< Luke 15 >

1 Tax collectors and other “sinners” often used to come and listen to Jesus.
Emdi bajgirlar we bashqa gunahkarlarning hemmisi uning sözini anglashqa uning etrapigha olashmaqta idi.
2 As a result the Pharisees and the religious teachers complained, “This man welcomes sinners, and eats with them.”
Lékin Perisiyler bilen Tewrat ustazliri ghudungshup: — Bu adem gunahkarlarni qarshi alidu we ular bilen hemdastixan olturidu! — déyishti.
3 So Jesus told them this story as an illustration.
Shunga u ulargha munu temsilni sözlep berdi:
4 “Imagine a man who had a hundred sheep lost one of them. Wouldn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open pasture, and search for the one that's lost until he finds it?
— Eger aranglarda bireylenning yüz tuyaq qoyi bolup, ulardin biri yitip ketse, toqsan toqquzini chölde qoyup qoyup yitip ketkinini tapquche izdimesmu?
5 When he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders.
Uni tépiwalghanda, shadlan’ghan halda mürisige artidu;
6 Once he gets home, he calls his friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Come and celebrate with me! I've found my lost sheep!’
andin öyige élip kélip, yar-buraderliri bilen qolum-qoshnilirini chaqirip, ulargha: «Men yitken qoyumni tépiwaldim, méning bilen teng shadlininglar!» deydu.
7 I tell you that there's more joy in heaven over a sinner that repents than over ninety-nine good people who don't need to repent.
Men silerge shuni éytayki, shuninggha oxshash, towa qiliwatqan bir gunahkar üchün ershte zor xursenlik bolidu; bu xursenlik towigha mohtaj bolmighan toqsan toqquz heqqaniy kishidin bolghan xursenliktin köp artuqtur.
8 Imagine a woman who has ten silver coins, and loses one of them. Wouldn't she light a lamp and sweep the house, carefully searching until she finds it?
— Yaki bir ayalning on kümüsh dinari bolup, bir dinarni yoqitip qoysa, chiraghni yéqip, taki uni tapquche öyni süpürüp, zen qoyup izdimesmu?
9 When she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, ‘Come and celebrate with me! I've found the silver coin that I lost.’
Uni tapqanda yar-burader, qolum-qoshnlirini chaqirip, ulargha: «Méning bilen teng shadlininglar, chünki men yoqitip qoyghan dinarimni tépiwaldim» — deydu.
10 I tell you there is joy in the presence of God's angels over one sinner that repents.
Men silerge shuni éytayki, shuninggha oxshash towa qiliwatqan bir gunahkar üchün Xudaning perishtilirining arisida xursenlik bolidu.
11 Once there was a man who had two sons,” Jesus explained.
U sözini dawam qilip mundaq dédi: — Melum bir ademning ikki oghli bar iken.
12 “The younger one told his father, ‘Father, give me my inheritance now.’ So the man divided his property between them.
Kichik oghli atisigha: «Ey ata, mal-mülüktin tégishlik ülüshümni hazirla manga bergin» dep éytiptu. We u öz mal-mülüklirini ikkisige teqsim qilip bériptu.
13 A few days later the younger son packed up what he had and left for a distant country. Here he wasted all his money living a reckless life.
Uzun ötmeyla, kichik oghli bar-yoqini yighishturup, yiraq bir yurtqa seper qiliptu. U u yerde eysh-ishretlik ichide turmush kechürüp mal-dunyasini buzup-chéchiptu.
14 After he'd spent everything, the country was hit by a severe famine and he was starving.
Del u bar-yoqini serp qilip tügetken waqtida, u yurtta qattiq acharchiliq bolup, u xélila qisilchiliqta qaptu.
15 So he went and took a job with one of the farmers there who sent him to his fields to feed pigs.
Shuning bilen u bérip, shu yurtning bir puqrasigha medikar bolup yalliniptu; u uni étizliqigha choshqa béqishqa ewetiptu.
16 He was so hungry that he would have eaten even the pig food, but no one gave him anything.
U hetta qorsiqini choshqilarning yémi bolghan purchaq posti bilen toyghuzushqa teqezza boptu; lékin héchkim uninggha héchnerse bermeptu.
17 When he came to his senses, he said to himself, ‘All of my father's workers have more than enough to eat—why am I dying from hunger here?
Axir bérip u hoshini tépip: «Atamning shunche köp medikarlirining aldidin yémek-ichmek éship-téship turidu; lékin men bolsam bu yerde achliqtin öley dep qaldim!
18 I'm going home to my father! I'll tell him, Father, I've sinned against heaven and against you.
Ornumdin turup, atamning aldigha bérip uninggha: Ey ata, men ershning aldidimu we séning aldingdimu gunah qildim.
19 I'm no longer worthy to be called your son. Please treat me as one of your hired workers.’
Emdi séning oghlung atilishqa layiq emesmen. Méni medikarliring süpitide qobul qilghaysen! — deymen» dep oylaptu.
20 So he left and went home to his father. Even though he was still far away in the distance, his father saw him coming, and his heart went out to his son. The father ran to his son, hugging and kissing him.
Shuning bilen ornidin turup atisining aldigha qaytip méngiptu. Lékin atisi yiraqtinla uni körüp uninggha ichi aghritip, aldigha yügürüp chiqip, uning boynigha ésilip uni söyüp kétiptu.
21 The son said to him, ‘Father, I've sinned against heaven and against you. I'm no longer worthy to be called your son.’
Oghli: «Ata, men ershning aldidimu, séning aldingdimu gunah qildim. Emdi séning oghlung atilishqa layiq emesmen» — deptu.
22 But the father told his servants, ‘Quick—bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
Biraq atisi chakarlirigha: «Derhal eng ésil tonni ekélip uninggha kiydürünglar, qoligha üzük sélinglar, putlirigha ayagh kiydürüngler;
23 Bring the calf we've been fattening and kill it. Let's have a feast to celebrate
we bordaq torpaqni ekélip soyunglar; andin obdan yep, rawurus tebrikleyli!
24 because this is my son who was dead, but who has returned alive; he was lost but now he's found.’ So they started celebrating.
Chünki méning bu oghlum ölgenidi, tirildi, yitip ketkenidi, tépildi!» — deptu. Andin ular tebrikleshkili bashlaptu.
25 Now the older son was working out in the fields. As he walked towards the house, he heard music and dancing.
Emdi chong oghli étizgha ketkeniken. U qaytip kéliwétip öyge yéqin kelgende neghme-nawa bilen ussulning awazini anglaptu.
26 So he called one of the servants and asked what was going on.
U chakarlardin birini chaqirip, uningdin néme ish boluwatqinini soraptu.
27 ‘Your brother is back,’ he replied, ‘and your father has killed the fattened calf, because he's come home safe and sound.’
Chakar uninggha: Ukang keldi we atang uni saq-salamet tépiwalghanliqi üchün bordaq torpaqni soydi» deptu.
28 The brother became angry. He refused to go in. So his father came out to plead with him.
Lékin [chong oghli] xapa bolup, öyge kirgili unimaptu. We atisi chiqip uning öyge kirishini ötünüptu.
29 He told his father, ‘Look, all these years I've served you, and never disobeyed you, but you never once gave me even a young goat so I could have a party with my friends.
Emma u atisigha jawab bérip: «Qara! Men shunche yildin béri quldek xizmitingde boldum, esla héchbir emringdin chiqip baqmidim. Biraq sen manga el-aghinilirim bilen xush qilghili héchqachan birer oghlaqmu bermiding!
30 Now this son of yours comes back, having spent your money on prostitutes, and you kill the fattened calf for him!’
Lékin séning mal-mülükliringni pahishilerge xejlep tügetken bu oghlung qaytip kelgende, sen uning üchün bordaq torpaqni soyupsen» — deptu.
31 ‘Son,’ the father replied, ‘you are always here with me. Everything I have is yours.
Biraq atisi yene uninggha: «Ey oghlum, sen herdaim méning yénimdisen we méning barliqim séningkidur.
32 But we should be happy and celebrate! This is your brother who was dead, but who has returned alive; he was lost but now he's found!’”
Emdi tebriklep shadlinishqa layiqtur; chünki bu séning ukang ölgenidi, tirildi, yoqilip ketkenidi, tépildi» — deptu.

< Luke 15 >