< Ezra 9 >

1 Some time later after all this had happened, the leaders came and told me, “The people of Israel, including the priests and Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the people around us whose disgusting religious practices are similar to those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians, and Amorites.
Oo markii waxyaalahaas la sameeyey dabadeed waxaa ii yimid amiirradii oo igu yidhi, Dadka reer binu Israa'iil, iyo wadaaddadii iyo reer Laawi, gooni isagama ay soocin dadyowgii dalka degganaa, ee waxay sameeyaan waxyaalahooda karaahiyada ah ee ay reer Kancaan, iyo reer Xeed, iyo reer Feris, iyo reer Yebuus, iyo reer Cammoon, iyo reer Moo'aab, iyo Masriyiintii, iyo reer Amor sameeyaan.
2 Some Israelites have even married women from these people, both themselves and their sons, mixing the holy race with these people of the land. Our leaders and officials are at the forefront of this sinful behavior.”
Waayo, iyaga iyo wiilashoodiiba waxay guursadeen gabdhahoodii, oo sidaasuu farcankii quduuska ahaa ugu qasmay dadyowgii dalka degganaa; oo weliba xadgudubkaas waxaa madax u ahaa amiirrada iyo taliyayaasha.
3 When I heard about this, I tore my clothes, pulled out some hair from my head and beard, and sat down, absolutely appalled.
Oo kolkaan waxaas maqlay ayaan dharkaygii iyo go'aygii jeexjeexay, oo timihii ku yiil madaxayga iyo gadhkaygana waan iska rifay, oo waxaan fadhiistay anigoo wareersan.
4 Everyone who respected the instructions of the God of Israel gathered around me because of this sin on the part of the exiles. I sat there shocked and appalled until the evening sacrifice.
Markaasaa waxaa igu soo shiray in alla intii ka cabsan jirtay erayga Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil, dadkii maxaabiista ka soo noqday xadgudubkoodii aawadiis; oo anna halkaasaan iska fadhiyey tan iyo qurbaankii makhribka anigoo wareersan.
5 At the evening sacrifice, I stood up from where I had been sitting in grief, with my clothes torn, and I kneeled down and held out my hands to the Lord my God.
Oo markii qurbaankii makhribka la gaadhay ayaan ka kacay is-hoosaysiintaydii, iyadoo dharkaygii iyo go'aygiiba jeexjeexan yihiin, markaasaan jilbajoogsaday oo gacmaha u horsaday Rabbiga Ilaahayga ah;
6 I prayed, “My God, I am so ashamed and embarrassed to come and pray to you, my God, because we are in over our heads in sin, and our guilt has risen to the heavens.
kolkaasaan idhi, Ilaahayow, waan ka xishoonayaa oo waan ka yaxyaxayaa inaan wejigayga xaggaaga u soo jeedsho, waayo, Ilaahayow, xumaatooyinkayagii ayaa nagu batay, oo dembilahaanshahayagiina wuxuu kor ugu baxay samooyinka.
7 From the time of our forefathers to now, we have been deeply guilty. Because of our sins, we, our kings, and our priests have been handed over to the kings of the earth, killed and taken prisoner, robbed and humiliated, just like we are today.
Tan iyo waagii awowayaashayo iyo ilaa maantadan xujo badan baannu lahayn, oo xumaatooyinkayagii aawadood ayaa annaga iyo boqorradayadii iyo wadaaddadayadiiba loogu gacangeliyey boqorradii dalalka degganaa inay seef nala dhacaan, oo ay maxaabiis naga dhigtaan, oo ay na dhacaan, iyo inay na wareeriyaan, siday maantadan tahay.
8 Now for a short time the Lord our God has given us grace, preserving a few of us as a remnant, and giving us safety in his holy place. Our God has brightened our lives by giving us some relief from our slavery.
Oo hadda intii wakhti yar ah ayaa Rabbiga Ilaahayaga ahu raalli naga noqday si qaar nooga hadhaan oo ay u baxsadaan, iyo si uu dhidib noogu siiyo meeshiisa quduuska ah, in Ilaahayagu indhahayaga iftiimiyo, oo uu wakhti yar nagu soo nooleeyo addoonnimadayada.
9 Though we are slaves, our God did not abandon us in our slavery, but he showed us his trustworthy love by making the kings of Persia kind to us, by reviving us so we could rebuild the Temple of our God and repair its ruined state, and by giving us a wall of protection around Judah and Jerusalem.
Waayo, waxaannu nahay dad addoommo ah, laakiinse Ilaahayagu naguma dayrin addoonnimadayadii, illowse naxariis buu nagu siiyey boqorradii Faaris hortooda, inuu na nooleeyo aawadeed, si aannu u taagno guriga Ilaahayo, oo aannu u hagaajinno burburkiisii hore, iyo inuu derbi naga dhex siiyo Yahuudah iyo Yeruusaalemba.
10 But now, our God, what do we have to say for ourselves after all this? For we have given up following your commands
Haddaba Ilaahayagow, bal maxaan nidhaahnaa tan dabadeed? Waayo, waxaannu ka tagnay amarradaadii,
11 that you gave through your servants the prophets, telling us, ‘The land you are entering to become its owners is contaminated by the sins of its peoples, the disgusting religious practices that they have filled it with, from one side to the other.
aad noogu soo dhiibtay nebiyadii addoommadaada ahaa, oo aad ku tidhi, Dalka aad inaad hantidaan ugu socotaan waa dal aan nadiif ahayn, oo wuxuu ku nijaasoobay dadyowga deggan nijaastooda, iyo karaahiyadooda, iyo wasakhnimadooda dhammaan ka buuxsantay gees ilaa ka gees.
12 So do not let your daughters marry their sons, or allow their daughters marry your sons. Never make a peace or friendship treaty with them, so that you may live well and eat the good food the land produces, and give the land as an inheritance to your children forever.’
Haddaba gabdhihiinna wiilashooda ha u guurinina, wiilashiinnana gabdhahooda ha u guurinina, weligiinna ha doonina nabaddooda ama barwaaqadooda, si aad xoog u yeelataan, oo aad u cuntaan dalka wixiisa wanaagsan, oo aad carruurtiinnana dhaxal ahaan ugaga tagtaan weligiin.
13 Now that we are receiving all this punishment because of our sinful actions and our terrible guilt—though you, our God, have not punished us as much as our sins deserve, and have still given us this remnant—
Oo tanu waxay noogu soo degtay falimahayagii sharka ahaa aawadood, iyo xujadayadii weynayd aawadeed, maxaa yeelay, Ilaahayagiiyow, waxaad nagu taqsiirtay wax ka yar intii xumaatooyinkayagu mudnaayeen, oo weliba waxaad na siisay dad caynkan ah oo noo hadha,
14 shall we break your commandments once again and intermarry with the peoples who commit these disgusting religious practices? Wouldn't you become so angry with us that you would destroy us? No remnant would be left, not a single survivor.
haddaba waxaas oo dhan dabadeed ma mar kalaannu amarradaada jebinnaa, oo aannu la xididnaa dadyowga karaahiyadan sameeya? Sow noo cadhoon maysid jeeraad na wada baabbi'isid oo aadan innaba naga reebin dad hadha iyo mid naga baxsada toona?
15 Lord, God of Israel, you do what is right. Today we're all that is left, a remnant. We are before you in our guilt, but no one can stand before you because of it.”
Rabbiyow, Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iilow, xaq baad tahay, waayo, waxaannu nahay dad hadhay oo baxsaday, sida ay maantadan tahay; bal eeg, waxaannu kula hor joognaa xujadayada, waayo, taas aawadeed ninna hortaada ma istaagi karo.

< Ezra 9 >