, “chivati, Chinzi hamulya ni kunywa niva telisi niva vantu vachita vuvi?”
31 “Healthy people don't need a doctor—but sick people do,” Jesus replied.
Jesu cha vetava, “Vantu vasa lwali kavasaki musiliki, konji balwala nji musaka.
32 “I didn't come to call those who are living right to repentance—I came to call sinners.”
Kena nivakezili kusumpa vantu vashiyeme kuku vaka, kono kusumpa vachita zivi ku ku vaka.
33 “Well, John's disciples often fast and pray, and the Pharisees' disciples do so as well. But your disciples don't—they go on eating and drinking,” they told him.
Chivawamba kwali, “inako ni nako, valutwana va Johani valinyimanga zilyo niku lapela, ni ba lutwana vava Falisi vachita vulyo navo, kono va lutwana vako valya niku nywa.”
34 “Should the groomsmen fast while the bridegroom is with them?” Jesus asked.
Jesu chawamba kuvali, “Kana kwina yo wola kuwambila vena hamukiti wa musesi kuti vali nyime zilyo musesi nasina navo?”
35 “No—but the time is coming when the bridegroom will be taken away from them. Then they can fast.”
Kono mazuva akeza hete nazwiswe kuvali musesi, mi aho kavali nyime zilyo.”
36 Then he gave them an illustration: “You don't tear out a patch from new clothes to mend old clothes. Otherwise you'd ruin new clothes, and the patch from the new wouldn't match the old.
Linu Jesu cha wamba che huko kuvali. “Kakwina muntu yohalula isila hachizwato chihya niku lukila hesila ikulukulu. Mi hachita vulyo, mwahalule chizwato chihya, mi kasila kazwa ha chizwato chihya kete kaswanele ha chizwato chikulukulu.
37 You don't put new wine into old wineskins, because if you did the new wine would burst the wineskins. Then both wine and wineskins would be wasted.
Kakwina yo vika i waine ihya muzivikiro ze waine ze dalo chikulukulu. Mi hachita vulyo i wine ihya muiñatule madalo, Mi iwaine muitike. Mi zivikilo ze wine ze dalo muziñatuke.
38 You put new wine in new wineskins.
Kono i waine ihya iswanela kubikwa muzibikilo zedalo ziteketeke.
39 And nobody after drinking old wine wants new wine, for they say, ‘the old tastes good.’”
Mi kakwina yo chita kuti hamana kunywa iwaine yakale yosaka ihya, kakuti ucho kuti, “Yakale ina butuka.”

< Luke 5 >