< Hosea 9 >

1 Israel, don't rejoice! Don't celebrate like other nations! For you have practiced prostitution; you have loved a prostitute's wages on every threshing floor of grain.
以色列啊,不要像外邦人歡喜快樂; 因為你行邪淫離棄你的上帝, 在各穀場上如妓女喜愛賞賜。
2 Your threshing floors and winepresses will not feed you; the land will fail to produce your new wine.
穀場和酒醡都不夠以色列人使用; 新酒也必缺乏。
3 You will not stay in the Lord's land, instead Ephraim will return to Egypt, and will eat unclean food in Assyria.
他們必不得住耶和華的地; 以法蓮卻要歸回埃及, 必在亞述吃不潔淨的食物。
4 You won't pour out any drink offerings to the Lord. None of your sacrifices will please him. Your sacrifices will be like food eaten by a person in mourning—all who eat will be unclean. You will eat this food yourselves, but it will not enter the house of the Lord.
他們必不得向耶和華奠酒, 即便奠酒也不蒙悅納。 他們的祭物必如居喪者的食物, 凡吃的必被玷污; 因他們的食物只為自己的口腹, 必不奉入耶和華的殿。
5 What are you going to do on the days of your appointed religious feasts, on the days of the festivals of the Lord?
在大會的日子, 到耶和華的節期,你們怎樣行呢?
6 Look, they have left because of the destruction: Egypt with gather them, and Memphis will bury them. They gain a “valued possession” for their silver. Weeds will possess them, and thorns will grow over their tents.
看哪,他們逃避災難; 埃及人必收殮他們的屍首, 摩弗人必葬埋他們的骸骨。 他們用銀子做的美物上必長蒺藜; 他們的帳棚中必生荊棘。
7 The time of punishment has come; the day of retribution has arrived. Let Israel know! You say the prophet is a fool, the man of the Spirit is mad, because your sin and hostility is so great.
以色列人必知道降罰的日子臨近, 報應的時候來到。 民說:作先知的是愚昧; 受靈感的是狂妄, 皆因他們多多作孽,大懷怨恨。
8 The watchman over Ephraim is with my God, and a prophet is a birdcatcher's snare on all his ways. Hatred is in the house of his God
以法蓮曾作我上帝守望的; 至於先知,在他一切的道上作為捕鳥人的網羅, 在他上帝的家中懷怨恨。
9 for they have corrupted themselves so deeply, as in the time of Gibeah. He will remember their sin; he will punish their wickedness.
以法蓮深深地敗壞, 如在基比亞的日子一樣。 耶和華必記念他們的罪孽, 追討他們的罪惡。
10 When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert. When I saw your forefathers it was like seeing early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they gave themselves over to that shameful idol, becoming as filthy as the filthy thing they loved.
主說:我遇見以色列如葡萄在曠野; 我看見你們的列祖如無花果樹上春季初熟的果子。 他們卻來到巴力‧毗珥專拜那可羞恥的, 就成為可憎惡的, 與他們所愛的一樣。
11 Ephraim! Like a bird that flies away so shall your glory—no births, no pregnancies, no conceptions.
至於以法蓮人,他們的榮耀必如鳥飛去, 必不生產,不懷胎,不成孕。
12 Even if they bring up children, I will make sure they do not survive. What a disaster for you when I turn away from you!
縱然養大兒女, 我卻必使他們喪子,甚至不留一個。 我離棄他們,他們就有禍了。
13 Ephraim! Just as I saw Tyre planted in a meadow, so too Ephraim will lead out his children to the murderer.
我看以法蓮如泰爾栽於美地。 以法蓮卻要將自己的兒女帶出來, 交與行殺戮的人。
14 Give them—well, Lord, what should you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and dry breasts.
耶和華啊,求你加給他們- 加甚麼呢? 要使他們胎墜乳乾。
15 All of their evil began at Gilgal, and that's where I began to hate them. I will drive them out of my house because of their wickedness. I will love them no longer; all their leaders are rebels.
耶和華說:他們一切的惡事都在吉甲; 我在那裏憎惡他們。 因他們所行的惡, 我必從我地上趕出他們去, 不再憐愛他們; 他們的首領都是悖逆的。
16 Ephraim, you are blighted, dried up from the roots. You shall bear no fruit. Even if you have children, I will slaughter your beloved offspring.
以法蓮受責罰, 根本枯乾,必不能結果, 即或生產, 我必殺他們所生的愛子。
17 My God will reject you because you have not listened to him, and you will become homeless wanderers among the nations.
我的上帝必棄絕他們, 因為他們不聽從他; 他們也必飄流在列國中。

< Hosea 9 >