< Leviticus 18 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Waaqayyo Museedhaan akkana jedhe;
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them: I am the Lord your God.
“Akkana jedhii Israaʼelootatti himi; ‘Ani Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan.
3 You shall not do according to the custom of the land of Egypt, in which you dwelt: neither shall you act according to the manner of the country of Chanaan, into which I will bring you, nor shall you walk in their ordinances.
Isin waan isaan biyya Gibxi, biyya isin keessa jiraachaa turtan sana keessatti hojjetan hin hojjetinaa; waan biyya Kanaʼaan, biyya ani itti isin galchuuf jiru keessatti hojjetamus hin hojjetinaa. Seera isaanii duukaa hin buʼinaa.
4 You shall do my judgments, and shall observe my precepts, and shall walk in them. I am the Lord your God.
Isin seera kootiif ajajamaa; ajaja koos sirriitti eegaa; ani Waaqayyo Waaqa keessanii dha.
5 Keep my laws and my judgments, which if a man do, he shall live in them. I am the Lord.
Ajaja koo fi seera koo eegaa; namni isaaniif ajajamu isaaniin jiraataatii; ani Waaqayyo.
6 No man shall approach to her that is near of kin to him, to uncover her nakedness. I am the Lord.
“‘Namni kam iyyuu fira dhiigaa kam iyyuu wajjin wal bira gaʼuuf itti hin dhiʼaatin; ani Waaqayyo.
7 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother: she is thy mother, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
“‘Haadha kee wajjin wal bira gaʼuudhaan abbaa kee hin salphisin; isheen haadha kee ti; ishee wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin.
8 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s wife: for it is the nakedness of thy father.
“‘Niitii abbaa keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; wanni kun abbaa kee salphisa.
9 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy sister by father or by mother, whether born at home or abroad.
“‘Isheen manuma keettis taʼu yookaan alatti dhalattu illee obboleettii kee, intala abbaa keetii yookaan haadha keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin.
10 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy son’s daughter, or thy daughter’s daughter: because it is thy own nakedness.
“‘Intala ilma keetii yookaan intala intala keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; wanni kun si salphisa.
11 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s wife’s daughter, whom she bore to thy father, and who is thy sister.
“‘Intala niitii abbaa keetii kan abbaa keetiif dhalatte wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; isheen obboleettii kee ti.
12 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s sister: because she is the flesh of thy father.
“‘Obboleettii abbaa keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; isheen abbaa keetiif fira dhiigaa ti.
13 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother’s sister: because she is thy mother’s flesh.
“‘Obboleettii haadha keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; isheen haadha keetiif fira dhiigaa ti.
14 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father’s brother: neither shalt thou approach to his wife, who is joined to thee by affinity.
“‘Wal bira gaʼuuf jettee niitii obboleessa abbaa keetiitti dhiʼaattee isa hin salphisin; isheen niitii obboleessa abbaa keetii ti.
15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: because she is thy son’s wife, neither shalt thou discover her shame.
“‘Niitii ilma keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin. Isheen niitii ilma keetii ti; ishee wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin.
16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: because it is the nakedness of thy brother.
“‘Niitii obboleessa keetii wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; wanni sun obboleessa kee salphisa.
17 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy wife and her daughter. Thou shalt not take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, to discover her shame: because they are her flesh, and such copulation is incest.
“‘Dubartii tokkoo fi intala ishee wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin. Intala ilma dubartii sanaa yookaan intala intala ishee wajjin wal bira hin gaʼin; isaan isheedhaaf fira dhiigaa ti; wanni kun jalʼina.
18 Thou shalt not take thy wife’s sister for a harlot, to rival her, neither shalt thou discover her nakedness, while she is yet living.
“‘Utuu niitiin kee lubbuudhaan jirtuu obboleettii ishee masaanuu ishee gootee hin fuudhin; ishee wajjinis wal bira hin gaʼin.
19 Thou shalt not approach to a woman having her flowers, neither shalt thou uncover her nakedness.
“‘Yeroo dubartiin tokko xuraaʼummaa xurii jiʼaa of irraa qabdutti, bira gaʼuudhaaf jettee isheetti hin dhiʼaatin.
20 Thou shalt not lie with thy neighbour’s wife, nor be defiled with mingling of seed.
“‘Niitii namaa wajjin wal bira geessee isheedhaan of hin xureessin.
21 Thou shalt not give any of thy seed to be consecrated to the idol Moloch, nor defile the name of thy God: I am the Lord.
“‘Ijoollee kee keessaa tokko illee akka Moolekiif aarsaa taʼaniif hin kennin; ati maqaa Waaqa keetii hin xureessin. Ani Waaqayyo.
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination.
“‘Akka namni dubartii wajjin ciisu ati dhiira wajjin hin ciisin; wanni kun hojii jibbisiisaa dha.
23 Thou shalt not copulate with any beast, neither shalt thou be defiled with it. A woman shall not lie down to a beast, nor copulate with it: because it is a heinous crime.
“‘Horii kam iyyuu wajjin wal bira geessee of hin xureessin; dubartiin horii wajjin wal bira gaʼuuf ofii ishee itti hin kennin; kun waan karaa irraa goree dha.
24 Defile not yourselves with any of these things with which all the nations have been defiled, which I will cast out before you,
“‘Sababii namoonni ani ariʼee isin duraa baasuuf jiru kunneen haala kanaan xuraaʼaniif isin karaa kanneen keessaa kamiin iyyuu of hin xureessinaa.
25 And with which the land is defiled: the abominations of which I will visit, that it may vomit out its inhabitants.
Lafti iyyuu xuroofteerti; kanaafuu ani sababii cubbuu isheetiifan ishee adabe; laftis jiraattota ishee ni tufti.
26 Keep ye my ordinances and my judgments, and do not any of these abominations: neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you.
Isin garuu ajaja koo fi seera koo eegaa. Dhalataan biyyaatii fi alagoonni isin gidduu jiraatanis waan jibbisiisaa kana keessaa kam iyyuu hin hojjetin.
27 For all these detestable things the inhabitants of the land have done, that; were before you, and have defiled it.
Namoonni isiniin dura biyya sana keessa jiraatanis waan kana hunda hojjetanii akkasiin biyyattiin xuroofte.
28 Beware then, lest in like manner, it vomit you also out, if you do the like things, as it vomited out the nation that was before you.
Isinis lafa kana yoo xureessitan, lafti akkuma saboota isin dura turan tufte sana isiniin illee ni tufti.
29 Every soul that shall commit any of these abominations, shall perish from the midst of his people.
“‘Namni wantoota jibbisiisoo kanneen keessaa tokko illee hojjetu kam iyyuu saba isaa keessaa haa balleeffamu.
30 Keep my commandments. Do not the things which they have done, that have been before you, and be not defiled therein. I am the Lord your God.
Ajaja koo eegaa; barteewwan jibbisiisoo isin dura hojjetamaa turan sana keessaa tokko illee duukaa buutanii ittiin of hin xureessinaa; ani Waaqayyo Waaqa keessan.’”

< Leviticus 18 >