< Acts 11 >

1 The apostles and brothers in Judea heard that foreigners had also accepted the word of God.
Nen, niono kadura, nan nuana, alenge na iwa di nanyan Yahudiya lanza alumai tutun nsere uliru Kutelle.
2 When Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, those who believed circumcision was still essential argued with him.
Kubi na Bitrus ndaa Urushalima, inung alenge na idi anan kallu kucuru sughe kayasu;
3 “You went into the homes of uncircumcised men, and ate with them,” they said.
Iworo “Fe dinsu ligo nin na nan salin kalizu kucuru, umini din su kileo nanghinu!”
4 Peter began to explain to them everything that had happened.
Ame Bitrus cizina ubellu nani nimon inda na idi, a woro.
5 “While I was in the town of Joppa I was praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. Something that looked like a large sheet was being let down by its four corners from heaven, and it came down to me.
Meng wadi nlirang nanya kagbiri Njoppa, nta amoro nwui nbellen kukuzun na kuwa tollu, nafo kupee kupash, itoltuna unuzu kitene kani, nin nasari anas, ku da tolo kiti nighe.
6 When I looked inside I saw animals, wild beasts, reptiles, and birds.
nceo iyizi nighe ku, nkpiliza kitene, nyene inawa nabunu anas kutyin, inawa ididia kusho, in wunnu naburi, nan nanyin kitene kani.
7 Then I heard a voice that told me, ‘Get up, Peter, kill and eat.’
Nnin lanzu liwui li woroiyi “Fita Bitrus, mollo ulii!”
8 But I replied, ‘Absolutely not, Lord! Nothing impure or unclean has ever entered my mouth!’
Meng woro na nanere ba, Cikilari, bara na imomon nsalin lau sa indinong nsa pira unnu ninghe ba.”
9 The voice from heaven spoke again, and said, ‘Don't you call unclean what God has made clean!’
Ama liwuiye kawa tutun unuzu kitene kane, “Ile imon na Kutelle nbelle idi lau, nafe nwa yiccila inin indinong ba.
10 This happened three times, and then it was all taken back into heaven.
Ile imone wasu nani udu titat, nin nani vat nimone iwa kpilin mun udu kitene kane tutung.
11 At that very moment three men were standing in front of the house where we were staying. They had been sent from Caesarea to see me.
Na nin molu kubi ba, kikane among anit natat, wa yisssin nbun kilare na nwa duku, itoo nani unuzun Kaisariya udak kiti ninghe.
12 The Spirit told me to go with them, and not to worry about who they were. These six brothers here also went with me, and we went into the man's house.
Uruhu tayi nnya nanghinu, na nwa su maferuferu kiti mine ba. Nuana nane kutoci ne nya nanmi, udu nanya kilari nniti une.
13 He explained to us how an angel had appeared to him in his house, who told him, ‘Send someone to Joppa, and fetch Simon, also called Peter,
A belle nari yanda na ayene anan kadura Kutelle nanya kilari me, inin woro “Too anit udu Ujoppa idanin Bitrus ulenge na idin yiccughe Simon.
14 who will tell you what you need to hear so you can be saved—you and your whole household.’
Ame ma liru nanghinu nbellen kadura kanga na ubase utucufe nin vat kilari fe.”
15 When I started speaking, the Holy Spirit fell on them, just as happened to us in the beginning.
Na ncizina uliru nanghinu, Uruhu ulau tolo kitene mine nafo na uwa tolu nghireke nin cizinue.
16 Then I remembered what the Lord said, ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’
Meng lizuno nin lirun Cikilari, na awa woro, “Yuhana ame wa shintizin anit nin nmyen; ama anung ima shintizunu minu nanya Ruhu ulau.”
17 Since God gave them the same gift as he gave us when we trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, what power did I have to oppose God?”
Andi Kutelle wa ni nani ufillu nafo na ana ninari kube nati wa yinnin nin Cikilari Yesu Kristi, menghari wadi nworu in yissin gambalang nin Kutelle?”
18 After they had heard this explanation, they didn't argue with him anymore, and praised God, saying, “Now God has granted the opportunity to repent and have eternal life to foreigners as well.”
Na ilanza ile imone, na itardaghe uliru ba, iwana zazin Kutelleri, iworo, “Kutelle nani Awurmi likara nsunu naliapi wang.”
19 Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that happened when Stephen was killed, traveled all the way to Phoenicia, Cyprus, and Antioch. They only spread the good news among the Jews.
Bara nani anan yinnue na iwa sono uniu ulenge na uwa cizin kubin Istifanus wati nani imala kiti vat unuzun Urushalima-alenge na inya ido pit udi duru Ufinikiya. Iwa bellu ubeleng nlirun Yesu kiti na Yahudawari cas, ana umon tutung ba.
20 But when some of them who were from Cyprus and Cyrene arrived in Antioch, they shared the good news with the Greeks too, telling them about the Lord Jesus.
Ama among anit, unuzun Saipirus nin Serene, wadak Antakiya ida su a Hilinawa nin wazin Ciklari Yesu.
21 The power of the Lord was with them and a large number trusted in the Lord and turned to him.
Tutung ucaran Cikilari wayita ligowe nanghinu; anit gbardang gitirno iyinna idofino Cikilare ku.
22 News about what had happened reached the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.
Ubelleng mine da duru atuf nanan kilarin lira in Urushalima; inani wa tuu Barnabas ku udu Antakiya.
23 When he arrived and saw for himself how God's grace was working, he was delighted. He encouraged all of them to completely dedicate themselves to God and to stay true.
Na awa dak ada yene ufillu Kutelle, ayi poaghe; anin na nani likara nibinayi nworu iso ligowe nanyan Cikilare nin nibinayi mine vat.
24 Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit, and put his whole trust in God. Many people were brought to the Lord.
Bara awadi unit ugegeme nin Ruhu ulau a uyinnu sa uyenu ni Yesu, iwase ukpinu nanit gbardang kitin Cikilare.
25 Then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to look for Saul,
Barnabas tunna anuzu udun Tarsus adi pizuru Shawulu ku.
26 and when he found him, he took Saul back with him to Antioch. Over the course of the next year they worked together with the church, teaching the message to crowds of people. It was in Antioch that the believers were first called “Christians.”
Na awa seghe, amini wa dak ninghe Antakiya. Uni waso nafo nenge, nanya likus iwa sozo ligowe kilari nlira idursuzo anit gbardang. Iwa cizin uyicu nnono kadure anan dortu Kutelle in Antakiyari.
27 It was during this time that some prophets went from Jerusalem to Antioch.
Nanya nayiri ane among a Anabawa wa dak Antakiya unuzun Urushalima.
28 One of them called Agabus stood up and gave a prophetic warning by the Spirit that there would be a terrible famine that would affect the known world. (This came true in the reign of Emperor Claudius.)
Umong mine unan lissan Agabus, fita ayissina a durso nnuzun Ruhu a woro kukpong kudya ma malu uyii ulele vat. Ile imone wase nayirin Kiladiyus.
29 The believers decided to send funds to help the brothers that lived in Judea, with everyone giving according to what they had.
Bara nani, nono Katwawe tunna iworo ituu nin bunu udu kiti linuana in Yahudiya, nafo na kogha ma yinnu.
30 So they did this and sent the money with Barnabas and Saul to the church leaders there.
Iwa su nani; itoo nin nikurfung kiti na kukune nacaran Barnabas nin Shawulu.

< Acts 11 >