< Acts 1 >

1 Dear Theophilus, in my previous book I wrote about all that Jesus did and taught from the beginning
Teofili li cincintili yua ke diani maadi yesu n cindi ki tieni yeni wan tundi yaala;
2 until the day he was taken up to heaven. This was after he'd given instructions through the Holy Spirit to his chosen apostles.
Hali yeni ya daali k o bo doni poli pon
3 Over the course of forty days after the death he suffered, he showed himself to them, proving that he was alive with convincing evidence. He appeared to them, and told them about the kingdom of God.
Li puoli po yo k o bo teni wan bo lugidi yaaba a tuonsɔnba k o bo legidi bi nungi po o fala puolo po fuoŋanba paalu. Dana piina o tundi legidi bi nungi nni ki maadi u Tienu diema maama.
4 While he was still with them he instructed them, “Do not leave Jerusalem. Wait to receive what the Father promised, just as you heard it from me.
B den ya cendi liebi o den yi yedi'b ki ban da fagidi yeni Jerusalemi ama ki nan da guudi bàa puoni u, nani wan bo maadi «i gbadi n maama ke»
5 It's true that John baptized with water, but in just a few days' time you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit.”
San bo wuuli hali yeni dinne yeni mi ñinma i ama yinba ba ti wuli yeni fuoŋanba li dana kan fagidi»
6 So when the disciples met with Jesus, they asked him, “Lord, is this the time when you will re-establish Israel's kingdom?”
Ban bo taani ya yogu ke bi bual'o: «badiciamo li yognu i ke a ba sieni Israheli diema aa?»
7 “You don't need to know about the dates and times that are set by the Father's authority,” he told them.
K o maadi'bi «laa tie yin'bi ka bi bandi li yogu bii li tinbuali yua ke u Tienu bàa cuo yeni u paaceli.
8 “But you will be given power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest places on earth.”
Ama i ba gaà u paaciamu ya yogu ke fuonŋanma ti ba cua yim n ba tua mini yeni Jerusalemi sieda siedanba, Jude yeni sanmaali kuli dogu nni yeni ki tinga n pan juodi naankani kuli.
9 After Jesus had told them this, he was taken up as they were watching and a cloud hid him from their sight.
Yagu ke Jesu bo maadi'bi li bona kuli ki gbeni nani wan bo nua tanpoli yeni, k o doni k u tawaligbangu baa ki legini bi nunbina.
10 While they were staring intently at the sky as he ascended, two men dressed in white were suddenly standing beside them.
Ban go bo da nua tanpoli ya yogu, ki nibilie nagini bi kani ki lani tiapiena.
11 “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here staring at the sky?” they asked. “This same Jesus who has been taken up from you to heaven shall come in the same way you saw him go into heaven.”
Bi bo maadi: «Yimi galile yaaba be cedi ki se lan kani ki nua tanpoli»
12 Then the disciples went back to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives which is about a Sabbath day's walk from Jerusalem.
Lani ki bi bo guani Jerusalemi Olife juali po yua kɔbi yeni Jerusalemi nani ban cuoni ya banli Sabbat daali.
13 When they arrived, they went upstairs to the upper room where they were staying: Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas; Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James.
Ban bo pundi ke bi doni gu dietuagu po, ban bo tundi ki ye naani. li bo tie Piaali, San, Saaki, Andili, Filipi, Tuoma, Baatelemi, Maatio, Saaki Alife bijua, Siimo o jakagidiga, yeni Jude Saaki bijua.
14 They all joined together in prayer, together with the women and Mary, Jesus' mother, and his brothers.
B bo taani tie nani nuyendo yeni ki taani jaani, yeni bi puobi, Maali Jesu naà yeni o waali.
15 At this time Peter stood up and addressed a crowd of around one hundred and twenty believers who had gathered together.
Li dani k Piaali bo fii o naataani siiga nni, bi bo tie nani 120, maadi.
16 “My brothers and sisters,” he said, “The Scriptures, spoken by the Holy Spirit through David, had to be fulfilled regarding Judas, who guided those who arrested Jesus.
N naataani li bo tie buama yaali k u Tienu maama n tieni ki tii, nani fuoŋanma n bo yedi Daavidi ñɔba nni Juda po, yua bo waani jesu ke b cuo, o.
17 He was counted as one of us, and shared in this ministry.”
Kelima o bo tie ti yua ke go bo baadi ti ñuadi li yaalidugu po.
18 (Judas had bought a field with his ill-gotten gains. There he fell down headfirst, and his body burst apart, spilling out all his intestines.
Dinne li nulo daa u kuanu yeni obiadma paadi, lan kani k o jiidi baa ke li yuli liidi, k o gbanandi yodi k o tugu nni bona kuli yadi.
19 Everybody who lived in Jerusalem heard about this so that the field was called in their language “Akeldama,” which means, “Field of blood.”)
Jerusalemi niba kuli bo ŋanbi bani li bonli ke b ji puni li kuanu li yeli bi danba maama nni “Hakeldama”, li niima n tie mi sɔma kuanu.
20 As it's written in the book of Psalms, “Let his home be abandoned, and no-one live there;” and “Let someone else take over his position.”
Lan cedi ki li diani pisoma tila nni,”ŋaa mani k o kuanu n kpandi pabɔnli ke nulo n daa kua li kani. ke nutiani n gaa u yudandi sienu.
21 “So now we have to choose someone who has been with us the whole time that Jesus was with us,
Li tie buami yaali ke bi niba yaabi bo ciani ti o badiciamo Jesu n bo ye ya yoguti siiga nni
22 from the time John was baptizing up until the day Jesus was taken up to heaven from us. One of these must be chosen to join together with us as we witness, giving evidence of Jesus' resurrection.”
Lan cili San ñinwulima ya caa ya daali k o bo ñani ti siiga nni yaabi bo tua siedanba o yiedima po yeni timi.
23 Two names were put forward: Joseph Justus, also known as Barsabbas, and Matthias.
Ke bi tieni nibalie liiga, Josefi ke yi'o Barsabas, k go yi'o Justus yeni Maatiasi.
24 They prayed together and said, “Lord, you know everyone's thoughts please show us which of these two you have chosen
B bo jaandi ki maadi «fini o badiciamo yua bani yua kuli yantugu ŋan waani ti nibalie ne ŋan lugidi yua.
25 to replace Judas as an apostle in this ministry that he gave up to go to where he belongs.”
Ke wan gaa li yiali u yaalidigu yeni u tienu tuonli ke Juda kan cɔlini ki nan ŋɔdi u sancelu.
26 They cast lots, and Matthias was chosen. He was counted as an apostle with the other eleven.
Ke bi tɔni tia tia ki lugidi Maatiasi k b ji bo cɔd'o ki pugni tuonsɔnba piigi n yendi yeni po.

< Acts 1 >