< Acts 17 >

1 After Paul and Silas had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia they arrived at Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue.
Inanin wachinu nigbiri nigbir Amphipos nin Apollolonia ma inin da kagbiri Thessalonika. Kikane wadi kiti zursuzu na Yahudawa
2 As usual, Paul went into the synagogue and over the course of three Sabbaths he debated with them using the Scriptures.
In wui na sabbath Bulus pira kitin zursu nafo usum. Tisati tat awa pichu ko ayeme asabbath. Amini wa dursuzo anite tipipinlitafe woro Isa amere mazamu Christi.
3 He explained what the Scriptures meant, proving that the Messiah had to die and rise from the dead. “This Jesus I'm telling you about—he is the Messiah,” he told them.
Amini wa nuna nanin nuzu litafe. anan yenjun bun na nyerti kiden ame Misiah maku akura fita nin lai tutun. Amini wabelin” Ule unite amere Isa ah Christi. Anaku amini na fita tutun, nanare anan yenjun bun nabelin”.
4 Some of them were convinced and joined Paul and Silas, along with many Greek-speaking worshipers and some leading women of the town.
Among a Yahudawa kikane yinna nin nilemon na Bulus belle inin chizina zurzu nin Bulus nin Sila. Kikane ma amon wadiku na Yahudawari ba nin umong uwani unan dortu Kutellẹ amini tutun wa yinin nin liru kitenen Isa, inanin wa chizina uzursu nin Bulus nin Sila.
5 But the Jews became jealous and with some rabble-rousers they gathered from the marketplace they formed a mob. They rioted in the town, and attacked Jason's house. They tried to find Paul and Silas so they could bring them before the people.
Amon adida na Yahudawe ayimine wa nana nin nanite bar na iwa yinin sauyenu nin lirulena Bulus durso nanin. Bar nanin i do idi yichila anit gbarda ini rususzo anit idofin nanin. Nin nanin inin, adide na Yahudawe nin pitirno anit gbardan inin ta jartizu. Ayahudawa ane tinna ido igan Jason kikana an Bulus nin Sila wasosinku. Iwa dinin su inutun Bulus nin Sila udas kitinanite.
6 When they couldn't find them they dragged Jason and some of the other believers before the town leaders, shouting, “These people are famous for causing trouble, turning the world upside down. Now they've come here,
Imini wa se an Bulus nin Sila wadi nan nya kilare b, inanin wa se Jason ma inin kifo gh. Ma inin wunughe nin among anan yinnusauyenu kiti nago ka gbiri. Inin belle” Anit alena idin fizi nibinai iyẹ ida kikanema tutyun.
7 and Jason has made them welcome in his house. They all defy Caesar's decrees, committing treason by saying there is another king called Jesus.”
Ame Jason yira nanin achau in game. Na idimun su kaisar ba. Inanin belle umong unit diku lisame Isa amere ugo kiden.
8 The people and the leaders of the town were very disturbed when they heard this.
Dana lipitin nanite da kitikirum nin nago ka gbiri nibinai mine nana kan.
9 So they made Jason and the others post bail before they let them go.
Ago ka gbiri ta Jason na ikubu inin belle nanin ima ni nanin ikubua andi Bulus nin Sila fia nibinai nanite tutunba. Nin nanin ago ka gbiri in belle Jason nin nannan yinnu sauyenu nyha.
10 The believers had Paul and Silas leave for Berea that very night. When they arrived in Berea they went to the Jewish synagogue.
Nin kitik kan, anan yinnu sauyenu tinna inutuno Bulus nin sila nan nya Thesalika udu ka gbiri Berea. Dana Bulus nin Sila wa duru kikane, itinna i pira kitin zursuzu na Yahudawa.
11 The people there had a better attitude than those in Thessalonica in that they were very quick to accept the word, and every day they examined the Scriptures to make sure what they were told was right.
Ayahudawan Thasalonika wa xinin su lazin liru Kutellẹ nafo Ayahudawan Berea ba, inanin wa lanza gigime uliru kitenen Isa. Kolome liri iwa gartu tipipin nin litimine iyinin kidegen liru ulena Bulus wa bellin kitenen Isa.
12 As a result many of them became believers, along with some highly-placed Greek women and men.
Bar udursuzu Bulus Ayahudawa gbardan yinna nin Isa, nin na mong awani alena Ayahudawaba nin nanilime alena Ayahudawariba wa yinin nin gye.
13 But when the Jews in Thessalonica heard that Paul was also spreading the word of God in Berea, they went there and caused the same kind of trouble, stirring up the crowds.
Nanin tutun Ayahudawa nan nya thasalonika lanza Bulus din durzsuzu uliru Kutellẹ kitenen Isa. Inanin wa do Uberea inin woro nin nanit alena idi kikane ibelle imong ilena imati ilanza ayi nin Bulus.
14 Immediately the believers sent Paul to the coast, while Silas and Timothy remained behind.
Among anan yinnu sauyenu yira Bulus ku udukuasri lkurawa kuda inan nya udu kan ka gbiri. Sila nin Timintawus wa soh nan nya Berea.
15 Those escorting Paul took him as far as Athens, and then returned with instructions from Paul to Silas and Timothy that they should join him there as soon as possible.
Dana Bulus nin nanan yinnu sauyenu iwa duru ugefe kuraw, itinna pira ujirgin mmen kata udu kagbiri Antakia. Bulus ninworo nin nale ne dã ninṣhe.”Belle Sila ninTimintawus idak kitinin in Atantakia.” Anite ne chino Antakia ma inin kwila udu Berea.
16 While Paul was waiting for them in Athens he was very troubled to see all the idolatry in the city.
Nan nya Athens Bulus soncha Sila nin Timotawus idak. Nan nya nani, achina a kilino ka gbiri. Amini wa lanza mmang kibinaime ba bar ka gbiri wadini chil(idol)
17 He debated in the synagogue with the Jews and those who worshiped God, as well as in the marketplace with those he happened to meet from day to day.
Amini wa duo kitin zursu na Yahudawa anin lirina kitenen Isa nin na Yahudawa, ah tutun a Greek alena na sere ilemon na a Yahuda yinna mu. Amini wa nuzu udas atinna kolome liri anin lira kiti nanite alena awa zuro nan ghinu kikane.
18 Some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers also argued with him. “What is he going on about?” they wondered. Others concluded, “He seems to be teaching about some foreign gods,” because he was speaking about Jesus and the resurrection.
Bulus zuro nin among anan dursuzu inanin wa dinin so iliru kitene nilemong na anit yinnamu. anite wa din yichi Among Epicorion, among iyichananin Stoiks. Inanin wa belin Bulus ku ilemong na inin yinnam, inin tiringhe iyeri ame yinnamu. Among woro nin natimine “nafo adinbellu kutellẹ kona tiyirimuba”. Inin woro bar na Bulus wa dinbelu nanin Isa naku amini nafita adimun ilai tutun.
19 So they took him to the Areopagus, and asked him, “Please tell us about this new teaching that you're promoting.
Among tinna iyiraghe kiti kana kana adide ka gbiri din zursuzu. Dana iduru kikane inin woro nin Bulus, “Benle nari, iyapin imong ipese udin dursuzu anite?
20 We're hearing from you things that sound odd to us, so we'd like to know what they mean.”
Idin dursuzu imong ilengena tiyirimung b, bar nani iyadi nari tiyinin iyapimonari ine.
21 (All the Athenians, including foreigners who lived there, spent their whole time doing nothing except explaining or listening to something new.)
Anitin Athans nin nalena idi kusari kone ne isosinku, idinin so ilaza uliru upese.
22 Paul stood up right in the middle of the Areopagus and said, “People of Athens, I notice you are very religious about everything.
Nin nani Bulus tina ayisina mbun mine anin woro.”Anit Athaan, yene anughe idinin nadini kan.
23 As I was walking along, looking at your shrines, I found an altar that had the inscription, ‘To an Unknown God.’ This unknown God whom you worship is the one I'm describing to you.
Mbele nanin bar, dana indinchinu mmini yene mmong ilengebna idin zazunu, mmini yene kon kubagadi nin lisa kona idin yichu kunin: KUTELLẸ KONA TIYIRUMU BA. Nene mma belin minu Kutellẹ kona idin zazunu na iyirughe ba.
24 The God who created the world and everything in it, the Lord of heaven and earth, doesn't live in temples we make.
Amere Kutelle ulena anake uyi nin nimog vat nan ny. Amere min koyang nan nya kitene nin kutin, na adin sozu kudaga kona inake nin na charaba.
25 He doesn't need to be served by us as if he needed anything, since he is the source of all life for every living being.
Na adimin so nimong na ina ke bar ameba Amre nani nari ulai nin ununfash, Amini na ni nanin mmong ilena idimung su.
26 From one man he made all the peoples who live on the earth, and decided beforehand when and where they should live.
Kubin hizine, Kutellẹ nake unit nin wanim, nan nya minere ama maru anit nan nya iye na isozun ko kame kagbiri. Amini ana ti anit niti kubi
27 God's purpose was that they should seek him, hoping they would reach out for him and find him—though he isn't far from any one of us.
Ana dimun su anit yinin anit dinin sume. Bar inan piziraghe inin saghe. Kutellẹ dinin su ti pizirughevat nin nani adi ku popo nan arik.
28 In him we live, move, and exist. Just as one of your own poets wrote, ‘We are his family.’
Bar Kutellẹre ta tidimi la, tidin chinu ti diku, nafo na umong belle nan nya min, 'bar arik nono mere.
29 Since we are his family we shouldn't think that God is like gold, or silver, or stone, shaped by human artistry and thinking.
Barnanin arik nono Kutellẹ ari, na tiwa yene nafo Kutellẹ masin ugold ko usilva ko kutala, kona anit nake.
30 God disregarded people's ignorance in the past, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent.
Kubi kona anit yiru ilemong na Kutellẹ dinin su mine i su, [kubin sirti] na ana fuor nanin ba. Bar nanin nene Kutellee na woro anite vat ichin matiza manazan.
31 For he has set a time when he will rightly judge the world by the man he has appointed, and he proved to everyone that he is the one by raising him from the dead.”
Amini na belin nari umong uwui din chinu na ama da su kogha ku kiwucho kidegen nin niti ulena ana fere, amini nafe unit une nuzun kisek [ukul]
32 Some of them laughed when they heard about the resurrection of the dead, while others said, “Please come back so we can hear more about this later.”
Dana anit ilanza Bulus uworo unite fita nuzu kisek dana ana ku, amon mine tin na isisila ghe. Amon nin belinghe adak ilonliri tutun.
33 So Paul left them.
Dana ibelle nanin Bulus tinna ahgha.
34 A few men joined him and trusted in God, including Dionysius, a member of the Areopagus, as well as a woman called Damaris, and some others.
Vatninnanin among dofuno Buluse ku inin yinna nin liru kitenen Isa. Nan nya nanit alena yinna nin Isa umong wa diku lisame Dionysius. Tutun umong uwani wadiku lisame Damaris nin na mong nan ghinu na iwa yinin sauyenu.

< Acts 17 >