< Luke 21 >

1 Looking around, Jesus watched rich people putting their gifts into the collection box.
uYesu akalila akavagha avakinhaata vamofu valyale vivika amatekelo ghave muvutile
2 He also saw a very poor widow put in two small coins.
akamwagha unfwile jumonga nkotofu ivika isenti sake ivili. pe
3 “I tell you the truth,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the rest together.
akati,”kyang'haani nikuvavula unfwile uju unkotofu ivikile indalama nyinga kukila avange voooni.
4 All of them gave from their wealth what they had, but she gave from her poverty all she had to live on.”
ava vooni vahumisie ilitekelo ili kuhuma mufinga fino valinafyo. neke unfwile uju mu vukotofu vwake ahumisie indalamasooni sino avele naso vwimila uvwumi vwake”
5 Some of those there were talking about the Temple, its fine stonework and the beautiful gifts that had been donated. But Jesus said,
ye avange valyale vijova isa nyumba inyimike ja kufunyila, ndavule jilyavikilue na mavue amanono na matekelo, akati,
6 “Regarding these things you're looking at… The time is coming when not one stone will be left on another; everything will be destroyed!”
mu mhola isa mbombo sino mukusagha, ifighono fikwisa fino nakwekuliva nilivue limo lino lililekua nkyanya ja livue ilinge lino nalilighua.
7 “Teacher, when will this happen?” they asked him. “What will be the sign that these things are about to happen?”
pe vakamposia vakati, Mbulanisi isi sooni silihumila lighi? kwe kiliku kino kiliva kye kivalilo kuuti agha ghalipipi kuhumila?
8 “Make sure you're not deceived,” Jesus warned them. “Many people will come claiming to be me, saying, ‘Here I am!’ and, ‘The time has come!’ but don't follow them.
uYesu akamwamula, “muvisaghe maaso kuuti namungasyanguaghe. ulwakuva vingi vikwisa ku litavua lyango viti,”une nene, nu nsiki ghulipipi. namungavavingililaghe.
9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, don't be frightened, because these things have to happen first, but the end won't come immediately.
mungapulike ivuluguvulugu namungoghwopaghe, ulwakuva isi sooni sinoghile sihumile taasi. neke uvusililo navulihimila ng'hani ng'hani”
10 Nation will fight nation, and kingdom will fight kingdom,” he told them.
pe pano akavavula,” iisi jilikwima na kutovana ni jinge, uvutwa ku vutwa uvunge.
11 “There will be severe earthquakes, famines, and epidemic diseases in many lands, and extraordinary signs in the sky that are terrifying.
kuliva ni finsenyena ifikome, injala ni nhamu isa kwambukila siliva papinga. kwe kuliva ni finu fya kwoghofia ni fivalilo fya kwoghofia kuhuma kukyanya.
12 But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will drag you before synagogues and throw you into prison, and put you on trial before kings and governors on account of me.
neke isio sooni ye sikyale kuhumila, tiko avaanhu vilikuvakoola umue na kukuvapumusia. vilikuvawala kukuahigha mu nyumba isa kufunyila, na kukuvadindila mu ndinde. kange mulitwalua ku vatwa na ku vanya vutavulilua kuuti muhighue ulwakuva umue muli vavvulanisivua vango.
13 But this will provide you an opportunity to speak on my behalf before them.
neke kulyumue aghuo ghuva ghwe nsiki ghwa kwoleka ulwitiko lwinu.
14 So make up your mind beforehand not to worry about how to defend yourselves,
pe lino mwamulaghe mu moojo ghinu ku ling'ania avimilisi viinu ye lukyale.
15 for I will give you words of wisdom that your enemies won't be able to dispute or contradict.
ulwakuva nikuvapela amasio agha vukoola vuno avalugu viinu voni vikunuagha kusigha na kukujikana.
16 You will be betrayed even by your parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will kill some of you.
neke mulikanwa na vapafi vinu, avanyalukolo vinu, avapipi vinu na vamanyani vinu, kange vilikuvabuda vamonga mu lyumue,
17 Everyone will hate you because of me.
vilikunkalalila umuunu ghweni ku litavua lyango.
18 But not a single hair of your head will be lost.
neke nakwelule nambe ulunyele lumo lwa matu ghinu luno lulisova.
19 By standing firm you will gain your lives.
ku lugudo mukusisosia inumbula sinu.
20 However, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you know that its destruction is near.
kyale muvoona ilikaaja lya Yelusalemu lisyungutilue navalua lilugu pe mukagulaghe kuuti unsiki ughwa kutipulua ghuli pipi.
21 Those who are in Judea should run away to the mountains, and those who are in Jerusalem should leave, and those who are the countryside shouldn't enter the city.
apuo vano vali ku Yudea vakimbililaghe ku fidunda, na vala vano vali pakate pa mpulo vavukaghe, kange namungavalekaghe vano vali kufikaaja kukwingila.
22 For these are days of punishment, fulfilling all that's written.
ulwakuva ifi fye fighono fya kuhombekesia, neke kuuti ghooni ghano ghalembilue ghiise kuvombeka.
23 How hard it will be for those who are pregnant or nursing babies at that time! For terrible trouble is coming on the land and punishment against this people.
iga ku vala vano vali nuvukunue na vala vano vikwong'esia ku fighono ifio! ulwakuva kuliiva nulupumuko lukome mu iisi, ni ng'halasi ku vaaanhu ava.
24 They will be killed by the sword and taken away as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trodden down by the foreign nations until their time is fulfilled.
avaanhu avange vilibudua ni bambaavange vilitwalua ku vukamiku iisi isinge, ni Yelusalemu jilikanyua na vaanhu va iisi kuhanga unsiki ghwa vaanhu va iisi pano ghuuva ghufikile.
25 There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and on the earth the nations will be in distress, confused by the sea's rolling and crashing.
fili vineka ifivalilo ku lijuva, umwesi ni nhondue, neke pa iisi apa inyanja siliva na mavingo amavaha amanya mughindi, uluo lulipelela avaanhu ava fisina fyonikuuva nulupumuko nu ludwesi.
26 People will be faint from fear, terrified about what is happening to the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.
isi sooni siliva sikwisa mu iisi, avaanhu ghulifua umwoojovwimila kukwoghopa kyongo. vilisaghagha kuuti lukwisa ulutalamu ulukome, ulwakuva ifinu ifya kukyanya filisukanisivua,
27 Then they'll see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
pepano vilikumwagha umwana ghwa muunhu ikwisa kuhuma mumafunde ku ngufu nu vwimike uvuvaha.
28 But when these things happen, stand up and look up, because you will soon be saved.”
neke isio sooni silava sitengula kuhumila, mwimaghe, inulagha amatu ghinu, ulwakuva uvupoki vwinu vuvelelile pavupipi.
29 Then he told them this story as an illustration. “Look at the fig tree, or any other kind of tree.
uYesu akavavula ku kihwanikisio akati, lolagha umpiki ghwa tini na mapiki ghoni.
30 When you see new leaves appear, you don't need to be told that summer is near.
pano muvona amapiki ghatengwile kulemba, mukujilolela jumue na kukagula kuuti amasiki gha lufuke ghalipipi.
31 In the same way, when you see these things happening, you don't need to be told that God's kingdom is near.
vule vule pano muvona agha ghihumila umue kagulagha kuuti, uvutwa vwa Nguluve vulipipi.
32 I tell you the truth, this generation won't come to an end before all this happens.
kyang'haani nikuvavula, ikisina iki nakilikila, kuhanga isi sooni sihumile.
33 Heaven and earth will come to an end, but my word will not.
uvulanga ni iisi silikila, neke amasio ghango looli naghilikila.
34 Watch out that you don't become distracted by partying or getting drunk or by the worries of this life, so that this day catches you by surprise.
neke mujilolelelaghe jumue, neke kuuti, amoojo ghinu naghangalemuaghe nu vuhojofu, uvughasi, nuvukaming'anilua vwa iisi iji. ulwakuva ikighono ikio kilavisila mu lwa ng'enyemukila hwene lutegho.
35 For this day will come upon everyone who lives on the face of the earth.
ulwakuva jiiva kwa muunhu ghweni juno ikukala pa maaso gha iisi jooni.
36 Always keep watch and pray, so that you may be able to escape all that will happen and stand before the Son of man.”
lino muvisaghe maaso unsiki ghwoni, mun'sumaghe uNguluve kuuti muva lukangafu lwa kukwilana kukughaseghuka agha ghoni ghano kyale ghihumila, na kukwima pavulongolo pa mwana ghwa Muunhu”.
37 Every day Jesus taught in the Temple, and every evening he went and stayed on the Mount of Olives.
mu fighono ifio pamwisi, uYesu alyale ivulanisia avaanhu mu luviika ulwa nyumba inyimike ja kufunyila. pakilo akalutagha kughona ku kidunda ikya Miseituni.
38 All the people came early in the morning to listen to him in the Temple.
neke jaatu avaanhu voni vakasisimukagha lulwakilo na kuluta mu nyumba inyimike ja kufunyila kuuti vampulikisie.

< Luke 21 >