< Ezekiel 23 >

1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
HIKI mai la ka olelo a Iehova ia'u, i mai la,
2 Son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother.
E ke keiki a ke kanaka, Elua aku la wahine, na kaikamahine a ka makuwahine hookahi:
3 And they committed fornication in Egypt, in their youth they committed fornication: there were their breasts pressed down, and the teats of their virginity were bruised.
Moe kolohe laua ma Aiguipita; moe kolohe laua i ko laua wa opiopio: malaila i kaomiia ko laua mau umauma, a malaila i paopao ai lakou i na omaka o ko laua puupaa ana.
4 And their names were Oolla the elder, and Ooliba her younger sister: and I took them, and they bore sons and daughters. Now for their names, Samaria is Oolla, and Jerusalem is Ooliba.
A o ko laua mau inoa, o Ahola ke kaikuaana, a o Aholiba kona kaikaina; a na'u no laua, a ua hanau laua i na keikikaue a me na kaikamahine. Pela hoi ko laua mau inoa, o Ahola, o Samaria ia, a o Aholiba, o Ierusalema ia.
5 And Oolla committed fornication against me, and doted on her lovers, on the Assyrians that came to her,
Moe kolohe aku la o Ahola i kona wa na'u, a hauoli no ia i kana mau ipo, ko Asuria kona hoalauna,
6 Who were clothed with blue, princes, and rulers, beautiful youths, all horsemen, mounted upon horses.
I aahuia i ke kapa poni uliuli, na luna koa me na'lii, na kanaka ui e makemakeia lakou a pau, a hoohololio e holo ana maluna o na lio.
7 And she committed her fornications with those chosen men, all sons of the Assyrians: and she defiled herself with the uncleanness of all them on whom she doted.
Pela ia i hana'i i kona moe kolohe ana me lakou, me ko Asuria poe a pau i waeia, a me ka poe a pau ana i hauoli ai; a me ko lakou mau akuakii a pau i hoohaumia ai oia ia ia iho.
8 Moreover also she did not forsake her fornications which she had committed in Egypt: for they also lay with her in her youth, and they bruised the breasts of her virginity, and poured out their fornication upon her.
Aole hoi ia i haalele i kona moe kolohe ana mai Aigupita mai; no ka mea, i kona wa opiopio moe pu lakou me ia, a pepe iho la i na u o kona puupaa ana, a ua ninini aku i ko lakou moe kolohe ana maluna ona.
9 Therefore have I delivered her into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the sons of the Assyrians, upon whose lust she doted.
Nolaila i haawi aku ai au ia ia iloko o ka lima o kana poe ipo, i ka lima o ko Asuria, na mea ana i hauoli ai.
10 They discovered her disgrace, took away her sons and daughters, and slew her with the sword: and they became infamous women, and they executed judgments in her.
Ua wehe lakou i kona wahi huna, a lalau hoi i kana mau kaikamahine, a pepehi iho la lakou ia ia me ka pahikaua; a kaulana aku la oia iwaena o na wahine, no ka mea, ua hoopai lakou ia ia.
11 And when her sister Ooliba saw this, she was mad with lust more than she: and she carried her fornication beyond the fornication of her sister.
A ike aku la kona kaikaina o Aholiba ia mea, ua oi aku kona hewa i kona kuko ana mamua ona, a i kona moe kolohe ana mamua o kona kaikuaana i kona moe kolohe ana.
12 Impudently prostituting herself to the children of the Assyrians, the princes, and rulers that came to her, clothed with divers colours, to the horsemen that rode upon horses, and to young men all of great beauty.
Hauoli iho la oia i ko Asuria kona mau hoalauna, na luna koa a me na'lii kahiko nani ia, na hoohololio, e holo ana maluna o na lio, he poe kanaka ui lakou a pau e makemakeia.
13 And I saw that she was defiled, and that they both took one way.
Alaila ike aku la au ua haumia ia, hele pu hoi laua i ka aoao hookahi;
14 And she increased her fornications: and when she had seen men painted on the wall, the images of the Chaldeans set forth in colours,
A ua hoomahuahua oia i kona moe kolohe ana; no ka mea, i kona ike ana i na kanaka i kakauia ma ka paia, o na kii o ko Kaledea i kakauia me ka pena ulaula,
15 And girded with girdles about their reins, and with dyed turbans on their heads, the resemblance of all the captains, the likeness of the sons of Babylon, and of the land of the Chaldeans wherein they were born,
Kaeiia hoi me na kaei ma ko lakou puhaka, nani hoi ko lakou lole hooluuia ma ko lakou mau poo, he poe alii lakou a pau i ka nana aku, ma ke ano o ko Babulona no Kaledea, ko lakou aina hanau:
16 She doted upon them with the lust of her eyes, and she sent messengers to them into Chaldea.
A i kona ike ana ia lakou me kona mau maka, hauoli aku la oia ia lakou, a hoouna aku la i na elele io lakou la ma Kaledea.
17 And when the sons of Babylon were come to her to the bed of love, they defiled her with their fornications, and she was polluted by them, and her soul was glutted with them.
Hele mai la hoi ko Babela io na la iloko o ka moe aloha, a hoohaumia ia ia me ko lakou moe kolohe ana, a ua haumia oia ia lakou, a ua ku e kona manao ia lakou.
18 And she discovered her fornications, and discovered her disgrace: and my soul was alienated from her, as my soul was alienated from her sister.
A pela i hoike ai oia i kona moe kolohe ana, a wehe hoi i kona wahi huna; alaila ku e ko'u manao ia ia, e like me ke ku e ana o ko'u naau i kona kaikuaana.
19 For she multiplied her fornications, remembering the days of her youth, in which she played the harlot in the land of Egypt.
Ua hoomabuahua nae oia i kona moe kolohe ana, e hoomanao ana i na la o kona opiopio ana i moe kolohe ai i ka aina o Aigupita.
20 And she was mad with lust after lying with them whose flesh is as the flesh of asses: and whose issue as the issue of horses.
No ka mea, ua hauoli oia i kana mau ipo, o ko lakou io he like me ka io o na hoki, a o ko lakou kahe ana ua like me ko na lio kahe ana.
21 And thou hast renewed the wickedness of thy youth, when thy breasts were pressed in Egypt, and the papa of thy virginity broken.
Pela i hoomanao ai oe i ka moe kolohe ana o kou wa opiopio, i ka pepe ana o kou mau omaka i ko Aigupita no na u o kou opiopio ana.
22 Therefore, Ooliba, thus saith the Lord God: Behold I will raise up against thee all thy lovers with whom thy soul hath been glutted: and I will gather them together against thee round about.
Nolaila, e Aholiba, ke i mai nei Iehova ka Haku penei; E hooku ae au i kau mau ipo e ku e ia oe, na mea a kou naau i ku e ai, a e lawe mai au ia lakou e ku e ia oe a puni;
23 The children of Babylon, and all the Chaldeans, the nobles, and the kings, and princes, all the sons of the Assyrians, beautiful young men, all the captains, and rulers, the princes of princes, and the renowned horsemen.
I ko Babulona, a me ko Kaledea a pau, o Pekoda, a me Soa, a me Koa, a me ko Asuria a pau me lakou; he poe kanaka ui i makemakeia lakou a pau na luna koa, me na'lii, a me na haku nui, a he kaulana hoi, e holo ana lakou a pau maluna o na lio.
24 And they shall come upon thee well appointed with chariot and wheel, a multitude of people: they shall be armed against thee on every side with breastplate, and buckler, and helmet: and I will set judgment before them, and they shall judge thee by their judgments.
A e hele ku e mai lakou ia oe me na kaa kaua, a me na kaa waiwai, a me na huila, a me ke anaina kanaka, e hoonoho ku e ia oe i ka pale kaua, i ka pale umauma, a me ka mahiole a puni; a e hoonoho aku au i ka hoopai ana imua o lakou, a e hoopai aku lakou ia oe mamuli o ko lakou hoopai ana.
25 And I will set my jealousy against thee, which they shall execute upon thee with fury: they shall cut off thy nose and thy ears: and what remains shall fall by the sword: they shall take thy sons, and thy daughters, and thy residue shall be devoured by fire.
A e hooku e au i ko'u lili ia oe, a hana lakou me ka ukiuki ia oe, a o kaili lakou i kou ihu a me kou mau pepeiao; a e haule kou koena i ka pahikaua; a e lawe lakou i kau mau keikikane a me kau mau kaikamahine; a e hoopauia kou koena i ke ahi.
26 And they shall strip thee of thy garments, and take away the instruments of thy glory.
E hemo hoi ia lakou kou mau kapa komo, a e kaili ae hoi lakou i kou mau mea nani e nani ai.
27 And I will put an end to thy wickedness in thee, and thy fornication brought out of the land of Egypt: neither shalt thou lift up thy eyes to them, nor remember Egypt any more.
Pela e hooki ai au i kou moe haumia ana, mai ou aku, a me kou moe kolohe ana no Aigupita mai, i ole oe e leha hou ae i kou mau maka ia lakou, aole hoi e hoomanao hou aku ia Aigupita.
28 For thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will deliver thee into the hands of them whom thou hatest, into their hands with whom thy soul hath been glutted.
No ka mea, ke olelo nei Iehova ka Haku, penei; Aia hoi, e haawi aku au ia oe iloko o ka lima o ka poe au i hoowahawaha ai, a i ka lima o ka poe a kou naau i ku e ai.
29 And they shall deal with thee in hatred, and they shall take away all thy labours, and shall let thee go naked, and full of disgrace, and the disgrace of thy fornication shall be discovered, thy wickedness, and thy fornications.
A e hana aku lakou ia oe me ka inaina, a e lawe ae i kau mea i hana'i, a e waiho aku ia oe he olohelohe me ke kapa ole; a e akaka loa kou moe kolohe ana, o kou moe haumia ana a me kou hookamakama ana.
30 They have done these things to thee, because thou hast played the harlot with the nations among which thou wast defiled with their idols.
E hana aku au i keia mau mea ia oe no kou hele moe kolohe ana mamuli o na lahuikanaka, a no kou haumia ana i ko lakou mau akuakii.
31 Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister, and I will give her cup into thy hand.
Ua hele oe ma ka aoao o kou kaikuaana; nolaila e haawi aku ai au i kona kiaha iloko o kou lima.
32 Thus saith the Lord God: Thou shalt drink thy sister’s cup, deep, and wide: thou shalt be had in derision and scorn, which containeth very much.
Olelo mai o Iehova ka Haku, penei; E inu no oe i ko ke kiaha o kou kaikuaana he hohonu a he nui; a e heneheneia oe a e akaakaia, no ka mea, he nui ko loko.
33 Thou shalt be filled with drunkenness, and sorrow: with the cup of grief, and sadness, with the cup of thy sister Samaria.
E piha auanei oe i ka ona a me ka ehaeha, me ke kiaha o ka makau a me ka neoneo, o ke kiaha o kou kaikuaana o ko Samaria.
34 And thou shalt drink it, and shalt drink it up even to the dregs, and thou shalt devour the fragments thereof, thou shalt rend thy breasts: because I have spoken it, saith the Lord God.
E inu no hoi oe ia mea, a e omo ae hoi, a e wahi no hoi oe i na apana ona, a e kaili ae i kou mau u ponoi; no ka mea, ua olelo au ia mea, wahi a Iehova ka Haku.
35 Therefore thus saith the Lord God: Because thou hast forgotten me, and hast cast me off behind thy back, bear thou also thy wickedness, and thy fornications.
Nolaila, ke olelo mai nei Iehova, penei; No ka mea, ua hoopoina mai oe ia'u, a ua kiola oe ia'u mahope o kou kua; nolaila e halihali oe i kou moe haumia ana a me kou moe kolohe ana.
36 And the Lord spoke to me, saying: Son of man, dost thou judge Oolla, and Ooliba, and dost thou declare to them their wicked deeds?
Olelo hou mai la o Iehova ia'u, E ke keiki a ke kanaka, e hoahewa anei oe ia Ahola, a me Aholiba? oia, e hai aku oe ia laua i ko laua mea e inainaia;
37 Because they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and they have committed fornication with their idols: moreover also their children, whom they bore to me, they have offered to them to be devoured.
No ka mea, ua moe kolohe laua, a he koko no iloko o ko laua mau lima, a me ko laua mau akuakii i moe kolohe ai laua, a ua hoohele laua i ka laua mau keiki i hanau na'u iwaena o ke ahi i mea ai na lakou.
38 Yea, and they have done this to me. They polluted my sanctuary on the same day, and profaned my sabbaths.
Eia hoi kekahi mea a lakou i hana mai ia'u, ua hoohaumia lakou i ko'u wahi hoano ia la hookahi, a ua hehi hoi i ko'u mau Sabati.
39 And when they sacrificed their children to their idols, and went into my sanctuary the same day to profane it: they did these things even in the midst of my house.
No ka mea, i ko laua pepehi aua i ka laua mau keiki, no ko laua mau akuakii, alaila hele mai laua ia la no, iloko o ko'u wahi hoano, e hoohaumia ia wahi; pela hoi i hana'i laua, ea, iwaenakonu o kuu hale!
40 They sent for men coming from afar, to whom they had sent a messenger: and behold they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, and didst paint thy eyes, and wast adorned with women’s ornaments.
Eia hou hoi, ua kii aku olua i na kanaka e hele mai lakou mai kahi loihi mai, ia lakou i hoounaia'ku ai ka elele, oia hoi, ua hiki mai lakou; no lakou hoi i holoi ai oe ia oe iho, a pena hoi i kou mau maka, a kahiko hoi ia oe iho me na mea e nani ai.
41 Thou sattest on a very fine bed, and a table was decked before thee: whereupon thou didst set my incense, and my ointment.
A noho no oe maluna o kahi moe nui, a he papa i hoomakaukauia imua ona, maluna iho hoi i hoonoho ai oe i kuu mea ala, a me kuu aila.
42 And there was in her the voice of a multitude rejoicing: and to some that were brought of the multitude of men, and that came from the desert, they put bracelets on their hands, and beautiful crowns on their heads.
A o ka leo o ke anaina e nanea ana kekahi me ia, a ua lawe pu ia na makaainana me ka poe ona, mai ka waonahele mai, ua kau lakou i na kupee ma ko lakou mau lima, a me na lei nani maluna o ko lakou mau poo.
43 And I said to her that was worn out in her adulteries: Now will this woman still continue in her fornication.
Alaila olelo iho au no ka mea kahiko ma ka moe kolohe ana, E moe kolohe anei lakou mo ia, a oia pu hoi me lakou?
44 And they went in to her, as to a harlot: so went they in unto Oolla, and Ooliba, wicked women.
Aka, komo iloko lakou io na la e like me ko lakou hele ana ae iloko i ka wahine hookamakama; pela e komo ai lakou iloko io Ahola la, a io Aholiba la i na wahine moe haumia.
45 They therefore are just men: these shall judge them as adulteresses are judged, and as shedders of blood are judged: because they are adulteresses, and blood is in their hands.
A o na kanaka pono, e hoahewa lakou ia laua e like me ka lakou hoahewa ana i na wahine moe kolohe, a mamuli hoi o ke ano o na wahine hookahe i ke koko; no ka mea, he mau wahine moe kolohe laua a he koko ko loko o ko laua mau lima.
46 For thus saith the Lord God: Bring a multitude upon them, and deliver them over to tumult and rapine:
No ka mea, ke olelo mai nei Iehova ka Haku penei; E lawe mai au i ka lehulehu maluna o laua, a e haawi aku au ia laua e laweia'ku a eha oia.
47 And lee the people stone them with stones, and let them be stabbed with their swords: they shall kill their sons and daughters, and their houses they shall burn with fire.
A e hailuku aku ke anaina ia laua me na pohaku, a e kua iho ia laua ilalo me ka lakou mau pahikaua, e luku lakou i ka laua mau keiki kane a me ka laua mau kaikamahine, a e hoopau i ko laua mau hale me ke ahi.
48 And I will take away wickedness out of the land: and all women shall learn, not to do according to the wickedness of them.
Pela e hoopau aku ai au i ka moe kolohe, mai ka aina aku, i aoia'ku ai na wahine a pau aole e hana mamuli o ko olua moe kolohe ana.
49 And they shall render your wickedness upon you, and you shall bear the sins of your idols: and you shall know that I am the Lord God.
A e uku lakou i ko olua moe kolohe ana maluna o olua, a e halihali olua i na hewa o ko olua mau akuakii; a e ike no oukou owau no Iehova ka Haku.

< Ezekiel 23 >