< Luke 21 >

1 Looking around, Jesus watched rich people putting their gifts into the collection box.
Esi Yesu nɔ tsitre ɖe gbedoxɔ la me la, enɔ ŋku lém ɖe ale si kesinɔtɔwo le woƒe nunanawo dam ɖe nudzɔɖaka la me ŋu.
2 He also saw a very poor widow put in two small coins.
Ke ekpɔ ahosi dahe aɖe hã va, eye wòda pesewa eve ko ɖe nudzɔɖaka la me.
3 “I tell you the truth,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the rest together.
Yesu kpɔe dũu, eye wògblɔ be, “Mele egblɔm na mi nyateƒetɔe be ahosi dahe sia ƒe nunana sɔ gbɔ sãa wu nunalawo katã ƒe nunana.
4 All of them gave from their wealth what they had, but she gave from her poverty all she had to live on.”
Elabena nenem ƒe ame siawo katã ƒe nunana la nye nu si wozã wòsusɔ la, ke ahosi dahe sia ya na nu si ŋu wòle be wòanɔ agbe ɖo la.”
5 Some of those there were talking about the Temple, its fine stonework and the beautiful gifts that had been donated. But Jesus said,
Yesu ƒe nusrɔ̃la aɖewo nɔ nu ƒom le atsyɔ̃ gã si woɖo na gbedoxɔ la kple kpe nyuiwo ŋuti. Wokpɔ ŋudzedze le akpedanunana vovovo siwo ŋuti wokɔ hetsi wo ɖe gliawo ŋu la ŋu ŋutɔ.
6 “Regarding these things you're looking at… The time is coming when not one stone will be left on another; everything will be destroyed!”
Yesu gblɔ na wo be, “Ɣeyiɣi aɖe li gbɔna esime woagbã nu siwo kafum miele la. Woagbãe ale gbegbe be kpe ɖeka pɛ hã magasusɔ ɖe nɔvia dzi o. Woatu asi nu sia nu aƒu anyi.”
7 “Teacher, when will this happen?” they asked him. “What will be the sign that these things are about to happen?”
Wo katã wodo ɣli biae be, “Aƒetɔ! Ɣe ka ɣi nu siawo ava eme? Dzesi kae ado ŋgɔ na nu siawo?”
8 “Make sure you're not deceived,” Jesus warned them. “Many people will come claiming to be me, saying, ‘Here I am!’ and, ‘The time has come!’ but don't follow them.
Eɖo eŋu na wo be, “Mikpɔ nyuie be woagaflu mi o! Elabena ame geɖewo ava le nye ŋkɔ la dzi agblɔ be, ‘Nyee nye esi’ eye ‘Ɣeyiɣi la ɖo vɔ.’ Migadze wo yome o.
9 When you hear of wars and revolutions, don't be frightened, because these things have to happen first, but the end won't come immediately.
Eye ne miese be aʋa dzɔ, eye ʋunyaʋunyawo hã dze egɔme la, dzidzi megaƒo mi o. Nyateƒe ele be nu siawo nava me gbã, gake nuwuwua mava enumake o.
10 Nation will fight nation, and kingdom will fight kingdom,” he told them.
Elabena dukɔ atsi tsitre ɖe dukɔ ŋu, eye fiaɖuƒe akpe akɔ kple fiaɖuƒe.
11 “There will be severe earthquakes, famines, and epidemic diseases in many lands, and extraordinary signs in the sky that are terrifying.
Anyigba aʋuʋu sesĩe le teƒewo, eye dɔ ato vevie le teƒe bubuwo hã. Dɔ vɔ̃ geɖewo akaka ɖe xexea me, eye nu dziŋɔ kple dzesi gãwo latso dziƒo.
12 But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will drag you before synagogues and throw you into prison, and put you on trial before kings and governors on account of me.
“Gake hafi nu siawo katã nava dzɔ la, woaɖo asi mia dzi, eye woawɔ fu mi. Woahe mi ayi woƒe ƒuƒoƒewo kple gaxɔwo me, woakplɔ mi ayi ʋɔnui le fiawo kple mɔmefia gãwo gbɔe. Woawɔ esiawo katã ɖe mia ŋu le tanye.
13 But this will provide you an opportunity to speak on my behalf before them.
Nu siawo anye mɔnukpɔkpɔ tɔxɛ na mi be miaɖi ɖase le ŋunye na wo.
14 So make up your mind beforehand not to worry about how to defend yourselves,
Eya ta migatsi dzi le ale si miawɔ aʋli mia ɖokuiwo ta nenye be wotsɔ nya ɖe mia ŋu la ŋu o,
15 for I will give you words of wisdom that your enemies won't be able to dispute or contradict.
elabena mana nunya mi, eye made nya siwo katã miagblɔ la nu me na mi, ale be ame aɖeke mate ŋu atsi tsitre ɖe nu siwo miagblɔ la ŋu o.
16 You will be betrayed even by your parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will kill some of you.
Azɔ ame siwo nye miawo ŋutɔ ŋutimewo, abe mia dzilawo, nɔviŋutsuwo, nɔvinyɔnuwo kple xɔlɔ̃ veviwo ene la ade mi asi, eye woana woava lé mi, eye woawu mia dometɔ aɖewo gɔ̃ hã.
17 Everyone will hate you because of me.
Ame sia ame alé fu mi, elabena mienye tɔnyewo ta.
18 But not a single hair of your head will be lost.
Gake le nyateƒe me la, miaƒe taɖa ɖeka pɛ hã matsrɔ̃ o.
19 By standing firm you will gain your lives.
Elabena ne miele tsitre sesĩe la, ekema miaƒe luʋɔwo akpɔ ɖeɖe.
20 However, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you know that its destruction is near.
“Nenye be miekpɔ asrafowo woƒo xlã Yerusalem dua la, ke minyae be dua gbãɣi ɖo vɔ.
21 Those who are in Judea should run away to the mountains, and those who are in Jerusalem should leave, and those who are the countryside shouldn't enter the city.
Ekema mina ame siwo le Yudea la nasi ayi togbɛwo dzi, eye ame siwo le Yerusalem la nadze agbagba asi. Ke ame siwo le dua godo la megate kpɔ be yewoatrɔ ayi dua me o.
22 For these are days of punishment, fulfilling all that's written.
Ŋkeke siawoe nye hlɔ̃biaŋkekewo be nya si nyagblɔɖila xoxoawo katã gblɔ da ɖi la ava eme pɛpɛpɛ.
23 How hard it will be for those who are pregnant or nursing babies at that time! For terrible trouble is coming on the land and punishment against this people.
Ke baba na nyɔnu siwo ƒo fu le kple ame siwo si vidzĩ fɛ̃wo le, elabena nuxaxa geɖe ava anyigba sia dzi eye Mawu ƒe dɔmedzoe ava dukɔ sia dzi.
24 They will be killed by the sword and taken away as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trodden down by the foreign nations until their time is fulfilled.
Woawu wo tamesesẽtɔe alo woaɖe aboyo wo ayi xexemedukɔ bubuwo mee. Ame siwo menye Yudatɔwo o la aɖu Yerusalem dua dzi agbãe gudugudu. Esia ayi dzi va se ɖe esime wòdze Mawu ŋu be wòaɖo asi ame siwo menye Yudatɔ siawo o dzi.”
25 There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and on the earth the nations will be in distress, confused by the sea's rolling and crashing.
“Azɔ la, dzesi dziŋɔwo ado ɖe ɣe, ɣleti kple ɣletiviwo me. Le anyigba dzi afi sia la, ʋunyaʋunya ava dukɔwo me, eye woatɔtɔ, elabena atsiaƒu aɖe gbe sesĩe, eye ƒutsotsoewo aŋe ŋɔdzitɔe.
26 People will be faint from fear, terrified about what is happening to the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.
Ame geɖewo abu mɔkpɔkpɔ le vɔvɔ̃ ku ɖe nu dziŋɔ siwo gbɔna dzɔdzɔ ge ɖe anyigba sia dzi ta, elabena ŋusẽ siwo le dziƒo la hã aʋuʋu.
27 Then they'll see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Ale ame siwo le anyigba dzi la akpɔ nye Amegbetɔ Vi la manɔ lilikpowo dzi gbɔna le ŋusẽ kple ŋutikɔkɔe gã aɖe me.
28 But when these things happen, stand up and look up, because you will soon be saved.”
Eya ta ne nu siawo katã le dzɔdzɔm la, minɔ te sesĩe, eye mianɔ ŋudzɔ, elabena ɣeyiɣia ɖo vɔ be woaɖe mi.”
29 Then he told them this story as an illustration. “Look at the fig tree, or any other kind of tree.
Azɔ edo lo sia na wo be, “Mikpɔ aŋutiti kple ati bubuawo katã ɖa,
30 When you see new leaves appear, you don't need to be told that summer is near.
ne woto aŋgbawo la, miakpɔe adze sii le mia ɖokui si be dzomeŋɔli le ɖoɖom.”
31 In the same way, when you see these things happening, you don't need to be told that God's kingdom is near.
Nenema ke nenye be miekpɔ be nu siwo megblɔ na mi le eme vam la, minyae be mawufiaɖuƒe la te tu aƒe.
32 I tell you the truth, this generation won't come to an end before all this happens.
“Vavã mele egblɔm na mi be, dzidzime sia anɔ agbe akpɔ nu siawo teƒe pɛpɛpɛ hafi aku.
33 Heaven and earth will come to an end, but my word will not.
Eye togbɔ be dziƒo kple anyigba nu ava yi hã la, nye nyawo nu mele yiyi ge akpɔ o.
34 Watch out that you don't become distracted by partying or getting drunk or by the worries of this life, so that this day catches you by surprise.
“Mikpɔ nyuie be nutsuɖuɖu, ahamumu kple dzimaɖitsitsi ɖe agbemenyawo ŋu nagate miaƒe dzi ɖe to o, eye ŋkekea naɖi ɖe mi abe ale si mɔ ɖea ame ene o.
35 For this day will come upon everyone who lives on the face of the earth.
Elabena adze ame siwo katã le anyigba dzi la dzi kpoyi.
36 Always keep watch and pray, so that you may be able to escape all that will happen and stand before the Son of man.”
Minɔ ŋudzɔ ɖaa, eye miado gbe ɖa be ne edze Mawu ŋu la, miagakpɔ nu dziŋɔ siawo dometɔ aɖeke teƒe hafi miatsi tsitre ɖe Amegbetɔ Vi la ŋkume o.”
37 Every day Jesus taught in the Temple, and every evening he went and stayed on the Mount of Olives.
Yesu nɔ nu fiam le gbedoxɔa me gbe sia gbe, eye le fiẽ me la, etrɔna yia Amito la dzi, afi si wòdɔna le zã me,
38 All the people came early in the morning to listen to him in the Temple.
eye ameha la katã ƒoa ƒu ŋdi sia ŋdi le gbedoxɔ la me be yewoaɖo to eƒe nufiafia.

< Luke 21 >