< Ezekiel 46 >

1 Thus saith the Lord God: The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east, shall be shut the six days, on which work is done; but on the sabbath day it shall be opened, yea and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.
Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar mundaⱪ dǝydu: — Iqki ⱨoylining xǝrⱪⱪǝ ⱪaraydiƣan dǝrwazisi altǝ «ix küni»dǝ etiklik bolidu; biraⱪ xabat künidǝ u eqilidu; wǝ «yengi ay» bolƣan künliridǝ u eqilidu.
2 And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of the gate from without, and he shall stand at the threshold of the gate: and the priests shall offer his holocaust, and his peace offerings: and he shall adore upon the threshold of the gate, and shall go out: but the gate shall not be shut till the evening.
Xaⱨzadǝ sirttin xu dǝrwazining dalinining yoli bilǝn kiridu, u kirix eƣizining kexǝk temi tüwidǝ turidu; kaⱨinlar bolsa uning üqün kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪini, inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪlirini sunidu; u dǝrwazining bosuƣisida sǝjdǝ ⱪilidu andin qiⱪidu; biraⱪ dǝrwaza kǝqkiqǝ etilmǝydu.
3 And the people of the land shall adore at the door of that gate before the Lord on the sabbaths, and on the new moons.
Zemindiki hǝlⱪmu xabat künliridǝ wǝ «yengi ay»larda xu dǝrwazining kirix eƣizining tüwidǝ turup Pǝrwǝrdigar aldida sǝjdǝ ⱪilidu.
4 And the holocaust that the prince shall offer to the Lord on the sabbath day, shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish.
Xabat künidǝ xaⱨzadǝ Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa sunƣan ⱪurbanliⱪ bolsa altǝ bejirim pahlan, bir bejirim ⱪoqⱪar bolidu.
5 And the sacrifice of an ephi for a ram: but for the lambs what sacrifice his hand shall allow: and a hin of oil for every ephi.
Bularƣa ⱪoxulidiƣan axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr ⱪoqⱪarƣa bir ǝfaⱨ, pahlanlarƣa bolsa qamining yetixiqǝ bolidu; ⱨǝrbir ǝfaⱨ unƣa u bir hin zǝytun meyini ⱪoxup sunidu.
6 And on the day of the new moon a calf of the herd without blemish: and the six lambs, and the rams shall be without blemish.
«Yengi ay»ning künidǝ u sunƣan ⱪurbanliⱪ yax bir bejirim torpaⱪ, altǝ pahlan, bir ⱪoqⱪar bolidu; ularning ⱨǝmmisi bejirim bolidu.
7 And he shall offer in sacrifice an ephi for a calf, an ephi also for a ram: but for the lambs, as his hand shall find: and a hin of oil for every ephi.
Bularƣa axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝlǝrni ⱪuxup sunidu; torpaⱪⱪa bir ǝfaⱨ, ⱪoqⱪarƣa bir ǝfaⱨ, pahlanlarƣa qamining yetixiqǝ bolidu; ⱨǝrbir ǝfaⱨ unƣa bir hin zǝytun meyini ⱪoxup sunidu.
8 And when the prince is to go in, let him go in by the way of the porch of the gate, and let him go out the same way.
Xaⱨzadǝ kirgǝndǝ, dǝrwazining dalini bilǝn kiridu, wǝ xu yol bilǝn qiⱪidu.
9 But when the people of the land shall go in before the Lord in the solemn feasts, he that goeth in by the north gate to adore, shall go out by the way of the south gate: and he that; goeth in by the way of the south gate, shall go out by the way of the north gate: he shall not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in, but shall go out at that over against it.
Zemindiki hǝlⱪ ⱨeyt künliridǝ bekitilgǝn «ibadǝt sorun»liriƣa Pǝrwǝrdigar aldiƣa kirgǝndǝ, sǝjdǝ ⱪilixⱪa ximaliy dǝrwazidin kirgǝn kixi jǝnubiy dǝrwazidin qiⱪidu; jǝnubiy dǝrwazidin kirgǝn kixi ximaliy dǝrwazidin qiⱪidu; u kirgǝn dǝrwazidin qiⱪmaydu, bǝlki uduliƣa mengip qiⱪidu.
10 And the prince in the midst of them, shall go in when they go in, and go out when they go out.
Hǝlⱪ kirgǝndǝ xaⱨzadǝ ular bilǝn billǝ kiridu; ular qiⱪⱪanda, billǝ qiⱪidu.
11 And in the fairs, and in the solemnities there shall be the sacrifice of an ephi to a calf, and an ephi to a ram: and to the lambs, the sacrifice shall be as his hand shall find: and a hin of oil to every ephi.
Ⱨeyt-bayramlarda wǝ «ibadǝt sorun»lirida bolsa, u ⱪoxumqǝ sunƣan axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr torpaⱪⱪa bir ǝfaⱨ, ⱪoqⱪarƣa bir ǝfaⱨ, pahlanlarƣa bolsa qamining yetixiqǝ bolidu; ⱨǝrbir ǝfaⱨ unƣa u bir hin zǝytun meyini ⱪoxup sunidu.
12 But when the prince shall offer a voluntary holocaust, or voluntary peace offerings to the Lord: the gate that looketh towards the east shall be opened to him, and he shall offer his holocaust, and his peace offerings, as it is wont to be done on the sabbath day: and he shall go out, and the gate shall be shut after he is gone forth.
Xaⱨzadǝ Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa halis kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪni yaki halis inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪlirini sunmaⱪqi bolsa, ǝmdi xǝrⱪⱪǝ ⱪaraydiƣan dǝrwaza uning üqün eqilidu; xabat künidǝ ⱪilƣandǝk, u ɵz kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪini wǝ inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪlirini sunidu; u ⱪaytip qiⱪidu; qiⱪⱪandin keyin dǝrwaza etilidu.
13 And he shall offer every day for a holocaust to the Lord, a lamb of the same year without blemish: he shall offer it always in the morning.
Ⱨǝr kündǝ sǝn Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ süpitidǝ bir yaxliⱪ bejirim pahlanni sunisǝn; sǝn ⱨǝr ǝtigini tǝyyarlap berisǝn.
14 And he shall offer the sacrifice for it morning by morning, the sixth part of ephi: and the third part of a bin of oil be mingled with the fine hour: a to the Lord by ordinance continual and everlasting.
Ⱨǝr ǝtigǝndǝ sǝn uningƣa ⱪoxup axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ, yǝni undin altidin bir ǝfaⱨ wǝ unni maylaxⱪa zǝytun meyidin üqtin bir ⱨin tǝyyarlaysǝn; bu Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa ǝbǝdiy bǝlgilimǝ bilǝn bekitilgǝn axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolidu.
15 He shall offer the lamb, and the sacrifice, and the oil morning by morning: an everlasting holocaust.
Ular ⱨǝr ǝtigǝndǝ pahlanni, uning axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝsini zǝytun meyi bilǝn ǝbǝdiy kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ süpitidǝ sunidu.
16 Thus saith the Lord God: If the prince give a gift to any of his sons: the inheritance of it shall go to his children, they shall possess it by inheritance.
Rǝb Pǝrwǝrdigar mundaⱪ dǝydu: — Xaⱨzadǝ ɵz mirasidin oƣullirining birsigǝ sowƣa ⱪilƣan bolsa, ǝmdi u yǝnǝ axu oƣlining ɵz oƣul-ǝjdadliri üqün bolidu; miras yoli boyiqǝ u ularning igiliki bolidu.
17 But if he give a legacy out of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his until the year of release, and it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall go to his sons.
Biraⱪ u ɵz mirasidin uning hizmǝtkarlirining birigǝ sowƣa bǝrgǝn bolsa, u uningki «halas ⱪilix yili»ƣiqǝ bolidu; xu qaƣda u xaⱨzadigǝ ⱪayturulidu; [xaⱨzadining mirasi] ǝsli ɵz oƣulliriƣila mǝnsup bolidu.
18 And the prince shall not take of the people’s inheritance by violence, nor of their possession: but out of his own possession he shall give an inheritance to his sons: that my people be not dispersed every man from his possession.
Wǝ xaⱨzadǝ hǝlⱪⱪǝ jǝbir-zulum selip, ularni mirasidin ⱨǝydiwǝtmǝydu; u oƣulliriƣa ɵz igilikidin miras tǝⱪsim ⱪilidu; xuning bilǝn Mening hǝlⱪim ɵz igilikidin tarⱪitilmaydu.
19 And he brought me in by the entry that was at the side of the gate, into the chambers of the sanctuary that were for the priests, which looked toward the north. And there was a place bending to the west.
Andin [ⱨeliⱪi kixi] meni ximalƣa ⱪaraydiƣan, kaⱨinlar üqün bolƣan muⱪǝddǝs «kiqik hanilar»ƣa dǝrwazining yenidiki kirix yoli bilǝn apardi; mana, uning ƣǝrb tǝripidǝ mǝhsus bir jay bar idi;
20 And he said to me: This is the place where the priests shall boil the sin offering, and the trespass offering: where they shall dress the sacrifice, that they may not bring it out into the outward court, and the people be sanctified.
u manga: «Bu kaⱨinlar itaǝtsizlik ⱪurbanliⱪlirini wǝ gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪlirini ⱪaynitidiƣan ⱨǝm axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝlǝrni pixuridiƣan jaydur; bu jayni bekitixtiki mǝⱪsǝt, hǝlⱪning bu axlarning pak-muⱪǝddǝslikigǝ tegip ketip ziyanƣa uqrimasliⱪi üqün, ular bu [axlarni] sirtⱪi ⱨoyliƣa elip qiⱪmaydu.
21 And he brought me into the outward court, and he led me about by the four corners of the court: and behold there was a little court in the corner of the court, to every corner of the court there was a little court.
U meni sirtⱪi ⱨoyliƣa apirip, meni ⱨoylining tɵt bulungidin ɵtküzdi; mana, ⱨoylining ⱨǝrbir bulungida [kiqik] ⱨoyla bar idi.
22 In the four corners of the court were little courts disposed, forty cubits long, and thirty broad, all the four were of one measure.
Ⱨoylining tɵt bulungida, uzunluⱪi ⱪiriⱪ gǝz, kǝngliki ottuz gǝz bolƣan tosma tamliⱪ ⱨoylilar bar idi; bu tɵt ⱨoylining ɵlqǝmliri ohxax idi.
23 And there was a wall round about compassing the four little courts, and there were kitchens built under the rows round about.
Bu tɵt ⱨoyla iqidǝ ǝtrapida tax tahtayliⱪ tǝkqǝ bar idi; tǝkqǝ astida ⱨǝmmǝ ǝtrapida ⱪazan ⱪaynitidiƣan [ot ⱪalaydiƣan] jayliri bar idi.
24 And he said to me: This is the house of the kitchens wherein the ministers of the house of the Lord shall boil the victims of the people.
U manga: «Bular «gɵx ⱪaynitix ɵyliri», muxu yǝrlǝrdǝ ɵyning hizmitidǝ bolƣanlar hǝlⱪning ⱪurbanliⱪlirini ⱪaynitidu» — dedi.

< Ezekiel 46 >