< Nehemiah 1 >

1 The words of Nehemias the son of Helchias. And it came to pass in the month of Casleu, in the twentieth year, as I was in the castle of Susa,
Povijest Nehemije, sina Hakalijina. Mjeseca Kisleva, dvadesete godine, kad sam bio u Susi,
2 That Hanani one of my brethren came, he and some men of Juda; and I asked them concerning the Jews, that remained and were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem.
dođe Hanani, jedan od moje braće, s nekim ljudima iz Judeje. Ja ih zapitah o Židovima - o Ostatku što se spasio od sužanjstva i o Jeruzalemu.
3 And they said to me: They that have remained, and are left of the captivity there in the province, are in great affliction, and reproach: and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and the gates thereof are burnt with fire.
Oni mi odgovoriše: “Ostatak, oni koji su nakon sužanjstva ostali u zemlji, u velikoj su nevolji i sramoti. Jeruzalemski je zid sav razoren, a vrata mu ognjem spaljena.”
4 And when I had heard these words, I sat down, and wept, and mourned for many days: and I fasted, and prayed before the face of the God of heaven.
Kad sam čuo te vijesti, sjedoh i zaplakah. Tugovao sam više dana, postio i molio se pred Bogom nebeskim.
5 And I said: I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, strong, great, and terrible, who keepest covenant and mercy with those that love thee, and keep thy commandments:
I rekoh: “O, Jahve, Bože nebeski, veliki i strašni Bože koji čuvaš Savez i naklonost onima koji te ljube i drže zapovijedi tvoje!
6 Let thy ears be attentive, and thy eyes open, to hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, night and day, for the children of Israel thy servants: and I confess the sins of the children of Israel, by which they have sinned against thee: I and my father’s house have sinned.
Neka uho tvoje bude pažljivo i oči tvoje otvorene da čuješ molitvu sluge svoga. Molim ti se sada, danju i noću, za sinove Izraelove, sluge tvoje, i ispovijedam grijehe sinova Izraelovih koje smo učinili protiv tebe; sagriješili smo i ja i kuća oca mojega!
7 We have been seduced by vanity, and have not kept thy commandments, and ceremonies and judgments, which thou hast commanded thy servant Moses.
Veoma smo zlo činili prema tebi, ne držeći naredaba tvojih, zakona i običaja koje si ti naredio po Mojsiju, sluzi svome.
8 Remember the word that thou commandedst to Moses thy servant, saying: If you shall transgress, I will scatter you abroad among the nations:
Ali se opomeni riječi koje si povjerio Mojsiju, sluzi svome: 'Ako budete nevjerni, ja ću vas rasuti među narode;
9 But if you return to me, and keep my commandments, and do them, though you should be led away to the uttermost parts of the world, I will gather you from thence, and bring you back to the place which I have chosen for my name to dwell there.
ali ako se obratite meni i budete poštovali moje naredbe i držali ih, budu li neki od vas prognani i nakraj neba, ja ću vas sakupiti i odvesti na mjesto koje sam izabrao da ondje prebiva moje Ime.'
10 And these are thy servants, and thy people: whom thou hast redeemed by thy great strength, and by thy mighty hand.
A, eto, oni su tvoje sluge i tvoj narod, koji si izbavio svojom velikom moći i snažnom rukom svojom.
11 I beseech thee, O Lord, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants who desire to fear thy name: and direct thy servant this day, and give him mercy before this man. For I was the king’s cupbearer.
Ah, Gospode, neka uho tvoje bude pažljivo na molitvu sluge tvoga, na molitvu slugu tvojih, koji su spremni bojati se tvoga Imena. Smjerno te molim, udijeli danas sreću sluzi svome i učini da nađe milost pred ovim čovjekom.” A ja bijah tada peharnik kraljev.

< Nehemiah 1 >