< Job 41 >

1 Canst thou draw out the leviathan with a hook, or canst thou tie his tongue with a cord?
“Oyinza okusikayo lukwata n’eddobo, oba okusiba olulimi lwayo n’omuguwa?
2 Canst thou put a ring in his nose, or bore through his jaw with a buckle?
Oyinza okuyingiza omuguwa mu nnyindo zaayo, oba okuwummula oluba lwayo n’eddobo?
3 Will he make many supplications to thee, or speak soft words to thee?
Eneekwegayirira ng’ekusaba nti, ogikwatirwe ekisa? Eneeyogera naawe mu bigambo ebigonvu?
4 Will he make a covenant with thee, and wilt thou take him to be a servant for ever?
Eneekola naawe endagaano ogitwale ekuweereze obulamu bwayo bwonna?
5 Shalt thou play with him as with a bird, or tie him up for thy handmaids?
Onoozannya nayo nga bw’ozannya n’akanyonyi, oba okugisiba n’olukoba ng’agisibira bawala bo?
6 Shall friends cut him in pieces, shall merchants divide him?
Abasuubuzi banaagiramuza, oba banaagibala ng’ekyamaguzi?
7 Wilt thou fill nets with his skin, and the cabins of fishes with his head?
Oyinza okuvuba eddiba lyayo n’olijjuza amalobo, oba omutwe okugufumita n’amafumu agafumita ebyennyanja?
8 Lay thy hand upon him: remember the battle, and speak no more.
Bw’oligissaako engalo zo ekirivaamu tolikyerabira, toliddayo kukikola!
9 Behold his hope shall fail him, and in the sight of all he shall be cast down.
Essuubi lyonna ery’okugiwangula ffu, okugirabako obulabi kimalamu amaanyi.
10 I will not stir him up, like one that is cruel: for who can resist my countenance?
Teri n’omu mukambwe nnyo asobola kugyaŋŋanga. Kale, ani oyo asobola okuyimirira mu maaso gange?
11 Who hath given me before that I should repay him? All things that are under heaven are mine.
Ani alina kye yali ampoze musasule? Byonna ebiri wansi w’eggulu byange.
12 I will not spare him, nor his mighty words, and framed to make supplication.
“Ku bikwata ku mikono n’ebigere byayo siisirike, amaanyi gaayo n’ekikula kyayo bya ssimbo.
13 Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can go into the midst of his mouth?
Ani ayinza okugiggyako eddiba lyayo ery’oku ngulu? Ani ayinza okuyuza ekizibaawo kyayo eky’amaliba abiri?
14 Who can open the doors of his face? his teeth are terrible round about.
Ani ayinza okuggula enzigi z’akamwa kaayo? Amannyo gaayo geetooloddwa entiisa.
15 His body is like molten shields, shut close up with scales pressing upon one another.
Omugongo gwe gujjudde enkalala z’engabo ezisibiddwa okumukumu.
16 One is joined to another, and not so much as any air can come between them:
Zonna zisibaganye nga tewali mpewo weeyita.
17 They stick one to another and they hold one another fast, and shall not be separated.
Zakwatagana, ziri ku zinnaazo era tezisobola kwawulibwa.
18 His sneezing is like the shining of fire, and his eyes like the eyelids of the morning.
Bw’eyasimula, ebimyanso bijja, n’amaaso gaayo gali nga enjuba ng’egwa.
19 Out of his mouth go forth lamps, like torches of lighted fire.
Mu kamwa kaayo muvaamu ebiriro ebyaka. Kavaamu ensasi ez’omuliro.
20 Out of his nostrils goeth smoke, like that of a pot heated and boiling.
Mu nnyindo zaayo muvaamu omukka ng’ogwentamu eyeesera eri ku muliro ogw’emmuli ezaaka.
21 His breath kindleth coals, and a flame cometh forth out of his mouth.
Omukka oguva mu nnyindo zaayo gukoleeza Amanda.
22 In his neck strength shall dwell, and want goeth before his face.
Mu nsingo yaayo mulimu amaanyi, n’entiisa eri mu maaso gaayo.
23 The members of his flesh cleave one to another: he shall send lightnings against him, and they shall not be carried to another place.
Emiwula gy’ennyama yaayo gyegasse; gikutte nnyo era tegisobola kwenyeenya.
24 His heart shall be as hard as a stone, and as firm as a smith’s anvil.
Ekifuba kyayo kigumu ng’olwazi, kigumu ng’olubengo.
25 When he shall raise him up, the angels shall fear, and being affrighted shall purify themselves.
Bwesituka ab’amaanyi batya. Badduka olw’okubwatuka kwayo.
26 When a sword shall lay at him, it shall not be able to hold, nor a spear, nor a breastplate.
Ekitala bwe kigituukako tekirina kye kiyinza kumukolako, oba ffumu, oba omuwunda wadde akasaale akasongovu.
27 For he shall esteem iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.
Emenya ebyuma gy’obeera nti ekutulakutula bisasiro, ebyo ebikomo ebimenyaamenya ng’emiti emivundu.
28 The archer shall not put him to flight, the stones of the sling are to him like stubble.
Akasaale tekayinza kugiddusa, amayinja ag’envumuulo gaba nga biti gy’eri.
29 As stubble will he esteem the hammer, and he will laugh him to scorn who shaketh the spear.
Embukuuli nayo eri ng’ebisusunku gy’eri. Esekerera amafumu agakasukibwa.
30 The beams of the sun shall be under him, and he shall strew gold under him like mire.
Amagalagamba g’oku lubuto lwayo gali ng’engyo z’ensuwa. Bwe yeekulula mu bitosi ebeera ng’ekyuma ekiwuula.
31 He shall make the deep sea to boil like a pot, and shall make it as when ointments boil.
Ereetera obuziba bw’ennyanja okuba ng’entamu eyeesera. Ennyanja n’eba ng’entamu y’omuzigo ogufumbibwa.
32 A path shall shine after him, he shall esteem the deep as growing old.
Mu mazzi mw’eyise, erekamu ekkubo ery’amayengo ameeru; ne kireeta n’ekirowoozo nti obuziba bulina envi.
33 There is no power upon earth that can be compared with him who was made to fear no one.
Tewali kigyenkana ku nsi; ekitonde ekitatya.
34 He beholdeth every high thing, he is king over all the children of pride.
Enyooma buli kisolo. Ye kabaka w’abo bonna ab’amalala.”

< Job 41 >