< 2 Peter 2 >

1 But just as there were false prophets among the people then, there will be false teachers among you. They subtly introduce false and destructive teachings, even denying the Lord who redeemed them, quickly bringing destruction on themselves.
No rĩrĩ, nĩ kwarĩ anabii a maheeni thĩinĩ wa andũ, o ta ũrĩa gũgaakorwo na arutani a maheeni thĩinĩ wanyu. Nao nĩmagatoonyia ũrutani wa maheeni wa gũthũkia andũ na waara, o na makaane Mwathani ũrĩa wamagũrire, na nĩ ũndũ ũcio, merehere kwanangwo kwa narua.
2 Many will follow their immoral perversions, and because of them people will condemn the way of truth.
Andũ aingĩ nĩmakarũmĩrĩra mĩthiĩre yao ya ũũra-thoni na matũme njĩra ĩrĩa ya ma ĩcambio.
3 They will greedily exploit you with false tales. However, they are already condemned: their sentence has been hanging over them for a long time, their destruction won't be postponed.
Ningĩ nĩ ũndũ wa ũkoroku wao, arutani acio nĩmagetongagia na inyuĩ na kũmwĩraga ngʼano cia maheeni. Ituĩro rĩao rĩa ciira rĩtũire rĩmetereire, o na kwanangwo kwao gũtiikaraga ta gũkomete.
4 For God didn't even spare the angels when they sinned. He threw them into Tartarus, holding them in dark pits ready for judgment. (Tartaroō g5020)
Nĩ ũndũ-rĩ, kuona atĩ Ngai ndaigana kũiguĩra araika arĩa mehirie tha, no nĩkũmaikia aamaikirie Jehanamu, akĩmohithia marima-inĩ ma nduma maikarage kuo metereire ituĩro-rĩ, (Tartaroō g5020)
5 God didn't spare the ancient world either, but he protected Noah who told people about the God who did right. He was one of the eight who were saved when God sent a flood upon a world of evil people.
ningĩ kuona atĩ ndaiguĩrĩire thĩ ya tene tha hĩndĩ ĩrĩa aarehire kĩguũ kĩa maaĩ kũrĩ andũ arĩa maatũũraga kuo matetĩkĩtie Ngai, no akĩgitĩra Nuhu, ũrĩa warĩ mũhunjia wa ũthingu na andũ angĩ mũgwanja;
6 God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to total destruction, burning them to ash, as an example of what will happen to those who live evil lives.
na angĩkorwo nĩatuĩrĩire matũũra ma Sodomu na Gomora ciira na ũndũ wa kũmacina magĩtuĩka mũhu, na akĩmatua kĩonereria kĩa ũrĩa gũgaatuĩka kũrĩ andũ arĩa matetĩkĩtie Ngai;
7 But God rescued Lot because he was a good man, sickened by the disgusting immorality of his neighbors.
na angĩkorwo nĩahonokirie Loti, mũndũ warĩ mũthingu, na waiguithagio kĩeha nĩ mĩtũũrĩre ya ũũra-thoni ya andũ acio aaganu,
8 (Lot lived among them, but he did what was good and right. He saw and heard what they did day after day, and their wickedness tormented him.)
(nĩgũkorwo mũndũ ũcio mũthingu, ũrĩa waikaranagia nao o mũthenya, nĩaiguithagio ruo ngoro-inĩ yake thingu nĩ ciĩko cia waganu iria oonaga na akaigua);
9 As you can see, the Lord is able to rescue from their troubles those who respect him, and to keep the wicked until the day of judgment when their punishment is completed.
angĩkorwo ũguo nĩguo kũrĩ-rĩ, Mwathani nĩoĩ kũhonokia andũ arĩa meamũrĩire Ngai kuuma magerio-inĩ, na kũiga andũ arĩa matarĩ athingu nginya mũthenya wa ciira ũkinye, o akĩmaherithagia.
10 This is especially so for those who follow their corrupt human desires, and contemptuously disregard authority. Arrogant and proud, they're not even afraid to defame heavenly beings.
Na makĩria harĩ andũ arĩa marũmagĩrĩra merirĩria mooru ma mwĩrĩ marĩa marĩ magigi na makanyarara wathani o wothe. Andũ acio nĩ ndũrĩka na nĩ etĩĩi na matiĩtigagĩra kũruma ciũmbe cia igũrũ iria irĩ riiri;
11 Angels, on the other hand, even though they are stronger and more powerful, don't disparage them before the Lord.
no rĩrĩ, o na gũtuĩka araika nĩ marĩ hinya na ũhoti makĩria, matirumaga ciũmbe icio magĩcithitangaga kũrĩ Mwathani.
12 These people are like mindless beasts, produced like farm animals to be captured and slaughtered. They condemn things they don't know anything about, and just like animals they will be destroyed.
No andũ acio nĩmarumanaga maũndũ-inĩ marĩa matooĩ. Mahaana ta nyamũ itarĩ na meciiria, iria ciũmbĩtwo itarĩ na ũmenyo, na iciarĩtwo irĩ cia kũgwatio na kũniinwo, na o ta nyamũ-rĩ, o nao nĩ kũniinwo makaaniinwo.
13 They will be paid back in harm for the harm they have done. Their idea of fun is to commit their evil lusts in broad daylight. They are stains and blemishes on your community. They enjoy their deceptive pleasures even while they eat together with you.
Nao nĩmakarĩhwo ũũru na ũũru kũringana na ũrĩa matũire mekaga. O monaga atĩ kũrĩĩo mũthenya barigici nĩkuo gwĩkenia. Andũ acio nĩ imeni na ũũgũ, rĩrĩa megwĩkenia maruga-inĩ mao ma ikeno hĩndĩ ĩrĩa mekũrĩanĩra na inyuĩ.
14 They're always on the lookout for adulterous relationships—they just can't stop sinning. They seduce the vulnerable; they have trained themselves in greed; they are offspring under a curse.
Marĩ na maitho maiyũrĩte ũtharia, na matitigaga kwĩhia; o maguucagĩrĩria andũ arĩa marĩ ngoro hũthũ; o nĩ njorua cia ũkoroku, na nĩ rũciaro rũrume!
15 They have abandoned the right path and went astray, following the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved to be paid for doing evil.
Nĩmatigĩte njĩra ĩrĩa nũngarũ makoora makarũmĩrĩra njĩra ya Balamu wa Beori, ũrĩa wendaga mũno mũcaara wa gwĩka ũũru.
16 But he was told off for his evil actions—a dumb donkey spoke with a human voice and stopped the prophet's foolishness!
No nĩakũũmirwo nĩ ndigiri, nyamũ ĩtaaragia, nĩ ũndũ wa gwĩka ũũru, ĩkĩaria na mũgambo wa mũndũ, na ĩkĩriĩra ũgũrũki wa mũnabii ũcio.
17 People like these are springs without water, mists blown away by the wind. They are destined for blackest darkness—forever. (questioned)
Andũ acio nĩ ithima itarĩ maaĩ, na nĩ ibii iria itwaragwo nĩ kĩhuhũkanio. Nao no nduma nene makĩria metereirio. (questioned)
18 Inflated with their own nonsense, they appeal to sensual desires, luring back into immorality those who have only just escaped from those who live in error.
Nĩgũkorwo maaragia ndeto cia tũhũ na cia mwĩtĩĩo, makaguucagĩrĩria na merirĩria mao mooru ma mwĩrĩ o na ũũra-thoni andũ arĩa marethara moime thĩinĩ wa arĩa matũũraga mahĩtagia.
19 They promise them freedom, even though they themselves are slaves to depravity. “You are a slave to whatever conquers you.”
Mameeragĩra gũkũũrwo ũkombo-inĩ, o rĩrĩa o ene marĩ ngombo cia ũhoro wa kũbutha, nĩgũkorwo mũndũ nĩ ngombo ya ũndũ ũrĩa wothe ũmwathaga.
20 If people manage to escape from the evil influence of the world by knowing the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then get tangled up in sin again and are defeated, they are worse off than they were in the first place.
Mangĩkorwo nĩmetharĩte kuuma thĩinĩ wa maũndũ marĩa marĩ magigi ma gũkũ thĩ nĩ ũndũ wa kũmenyana na Mwathani na Mũhonokia witũ, Jesũ Kristũ na ningĩ macooke kuohanio na maũndũ na magatoorio nĩmo-rĩ, mũtũũrĩre wao wa marigĩrĩrio-inĩ ũgaakorwo ũrĩ mũũru gũkĩra wa kĩambĩrĩria.
21 It would have been better not to have known the right way of truth, than to have known it and then turn away from the sacred instructions they'd been given.
Nĩ kaba matangĩamenyete njĩra ya ũthingu, gũkĩra kũmĩmenya na magacooka kũhutatĩra watho ũrĩa mũtheru maatigĩirwo.
22 This proverb has come true for them: “The dog has returned to its own vomit, and the washed pig has gone back to rolling in the mud.”
Ũhoro ũcio wao, nĩwonanĩtio nĩ wa ma nĩ thimo iria ciugaga atĩrĩ: “Ngui ĩcookagĩrĩra matahĩko mayo,” na, “Ngũrwe ya mũgoma yathambio ĩcookaga ĩgathiĩ kwĩgaragaria mũtondo-inĩ.”

< 2 Peter 2 >