< 1 Timothy 2 >

1 First of all, I want to encourage you to pray for everybody: make requests of God, ask on their behalf, and give thanks.
Okusookera ddala, mbasaba, musabenga, mwegayirirenga, era mwebazenga Katonda ku lw’abantu bonna.
2 Pray like this for kings and all types of leaders so that we may live quiet and peaceful lives, always thinking about God and taking life seriously.
Era musabirenga bakabaka n’abafuzi abalala bonna, tulyoke tube bulungi nga tuli mirembe, nga tussaamu Katonda ekitiibwa, era nga twegendereza mu buli ngeri.
3 This is what is good, and what pleases God our Savior.
Ekyo kirungi era ekisiimibwa mu maaso ga Katonda Omulokozi waffe,
4 He wants everyone to be saved, and come to understand what truth really is.
ayagala abantu bonna balokolebwe, era bategeere amazima.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator of God and mankind—the man Christ Jesus.
Kubanga Katonda ali omu, era omutabaganya w’abantu ne Katonda ali omu, ye muntu Kristo Yesu,
6 He gave himself so we could all be won back, demonstrating the evidence at the right time.
eyeewaayo abe omutango olwa bonna. Ekyo kyakakasibwa mu kiseera kyakyo ekituufu.
7 I was appointed to share this message and be its messenger, a teacher to the foreigners about trusting God and the truth (I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth!)
Era nze kye nateekebwawo mbeere omutume era omuyigiriza w’Abamawanga, mbategeeze eby’okukkiriza n’eby’amazima; njogera bituufu sirimba.
8 What I really want is for men everywhere to pray sincerely to God. No anger or arguments!
Noolwekyo njagala abantu buli wantu, basabenga Katonda nga bayimusa emikono gyabwe emirongoofu, nga tebalina busungu wadde empaka.
9 In the same way, women should dress sensibly, modestly, and appropriately. They should be attractive not in their hairstyle or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes,
Era kye njagala abakazi bambalenga ebyambalo ebisaanira, beegenderezenga, nga tebeemalira mu misono gya nviiri, ne mu kwewoomya nga bambala ebya zaabu n’amayinja ag’omuwendo, wadde okwambala engoye ez’omuwendo ennyo.
10 but by the good things they do—as is appropriate for women who claim to follow God.
Wabula babe n’ebikolwa ebirungi, nga bwe kisaanira abakazi abassaamu Katonda ekitiibwa.
11 Women should learn quietly, respecting their place.
Mu kuyigirizibwa, omukazi asirikenga nga yeewombeese.
12 I don't allow women to be instructors, or to dominate men; let them remain quiet.
Sikkiriza mukazi kuyigiriza wadde okuba n’obuyinza ku musajja, wabula asaana asirikenga.
13 For Adam was made first, and then Eve.
Kubanga Adamu ye yasooka okutondebwa, ne kuddako Kaawa.
14 Adam wasn't deceived, but Eve was completely deceived, and she fell into sin.
Era Adamu si ye yasendebwasendebwa, wabula mukazi ye yasendebwasendebwa, n’agwa mu kibi.
15 However, women will be saved through becoming mothers, as long as they continue to trust and love, and to live holy, sensible lives.
Kyokka omukazi alirokolerwa mu kuzaala abaana, bw’ananywereranga mu kukkiriza ne mu kwagala ne mu butukuvu, ne mu kwegendereza.

< 1 Timothy 2 >