< Ezekiel 35 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
Ekigambo kya Mukama ne kinzijira n’aŋŋamba nti,
2 Son of man, set thy face against mount Seir, and prophesy concerning it, and say to it:
“Omwana w’omuntu, tunuulira olusozi Seyiri owe obunnabbi,
3 Thus saith the Lord God: Behold I come against thee, mount Seir, and I will stretch forth my hand upon thee, and I will make thee desolate and waste.
oyogere nti, ‘Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Nkulinako ensonga, olusozi Seyiri, era ndikugolererako omukono gwange ne nkufuula amatongo.
4 I will destroy thy cities, and thou shalt be desolate: and thou shalt know that I am the Lord.
Ndifuula ebibuga byo okuba ebifulukwa era olifuuka matongo, omanye nga nze Mukama.’
5 Because thou hast been an everlasting enemy, and hast shut up the children of Israel in the hands of the sword in the time of their affliction, in the time of their last iniquity.
“‘Kubanga wasiba ekiruyi eky’edda n’owaayo Abayisirayiri okuttibwa mu biro mwe baalabira ennaku, mu biro eby’okubonerezebwa kwabwe okwenkomerero,
6 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God, I will deliver thee up to blood, and blood shall pursue thee: and whereas thou hast hated blood, blood shall pursue thee.
nga bwe ndi omulamu, kyendiva mbawaayo muttiŋŋane era okuttiŋŋana kulibalondoola, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda. Kubanga temwakyawa kuyiwa musaayi, okuyiwa omusaayi kyekuliva kubalondoola.
7 And I will make mount Seir waste and desolate: and I will take away from it him that goeth and him that returneth.
Ndifuula olusozi Seyiri okuba amatongo, ne nsalako abo bonna abajja n’abagenda.
8 And I will fill his mountains with his men that are slain: in thy hills, and in thy valleys, and in thy torrents they shall fall that are slain with the sword.
Ndijjuza ensozi zo abafu, n’abattiddwa ekitala baligwa ku busozi bwo, ne mu biwonvu byo, ne mu migga gyo.
9 I will make thee everlasting desolations, and thy cities shall not be inhabited: and thou shalt know that I am the Lord God.
Ndikufuula matongo emirembe gyonna, so tewaliba alibeera mu bibuga byo, olyoke omanye nga nze Mukama.
10 Because thou hast said: The two nations, and the two lands shall be mine, and I will possess them by inheritance: whereas the Lord was there.
“‘Mwalowooza nga amawanga ga Yuda ne Isirayiri gammwe, era ne mulowooza okugeetwalira. Naye nze ndi Mukama waabwe,
11 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord God, I will do according to thy wrath, and according to thy envy, which thou hast exercised in hatred to them: and I will be made known by them, when I shall have judged thee.
era nga bwe ndi omulamu, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, ndibabonereza olw’obusungu n’obuggya bye mwabalaga nga mubakyawa, balyoke bammanye, mmwe bwe ndibasalira omusango.
12 And thou shalt know that I the Lord have heard all thy reproaches, that thou hast spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying: They are desolate, they are given to us to consume.
Oluvannyuma olimanya nga nze Mukama mpulidde byonna eby’obunyoomi bye wayogera eri ensozi za Isirayiri. Nagamba nti, “Bafuuse matongo, era baweereddwayo gye tuli okubamalawo.”
13 And you rose up against me with your mouth, and have derogated from me by your words: I have heard them.
Wanneewanirako, n’oteekuma, kyokka ne nkuwulira.
14 Thus saith the Lord God: When the whole earth shall rejoice, I will make thee a wilderness.
Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Ensi yonna bw’eriba esanyuka, gwe ndikufuula matongo.
15 As thou best rejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was laid waste, so will I do to thee: thou shalt be laid waste, O mount Seir, and all Idumea: and they shall know that I am the Lord.
Olw’okuba nga wasanyuka, omugabo gw’ennyumba ya Isirayiri bwe gwafuuka amatongo nange bwe ntyo bwe ndikukola. Ggwe olusozi Seyiri ne Edomu yonna mulifuuka matongo, mulyoke mumanye nga nze Mukama.’”

< Ezekiel 35 >