< Luke 7 >

1 Now when He concluded all His sayings in the hearing of the people, He entered Capernaum.
Dunu huluane da amo sia: nabi dagoi. Sia: dagoloba, Yesu da asili, Gabena: iame moilaiga doaga: i.
2 Well a certain centurion's slave, who was valuable to him, was sick and about to die.
Amo moilai ganodini da Louma dadi gagui ouligisu dunu esalu. Ea hawa: hamosu dunu afae, ema e da bagadewane asigisu, amo da oloi bagadeba: le, bogomuwane dialu.
3 So when he heard about Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to Him, asking Him to come and rescue his slave.
Dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da Yesu misi nababeba: le, Yu asigilai dunu Yesuma asunasi. Yesu da ea dogolegei hawa: hamosu dunu uhinisima: ne misa: ne sia: musa: , e da ili asunasi.
4 And when they came to Jesus they started pleading earnestly with Him, saying that the one for whom He would do this was worthy,
Yu asigilai dunu da Yesuma doaga: le, ilia da ha: giwane amane adole ba: i, “Dia da dadi gagui ouligisu dunu fidimu da defea!
5 “Because he loves our nation, and he himself built our synagogue.”
E da ninia soge fi ilima bagade asigisa. E da ninia sinagoge diasu gagui dagoi.”
6 So Jesus went with them. But when He was no longer far from the house, the centurion sent friends to Him, saying to Him: “Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy that you should come under my roof.
Amalalu, ilia da Yesu sigi ahoanoba, E da dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ea diasu gadenenewane doaga: loba, dadi gagui ouligisu dunu da ea na: iyado dunu Yesuma asunasi. Ilia da dadi gagui ouligisu dunu ea sia: , Yesuma amane olelei, “Hina! Mae dawa: ma! Dia na diasu ganodini golili sa: imu da defea hame galebe. Bai na hou da defele hame gala.
7 In fact I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. Just say a word and my servant will be healed;
Amaiba: le na da Dima hame misi. Be Dia sia: beba: le fawane, na hawa: hamosu dunu da uhimu.
8 because I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. I say to one, ‘Go!’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes; and to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does.”
Na dawa: Na hina dunu da esala, amola na da eno dadi gagui dunuma hina esala. Dunu afadafa ema na da ‘Masa!’ sia: beba: le, e da ahoa. Enoma na da ‘Misa!’ sia: beba: le, e da maha. Na hawa: hamosu dunuma na da, ‘Agoane hamoma!’ sia: sea, e da agoane hamosa.”
9 Well upon hearing these things Jesus marveled at him, and turning to the crowd following Him, He said, “I say to you, not even in Israel have I found such great faith!”
Amo sia: nababeba: le, Yesu da fofogadigili, sinidigili, dunu bagohame ea baligia aligi ilima amane sia: i, “Na dafawane sia: sa! Na da Isala: ili fi ganodini agoaiwane bagade dafawaneyale dawa: su hou hamedafa ba: i.”
10 When those who were sent returned to the house they found that the slave who had been sick was well.
Amalalu, dadi gagui ea asunasi dunu da sinidigili, ea diasuga bu doaga: le, ea hawa: hamosu dunu uhi dagoi ba: i.
11 Now it happened on the next day that He went to a town called Nain, and many of His disciples went with Him, also a large crowd.
Amalalu, Yesu da Na: ine moilaiga asi. Ea ado ba: su dunu amola eno dunu bagohame ea baligia aligili asi.
12 But as He approached the town gate, mercy, a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow; a large crowd from the town was with her.
E da moilai logo holei amoga doaga: loba, dunu da bogoi dunu doufa amoga ligisili, dunuga gadili gaguli manebe ba: i. Bogoi da uda didalo ea mano afadafa fawane esalu bogoi. Asigiba: le, dunu bagohame amo didalo e sigi manebe ba: i.
13 When the Lord saw her He had compassion on her and said to her, “Don't cry!”
Amo didalo ba: loba, Yesu da bagadewane asigiba: le, ema amane sia: i, “Mae dima!”
14 And advancing He took hold of the bier and the bearers stood still. Then He said, “Young man, to you I say, get up!”
Amalalu, bogoi ea doufa amoga doaga: loba, amo doufa E da digili ba: beba: le, gagui dunu da ouligi. Yesu E amane sia: i, “Goi ayeligi! Na dima sia: sa! wa: legadoma!”
15 So the dead man sat up and began to talk! Yes, He gave him back to his mother.
Amalalu, bogoi da bu uhini, wa: legadole sia: baoulalu. Yesu da amo dunu ea amema bu i.
16 Fear took hold of all, and they began glorifying God, saying, “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and, “God has visited His people!”
Dunu huluane da bagade beda: ne, Godema nodone sia: i, “Balofede dunu bagadedafa da ninima doaga: i dagoi.” Eno ilia sia: i, “Gode da Ea fidafa gaga: musa: misi dagoi.”
17 And this report about Him went throughout Judea, as well as all the surrounding region.
Amalalu, Yudia soge ganodini amola eno gadenene soge huluane ganodini, dunu huluane da Yesu Ea hou nababeba: le gilisili sia: dasu.
18 Then the disciples of John informed him about all these things.
Yone Ba: bodaise ea ado ba: su dunu da amo hou huluane Yonema olelei.
19 And summoning a certain two of his disciples, John sent them to Jesus, saying, “Are you the Coming One, or should we look for another?”
Amalalu, Yone da ado ba: su dunu aduna Yesuma sia: ma: ne asunasi. E amane sia: i, “Yesuma amane adole ba: ma, ‘Yone da Mesaia misunu sia: i dagoi. Di da amo dunula: ? O ninia eno dunu misa: ne ouesaloma: bela: ?’”
20 When the men had come to Him, they said: “John the Baptizer has sent us to you, saying, ‘Are you the Coming One, or should we look for another?’”
Amo dunu, Yesuma doaga: le, amane sia: i, “Yone Ba: bodaise da ani dima amane sia: ma: ne asunasi, amo ‘Di da Yone musa: misunu sia: i Dunu amola: ? O ninia eno misa: ne ouesaloma: bela: ?’”
21 Well in that very hour He healed many from diseases and torments and malignant spirits, and to many blind He granted sight.
Ela mabe galu, Yesu da oloi bagade madelai dunu amola dunu ilia dogo ganodini Fio liligi aligila sa: i, amo bagohame uhininanebe ba: i. E da si dofoi dunu bagohame ilia si fadegalalu.
22 So in answer Jesus said to them: “Go and report to John the things you have seen and heard: that the blind regain sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, dead are raised, the poor are evangelized.
Yesu da Yone ea adola ahoasu dunu elama amane adole i, “Yonema buhagili, alia waha ba: i liligi amola nabi liligi amo Yonema olelema. Si dofoi dunu da waha noga: i ba: sa. Emo gasuga: igi dunu da hahawane lala. Aiya madelai dunu da bahoi dagoi. Ge ga: i da waha naba. Bogoi da wa: legadoi dagoi. Hame gagui dunu da waha Gode Ea Sia: ida: iwane naba.
23 And, blessed is he who does not take offense at me!”
Amola nowa dunu da Nama dafawaneyale dawa: su hame fisisia, e da hahawane gala!”
24 Now when John's messengers had departed, He began to speak to the crowds about John: “What did you go out into the wilderness to observe, a reed being shaken by the wind?
Yone ea adola ahoasu dunu ela da bu fisili asili dagoloba, dunu bagohame gilisili esalu ilima Yesu da Yone Ba: bodaise ea hou amane olelei, “Dilia da hafoga: i sogega Yonema ahoanoba, adi ba: la asibela: ? Dilia da gisi foga ugugui, amo ba: la asibela: ?
25 But what did you go out to see, a man clothed in soft garments? Really, those with gorgeous apparel and living in luxury are in palaces.
Adi ba: la gadili asibela; ? Be dilia dunu abula ida: iwane amoga idiniginisi ba: la asibela: ? Abula ida: iwane idiniginisi bagade gagui dunu ilia da osobo bagade hina bagade amo ilia diasu ganodini esalebe ba: sa!
26 But what did you go out to see, a prophet? Yes, I say to you, and much more than a prophet.
Nama adoma! Dilia adi ba: la asibela: ? Balofede dunula: ? Dafawane! Dilia balofede ea hou baligisu dunu ba: i dagoi.
27 This is he about whom it is written: ‘Take note, I am sending my messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you.’
Bai Yone ea hou olelema: ne, Gode Sia: da agoane dedei diala, ‘Gode da amane sia: i, Na alofesu dunu amo Dia logo fodomusa: , Na da asunasimu.’
28 Further, I tell you that among those born of women there is no greater prophet than John the Baptizer; yet he who is least in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.”
Na dilima dafawane sia: sa. Yone Ba: bodaise ea hou da udama lalelegei mano ilia hou huluane baligi dagoi. Be Gode Ea Hinadafa Hou Fi ganodini, baligili fonobahadidafa dunu da Yone ea hou baligisa!”
29 (When all the people, including the tax collectors, heard this, they declared God to be just, having been baptized with John's baptism.
Dunu bagohame amola su lidisu dunu, ilia da Gode Ea moloidafa hamoma: ne sia: i nababeba: le, Yone ea hanoga fane salasu hou musa: lai dagoiba: le, ilia da Yesu Ea sia: hahawane nabi.
30 But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected the counsel of God for themselves, not having been baptized by him.)
Be Fa: lisi dunu amola sema olelesu dunu ilia da Gode Ea hou hame lalegagui amola Yone Ba: bodaise ea hanoga fane salasu hou higabeba: le, hanoga fane salasu hame hamoi.
31 “To what then shall I compare the men of this generation, and to what are they similar?
Amalalu, Yesu E amane sia: i, “Na da wali esalebe dunu ilia hou olelemusa: , adi fedege sia: olelema: bela: ? Ilia da adi agoanela: ?
32 They are like children sitting in the marketplace and calling to one another, saying, ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not cry.’
Ilia da mano fonobahadi bidiga lama: ne diasu ganodini esalebe, mano enoma da mano enoma wele sia: nanebe agoane ba: sa, agoane, ‘Ninia da uda lasu gilisisu amoga baidama dubiba: le, dilia da hame gosa: i. Ninia didigia: beba: le, dilia da hame di.’
33 Because John the Baptizer came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, ‘He has a demon!’
Be Yone Ba: bodaise da ha: i mae nawane, waini mae nawane doaga: i dagoiba: le, ea dogoga Fio liligi da aligila sa: i, dilia sia: sa.
34 The Son of the Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Just look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’
Be Dunu Egefe da ha: i amola waini nana misiba: le, ‘Amo dunu ba: ma! Uasu amola feloasu dunu da goea! Su lidisu amola wadela: i hou hamosu dunu ilia na: iyado da goea!’ dilia da agoane sia: sa.
35 Still, by all her children wisdom is justified.”
Be Gode Ea dawa: sudafa hou da moloidafa. Nowa dunu da amo dawa: sudafa lalegagusia, ilia da Gode Ea hou da moloidafa amo olelesa.”
36 Then one of the Pharisees invited Him to eat with Him, so He entered the Pharisee's house and reclined.
Fa: lisi dunu afae e da ea diasuga ha: i manusa: Yesu misa: ne sia: si. Amalalu, Yesu da ea diasuga doaga: le, ha: i manusa: fi dialu.
37 But then, a woman in the town who was a sinner, when she found out that He was reclining in the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster flask of perfume,
Moilai fi wadela: i hou hamosu uda da Yesu E da Fa: lisi ea diasuga misi nabi dagoi. Amalalu, e da manoma gabusiga: gala amo igi faigelei ganodini sali, gaguli misini, doaga: i.
38 and as she stood behind Him at His feet weeping, she began to wet His feet with her tears and kept wiping them with the hair of her head; and she kept kissing His feet and anointing them with the perfume.
Amalalu, e da Yesu Ea baligia Ea emo gadenenewane lela, dinanu. E da Yesu Ea emo amo ea si hanoga dodofelalu, ea dialuma hinabo amoga doga: i. E da Yesu Ea emo nonogone, amola amoga gabusiga: manoma sogagala: i.
39 Now as the Pharisee who had invited Him observed this, he was saying to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him, including what sort of woman she is—because she is a sinner!”
Be Fa: lisi dunu (amo dunu da Yesu ea diasuga ha: i manusa: hiougi) amo hou ba: beba: le, ea dogo ganodini amane dawa: i, “Amo dunu da balofededafa esala ganiaba, E da amo uda waha Ea da: i digili ba: lalebe, amo ea wadela: i hou E da dawa: la: loba!”
40 So Jesus reacted by saying to him, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” And he said, “Teacher, say on.”
Be Yesu da ema bu adole i, “Saimone! Na da dima sia: mu galebe!” Saimone da amane sia: i, “Defea! Olelesu! Di sia: ma!”
41 “A certain creditor had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty.
Amalalu, Yesu E amane sia: i, “Dunu aduna esalu! Afae da eno bagade gagui dunuma 500 gina dabe bu imunu galu. Eno da ema50gina fawane bu dabe imunu galu.
42 And when they had no way to repay, he freely forgave them both. Now tell me, which of them will love him more?”
Be ela amo dabe bu imunu hamedeiba: le, bagade gagui dunu da dabe mae lale, ela hou gogolema: ne olofoi. Amaiba: le, nowa dunu da amo bagade gagui dunuma baligiliwane asigima: bela: ?”
43 So Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one to whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have judged correctly.”
Saimone da bu adole i, “Amabela: ? Dunu amo bagade gagui dunu da baligili dabe mae lale gogolema: ne olofoi, amo dunu da ema baligiliwane asigimu.” Yesu E amane sia: i, “Hananewane! Di da moloiwane sia: i!”
44 Then He turned toward the woman and said to Simon: “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head.
Amalalu, Yesu da amo udama sinidigili, Saimonema amane sia: i, “Dia da amo uda ea hou ba: bela: ? Na da dia diasuga golili sa: ili, di da Na emo dodofemusa: hano hame i. Be e da ea si hanoga Na emo dodofelalu, amola ea dialuma hinaboga doga: le dagoi.
45 You gave me no kiss, but she has not stopped kissing my feet since the time I came in.
Di da Nama hame nonogoi. Be Na misini, mae yolelewane e da Na emo nonogonana.
46 You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with perfume.
Dia da Na dialuma da: iya susuligi hame sogadigi. Be e da Na emoga gabusiga: manoma sogagala: su.
47 For this reason, I say to you, her many sins have been forgiven, because she loved much; but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.”
Amaiba: le, Na dima sia: sa, ‘Gode da ea wadela: i hou bagohame dialu, amo gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi. Amo dawa: beba: le, ea asigi hou da bagade baligiliwane diala. Be nowa da wadela: i hou fonobahadi fawane Gode da gogolema: ne olofosea, amo dunu ea asigi hou da fonobahadi fawane.”
48 Then He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”
Amalalu, Yesu da amo udama amane sia: i, “Dia wadela: i hou da gogolema: ne olofoi dagoi!”
49 The other recliners began to say within themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?”
Eno dunu Yesu amola gilisili ha: i nanebe, da amane sia: dasu, “Amo dunu da nowa dunula: ? E da wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofosu hamobeba: le, e da nowala: ?”
50 Then He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go into peace.”
Amalalu, Yesu da udama amane sia: i, “Di da dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, Gode Ea Gaga: su lai dagoi. Olofole masa!”

< Luke 7 >