< 1 Peter 4 >

1 Since Christ suffered physically, you must prepare yourselves with the same attitude he had—for those who suffer physically have turned away from sin.
Bara na Kristi na neo nan nya kidowo, nanere anung wang teren nibinai bara uniu uremme, vat nle na ana neo nan nya kidowo ana surto nan nya kulapi.
2 You will not live the rest of your lives following human desires, but doing what God wants.
Na unit une do nin lissosin nan nya ntok kidowo ba, ama na nya nsu Kutelle bara ngisin nayiri nlau me.
3 In the past you've spent enough time following the ways of the world: immorality, sexual indulgence, drunken orgies, partying, binge drinking, and revolting idol-worship.
Bara kubi na kata Alumai gbardang nworu isu imon ile na ina di nin sun sue, upiziru nawani sa nanilime uhem, kuma niyizi, uso nadadu, avu ananzang, nin son toro, a udortun ncil.
4 People think it's strange that you don't join them anymore in this wild and excessive lifestyle, so they curse at you. But they will have to explain what they've done to the one who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
Iwa kpiliza id imon ipesse na anung din su ile imone nan ghinu ba, inam wa su uliru unanzang nati mine
5 That's why the good news was shared with those who've already died—
ko gha ma batuzu imon ile na asu kiti nle na ama su ushara nanan lai nin na nan kul.
6 so that although they were rightly judged as far as being sinful human beings is concerned, they could live in the spirit as far as God is concerned.
Bara ile imonere iwa su uwaze kiti nale na ina kuzu, ina su ina malu isu nani ushara nan nya nidowo mine nafo anit, inan su lissosin nafo usu Nruhu Kutelle.
7 Everything is coming to an end! So think clearly and stay alert when you pray.
Imalin nimone vat din cinu. Bara nani nonko ibinai mine, sun ukpiluzu mine nin nibinai nisheu bara nlira mine.
8 Most of all, you should love one another very deeply, for love covers many of the wrong things people do.
A imon dutu vat, yitan nin su ugip kiti linuawana vat, bara na usu di nin su u yinin a lapi namong ba.
9 Show hospitality to each another, and don't complain.
Yitan nin su nsesu namara nan nya mine na nin kugbullu ba.
10 Whatever gift you've been given, share it with others among you, as people who wisely demonstrate God's grace in all its different forms.
Nafo na ko uyeme mine na seru ufillu, sun katwa mun nan nya nati mine, nafo a wakilai Kutelle acine na ina seru ufillu ngangang gbardang kiti Kutelle.
11 Anyone who speaks should do so as though God is speaking through them. Anyone who wants to help others should do so through the strength that God gives, so that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. May glory and power be his forever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
Andi umong nsu uliru na uso nafo agbulang nliru Kutelle; andi umong din su katwa, na asu nafo nin likara na Kutelleri din nizu, bara nan nya nimon vat, na Kutelle se ngongong unuzu Yesu Kristi. Ngongong nin likara di unme vat sa ligan. Uso nani. (aiōn g165)
12 My friends, don't be alarmed at the “ordeals of fire” you're having, as if these were unexpected.
Anan su nayi ning, na iwa yene imon fiuwari imusun nle uniu ukan ghe na udi kiti mine bara udumun minuari nafo imomon inanzaghari na se minu.
13 Be happy to the extent that you share in Christ's suffering, because when he appears in his glory, you will be incredibly happy!
Nafo na ligan gbardang in yinnu nniu in Kristife di, su liburi libo, bara inan su liburi libo nin nayi abo nan nya in yenu ngongong me.
14 If you are cursed in Christ's name, you're blessed, for God's glorious spirit rests on you.
Asa izogo fi bara lissan Kristi, udi nin mari, bara Uruhu ngogong nin Nruhu Kutelle sossin litife.
15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer, or a thief, or a criminal, or as a gossip—
Na umong mine nwa neo nafo unan molsu nanit ba.
16 but if it's as a Christian, then you don't need to be ashamed. Instead praise God that you're called by that name!
Vat nani, asa umong mine din niu nafo unan dortu Kutelle, na awa lanza ncin ba, ama na ati Kutelle gongong nan nya lisa me.
17 For the time of judgment has come—and it begins with the house of God. If it begins with us, what will be the end of those who reject God's good news?
Bara kubi nda na ushara ma cizunu nan nya Kilari Kutelle. Iwa din woru ucizina nin ghiruk, iyaghari ma yitu liyissin na lenge na idi nin yinnu nin liru Kutelle ba?
18 “If it's hard for those who live right to be saved, what will happen to sinners, those who oppose God?”
Andi fa unan katwa kacine mase utucu bara uniuwari, iyaghari ma yiti liyissin nnan sali fiue Kutelle nin nan kulapi?
19 So then those who suffer according to the will of God, the trustworthy Creator, should make sure they are doing good.
Bara nani na alenge na idin niu nafo usu Kutelle ni tilai mine kiti nnan makeke ugegeme ai yita non nimon icine.

< 1 Peter 4 >