< 1 Samuel 6 >

1 After the Ark of the Lord had been in the country of the Philistines for seven months,
Sima na Sanduku ya Yawe kosala sanza sambo kati na mokili ya bato ya Filisitia,
2 the Philistines summoned the priests and fortune-tellers, and asked, “What should we do with the Ark of the Lord? Explain to us how to send it back to where it came from.”
bato ya Filisitia babengisaki Banganga-Nzambe mpe bato ya soloka, balobaki na bango: — Tosengeli kosala nini na Sanduku ya Yawe? Boyebisa biso ndenge nini tokoki kozongisa yango na esika na yango.
3 “If you're going to send back the Ark of the God of Israel, do not send it back empty-handedly, but make sure to send along with it a gift of a guilt offering to him,” they replied. “Then you will be healed, and you will understand why he has treated you like this.”
Bazongisaki: — Soki bolingi kozongisa Sanduku ya Nzambe ya Isalaele, bozongisa yango ya pamba te, kasi bozongisa yango elongo na bambeka mpo na masumu; bongo bokobika na bokono, mpe bokoyeba mpo na nini loboko na Yawe etikaki te konyokola bino.
4 “What kind of guilt offering should we send back to him?” asked the Philistines. “Five gold objects in the shape of the swellings, and five gold rats representing the number of rulers of the Philistines,” they replied. “The same plague attacked both you and your rulers.
Bato ya Filisitia batunaki: — Mbeka ya masumu ya lolenge nini tosengeli kobonzela Yawe? Bazongisaki: — Kolanda motango ya bakambi ya bato ya Filisitia, bobonzela Ye biloko mitano ya wolo, oyo ekotalisa bapota ya libumu, mpe bampuku mitano ya wolo; pamba te ezala bino to bakambi na bino, bokweyelaki kaka etumbu ya ndenge moko.
5 Make models to represent your swellings and the rats destroying the country, and honor the God of Israel. Perhaps he will stop punishing you, your gods, and your land.
Bosala bililingi oyo ekotalisa bapota na bino ya libumu, mpe oyo ekotalisa bampuku oyo ezali kobebisa mokili na bino; mpe bopesa nkembo na Nzambe ya Isalaele. Tango mosusu, akolongola loboko na Ye na likolo na bino, na likolo ya banzambe na bino, mpe na likolo ya mokili na bino.
6 Why be stubborn like the Egyptians and Pharaoh? When he punished them, didn't they send the Israelites on their way as they left?
Tina nini kozala moto makasi lokola Faraon mpe bato ya Ejipito? Bokanisa ete sima na Nzambe konyokola bango, batikaki bana ya Isalaele kokende na nzela na bango.
7 So get a new cart ready, pulled by two milk cows that have never been yoked. Tie the cows to the cart, but take their calves away and put them in a stall.
Boye bino, bosala sik’oyo shario moko ya sika; bozwa bangombe mibale ya basi oyo ezali komelisa mpe oyo nanu balatisi te ekangiseli na kingo. Bokangisa bangombe yango na shario, kasi bozongisa bana na yango na lopango.
8 Pick up the Ark of the Lord, put it on the cart, and place the gold objects you are sending him as a guilt offering in a chest beside it. Then send the Ark away. Let it go whichever way it wants,
Bokamata Sanduku ya Yawe mpe botia yango na likolo ya shario. Pembeni ya Sanduku ya Yawe, botia kati na mwa sanduku moko ya moke biloko ya wolo oyo bokobonzela Yawe lokola bambeka mpo na masumu. Sima, botika yango kokende.
9 but keep watching it. If it goes up the road to its home country, to Beth-shemesh, then it is the Lord who caused all this terrible trouble for us. But if it doesn't, then we'll know that it wasn't him who punished us—it just happened to us by chance.”
Kasi bokotala yango malamu: soki Sanduku ya Yawe ezwi nzela ya Beti-Shemeshi mpo na kokende na mokili na yango, wana elakisi ete Yawe nde akweyiselaki biso pasi makasi yango; soki te, wana tokoyeba ete ezalaki na yango loboko na Yawe te, kasi oyo ekomelaki biso ezalaki na yango kaka libaku.
10 So that's what the people did. They took two milk cows and tied them to the cart, and kept their calves in a stall.
Bato ya Filisitia basalaki ndenge bayebisaki bango: bazwaki bangombe mibale ya basi oyo ezalaki komelisa mpe bakangisaki yango na shario. Kasi bazongisaki bana na yango na lopango.
11 They put the Ark of the Lord on the cart, together with the chest containing the gold rats and models of their swellings.
Batiaki Sanduku ya Yawe na likolo ya shario; bongo na pembeni na yango, batiaki mwa sanduku oyo ya moke, oyo kati na yango ezalaki na bampuku ya wolo mpe bililingi ya bapota na bango ya libumu.
12 The cows went straight up the road to Beth-shemesh, lowing as they went, going directly on the main road and not turning either left or right. The Philistine rulers followed them all the way to the border of Beth-shemesh.
Bangombe yango ya basi ekendeki mbala moko na nzela ya Beti-Shemeshi, elandaki kaka nzela yango mpe, nzela-nzela, ezalaki kolela; ebalukaki te ezala na ngambo ya loboko ya mwasi to na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali. Nzokande bakambi ya bato ya Filisitia balandaki yango na mosika kino na mondelo ya Beti-Shemeshi.
13 The people of Beth-shemesh were reaping wheat in the valley. When they looked up and saw the Ark, they were so happy to see it.
Na eleko yango, bato ya Beti-Shemeshi bazalaki kobuka ble, na lubwaku. Bongo tango batombolaki miso mpe bamonaki Sanduku, basepelaki makasi.
14 The cart came into the field of Joshua of Beth-shemesh, and stopped there beside a large rock. The people cut up the cart for wood and sacrificed the cows as a burnt offering to the Lord.
Shario ekomaki na elanga ya Jozue, moto ya Beti-Shemeshi, mpe etelemaki wana, pembeni ya libanga monene. Bato babukaki mabaya ya sanduku mpe babonzaki bangombe ya basi lokola mbeka ya kotumba mpo na Yawe.
15 The Levites took down the Ark of the Lord and the chest containing the gold objects, and put them on the large rock. The people of Beth-shemesh presented burnt offerings and made sacrifices to the Lord that day.
Balevi bakitisaki Sanduku ya Yawe elongo na mwa sanduku ya moke oyo kati na yango ezalaki na biloko ya wolo, mpe batiaki yango na likolo ya libanga monene. Na mokolo wana, bato ya Beti-Shemeshi babonzaki bambeka ya kotumba mpe makabo epai na Yawe.
16 The five Philistine rulers saw all that happened this and then went back to Ekron the same day.
Bakambi yango mitano ya bato ya Filisitia bamonaki makambo nyonso wana mpe bazongaki na Ekroni kaka mokolo wana.
17 The five gold models of swellings sent by the Philistines as a guilt offering to the Lord were from the rulers of Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron.
Tala bililingi ya wolo ya bapota ya libumu oyo bato ya Filisitia babonzelaki Yawe lokola bambeka mpo na masumu: moko mpo na Asidodi, moko mpo na Gaza, moko mpo na Ashikeloni, moko mpo na Gati, moko mpo na Ekroni.
18 The gold rats represented the number of Philistine towns of the five rulers—the fortified towns and their surrounding villages. The large rock on which they placed the Ark of the Lord still stands to this day in the field of Joshua of Beth-shemesh as a witness to what happened there.
Ezalaki mpe na bampuku ya wolo, kolanda motango ya bingumba ya bato ya Filisitia, oyo bakambi mitano oyo bazalaki koyangela: kobanda na bingumba batonga makasi, bamboka na yango ya mike kino na libanga ya monene oyo, na likolo na yango, batiaki Sanduku ya Yawe mpe oyo, kino na mokolo ya lelo, ezali na elanga ya Jozue, moto ya Beti-Shemeshi.
19 But God killed some of the people of Beth-shemesh because they looked inside the Ark of the Lord. He killed seventy, and the people mourned deeply because the Lord had killed so many.
Kasi Nzambe abomaki bato ya Beti-Shemeshi mpo ete batalaki Sanduku ya Yawe: kati na bato nkoto tuku mitano, abomaki tuku sambo. Bato ya Beti-Shemeshi basalaki matanga mpo ete Yawe apesaki bango etumbu ya makasi.
20 The people of Beth-shemesh asked, “Who can stand before the Lord, this holy God? Where should the Ark go from here?”
Bato ya Beti-Shemeshi balobaki: « Nani akoki kotelema liboso ya Yawe, Nzambe oyo ya bule? Sanduku ekokende epai ya nani soki elongwe awa epai na biso? »
21 They sent messengers to the people of Kiriath-jearim to say, “The Philistines have returned the Ark of the Lord. Come down and take it home with you.”
Bongo batindaki bantoma koloba na bato ya Kiriati-Yearimi: « Bato ya Filisitia bazongisi Sanduku ya Yawe; boya kozwa yango mpe bomema yango epai na bino. »

< 1 Samuel 6 >