< Ephesians 2 >

1 At one time you were dead in your sins and evil actions,
PIL dueta komail ni omail melaki sapung o dip akan,
2 living your lives according to the ways of the world, under the control of the devil, whose spirit is at work in those who disobey God. (aiōn g165)
Me komail dadaureki mas duen tiak en sappa et, o duen wiawia en saupeidi o, me manaman pan lang, iei ngen o, me kin dodok ren seri sopeik kan ansau wet. (aiōn g165)
3 All of us were once like that, our behavior determined by the desires of our sinful human nature and our evil way of thinking. Like everyone else, in our nature we were children of anger.
A kitail karos pil weweid nan pung arail mas o ni inong en uduk atail, o kapwaiada inong en uduk o lamelam, o kitail me udan seri en ongiong akan dueta me tei kan.
4 But God in his generous mercy, because of the amazing love he had for us
A Kot, me dir en kalangan, pweki a limpok me a kotin pok ong kitail lar,
5 even while we were dead in our sins, has made us alive together with Christ. Trusting in him has saved you!
Nin dokan atail melaki sapung kan, nan a kamauri kitail dar ki Kristus, pwe mak o, me komail dore kila,
6 He raised us up with Christ, and in Christ Jesus seated us with him in heaven,
O pil kotin kamaur kitail dar o kotin kasapwil kitail dang nanlang ren Kristus Iesus,
7 so that in all eternity to come he could demonstrate the amazing extent of his grace in showing us kindness through Christ Jesus. (aiōn g165)
Pwe a en kotin kasansaleda a mak o kalangan lapalap ni muei kokodo ong kitail ren Kristus Iesus. (aiōn g165)
8 For you've been saved by grace through trusting in him—it's not through yourselves, it's the gift of God!
Pwe ni poson komail kamaur kilar mak; a kaidin pweki pein komail, a pai eu ren Kot,
9 This has nothing to do with human effort, so don't be proud of yourselves.
Kaidin ki wiawia kan, pwe sota amen en aksuaiki.
10 We're the product of what God does, created in Christ Jesus to do good, which God already planned that we should do.
Pwe sapwilim a dodok kitail, me wiauier ren Kristus Iesus ong wiawia mau kan, me Kot kotin kaonopadang kitail er, pwe kitail en dadaurata.
11 So you who are “foreigners” humanly-speaking, called “uncircumcised” by those who are “circumcised” (which is only a procedure carried out by human beings), you need to remember
Komail ari tamatamanda, me komail men liki mas o, me aluki uduk pwel, men kaindinda sosirkomsais ren me sirkomsais, me kin wiaui ni uduk mangin pa.
12 that once you had no relationship to Christ. You were barred as foreigners from being citizens of Israel, strangers to the agreement God had promised. You had no hope and you lived in the world without God.
Pwe ni ansau o komail likin Kristus, o likin pai en Israel, o likin inau en soso kan; i me sota omail kaporopor o sota omail Kot ni sappa wet.
13 But now, in Christ Jesus, you who were once a long way off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
A komail me doo wei sang mepukat mas o, a ansau wet komail me korendor o mi ren Kristus Iesus pweki ntan Kristus.
14 Christ is our peace. Through his body he made the two into one, and broke down the separating wall of hostility that divided us,
Pwe i atail popol, me wia kin ira eu, o me kotin kawela kel o, me mi nan pung ara,
15 freeing us from the law with its requirements and regulations. He did this so he could create in himself one new person out of the two and so make peace,
Ni a kotiki sang imwintiti re’ra ki pali uduk a. Iei kapung o me audekier kusoned akan, pwe en kotin wia kin ir ala aramas kap ta men ong pein i.
16 and completely reconcile both of them to God through the cross as if they were just one body, having destroyed our hostility towards each other.
Pwen kalolamaui ong Kot ira ni war ta ieu pan lopu murin a kotin tiakedi imwintiti ki lopu.
17 He came and shared the good news of peace with those of you who were far away, and those who were nearby,
O a kotidoer padaki popol ong komail, me doo wei sang, o popol ong me koren akan.
18 because through him we both gain access to the Father through the same Spirit.
Nan pweki i kita karos kak tu ong Sam ki Ngen ta ieu.
19 That means you're no longer strangers and foreigners; you are fellow citizens of God's people and belong to God's family
Komail ari solar men liki o men wai, a me pweledan akan iangaki saraui kan o kisan penainai en Kot.
20 that's being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone.
Me kakauda pon pason en wanporon o saukop akan, a pein Iesus Kristus me takain pukakaim.
21 In him the whole building is joined together, growing to form a holy temple for the Lord.
I wasa kasukasuk kin koda sang ia, wiala tanpas saraui en Kaun o,
22 You too are being built together in him as a place for God to live by the Spirit.
Me komail pil iang kokon penang mol en Kot ren Ngen.

< Ephesians 2 >