< Exodus 23 >

1 Thou shalt not receive the voice of a lie: neither shalt thou join thy hand to bear false witness for a wicked person.
“Ndũkanamemerekie ndeto cia maheeni. Ndũgateithĩrĩrie mũndũ mwaganu na ũndũ wa kũrũgamĩrĩra ũira wa maheeni.
2 Thou shalt not follow the multitude to do evil: neither shalt thou yield in judgment, to the opinion of the most part, to stray from the truth.
“Ndũkarũmanĩrĩre na mũingĩ gwĩka ũũru. Ũngĩruta ũira igooti-inĩ, ndũkogomie kĩhooto ũkĩnyiitanĩra na mũingĩ,
3 Neither shalt thou favour a poor man in judgment.
na ndũkonanie kĩmenyano harĩ mũndũ mũthĩĩni ciira-inĩ wake.
4 If thou meet thy enemy’s ox or ass going astray, bring it back to him.
“Ũngĩona ndegwa kana ndigiri ya mũndũ mũrĩ ũthũ nake yũrĩte-rĩ, tigĩrĩra atĩ nĩwamĩcookia kũrĩ we.
5 If thou see the ass of him that hateth thee lie underneath his burden, thou shalt not pass by, but shalt lift him up with him.
Ũngĩona ndigiri ya mũndũ ũgũthũire ĩgwĩte ĩkaremererwo nĩ mũrigo wayo-rĩ, ndũkamĩtige hau; no nginya ũmũteithie kũmĩũkĩria.
6 Thou shalt not go aside in the poor man’s judgment.
“Ndũkanaime andũ anyu arĩa athĩĩni kĩhooto ciira-inĩ wao.
7 Thou shalt fly lying. The innocent and just person thou shalt not put to death: because I abhor the wicked.
Ndũkahutanie na thitango ya maheeni, na ndũkoorage mũndũ ũtarĩ na mahĩtia kana mũndũ mwĩhokeku, nĩgũkorwo ndikarekereria mũndũ mwĩhia.
8 Neither shalt thou take bribes, which even blind the wise, and pervert the words of the just.
“Ndũkoe ihaki, nĩgũkorwo ihaki nĩrĩtũmaga arĩa monaga matuĩke atumumu, na rĩkoogomia ciugo cia andũ arĩa athingu.
9 Thou shalt not molest a stranger, for you know the hearts of strangers: for you also were strangers in the land of Egypt.
“Ndũkahatĩrĩrie mũgeni; inyuĩ nĩmũũĩ ũrĩa mũgeni aiguaga, tondũ mwarĩ ageni bũrũri wa Misiri.
10 Six years thou shalt sow thy ground, and shalt gather the corn thereof.
“Haandaga irio mĩgũnda yaku mĩaka ĩtandatũ, na ũkagetha irio iria iciarĩte mĩaka ĩyo,
11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it alone, and suffer it to rest, that the poor of thy people may eat, and whatsoever shall be left, let the beasts of the field eat it: so shalt thou do with thy vineyard and thy oliveyard.
no mwaka wa mũgwanja ũkarekaga mũgũnda ũikare ũguo ũtarĩmĩtwo na ũtekũhũthĩrwo. Nao arĩa athĩĩni gatagatĩ ka andũ anyu makonaga irio kuuma mũgũnda ũcio, nacio nyamũ cia gĩthaka ikarĩĩaga kĩrĩa marĩtigagia. Ĩkaga o ũguo na mũgũnda waku wa mĩthabibũ na wa mĩtamaiyũ.
12 Six days thou shalt work: the seventh day thou shalt cease, that thy ox and thy ass may rest: and the son of thy handmaid and the stranger may be refreshed.
“Rutaga wĩra waku mĩthenya ĩtandatũ, no mũthenya wa mũgwanja ndũkanarute wĩra, nĩgeetha ndegwa na ndigiri yaku ihurũke, nayo ngombo ĩrĩa ĩciarĩirwo gwaku, kana mũgeni, o nao magĩage na ihinda rĩa kũnogoka.
13 Keep all things that I have said to you. And by the name of strange gods you shall not swear, neither shall it be heard out of your mouth.
“Menyagĩrĩra wĩkage maũndũ marĩa mothe ngwĩrĩte. Ndũkanagwete marĩĩtwa ma ngai ingĩ; ndũkareke maiguuo makĩgwetwo na kanua gaku.
14 Three times every year you shall celebrate feasts to me.
“Gĩagai na gĩathĩ gĩa gũkũngũĩra maita matatũ o mwaka.
15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread. Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee, in the time of the month of new corn, when thou didst come forth out of Egypt: thou shalt not appear empty before me.
“Kũngũyagĩra Gĩathĩ kĩa Mĩgate Ĩtarĩ na Ndawa ya Kũimbia; handũ ha mĩthenya mũgwanja ũrĩĩage mĩgate ĩtarĩ na ndawa ya kũimbia, o ta ũrĩa ndagwaathire. Ĩkaga ũndũ ũyũ hĩndĩ ĩrĩa ĩtuĩtwo mweri-inĩ wa Abibu, tondũ nĩ mweri-inĩ ũcio woimire bũrũri wa Misiri. “Gũtikanagĩe mũndũ ũrĩũkaga mbere yakwa moko matheri.
16 And the feast of the harvest of the firstfruits of thy work, whatsoever thou hast sown in the field. The feast also in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in all thy corn out of the field.
“Kũngũyagĩra Gĩathĩ kĩa Magetha na maciaro ma mbere ma irio iria ũhaandĩte mĩgũnda yaku. “Kũngũyagĩra Gĩathĩ kĩa Igetha mũthia-inĩ wa mwaka, rĩrĩa ũgũcookanĩrĩria irio ciaku kuuma mũgũnda.
17 Thrice a year shall all thy males appear before the Lord thy God.
“Arũme othe nĩmarĩthiiaga mbere ya Mwathani Jehova maita matatũ o mwaka.
18 Thou shalt not sacrifice the blood of my victim upon leaven, neither shall the fat of my solemnity remain until the morning.
“Ndũkanandutĩre thakame ya igongona hamwe na kĩndũ kĩrĩ na ndawa ya kũimbia. “Maguta ma maruta makwa ma gĩathĩ matikaigwo nginya rũciinĩ.
19 Thou shalt carry the firstfruits of the corn of thy ground to the house of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not boil a kid in the milk of his dam.
“Rehaga indo iria njega cia maciaro ma mbere nyũmba-inĩ ya Jehova Ngai waku. “Ndũkanaruge koori na iria rĩa nyina.
20 Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have prepared.
“Na rĩrĩ, niĩ nĩndĩratũma mũraika athiĩ mbere yanyu, amũrangĩre njĩra-inĩ na amũkinyie handũ harĩa ndĩmũhaarĩirie.
21 Take notice of him, and hear his voice, and do not think him one to be contemned: for he will not forgive when thou hast sinned, and my name is in him.
Iguagai na mwathĩkagĩre ũrĩa ekũmwĩra. Mũtikanamũkararie tondũ ndakamũrekera ũremi wanyu, nĩgũkorwo Rĩĩtwa rĩakwa rĩrĩ thĩinĩ wake.
22 But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will afflict them that afflict thee.
Mũngĩmũigua kũna ũrĩa aroiga, na mwĩke ũrĩa wothe ngaamwĩra, nĩngatuĩka thũ kũrĩ thũ cianyu, na njũkĩrĩre arĩa makaamũũkĩrĩra.
23 And my angel shall go before thee, and shall bring thee in unto the Amorrhite, and the Hethite, and the Pherezite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, whom I will destroy.
Mũraika wakwa nĩagathiĩ mbere yanyu, na amũkinyie bũrũri wa Aamori, na Ahiti, na Aperizi, na Akaanani, na Ahivi, na Ajebusi, na niĩ nĩngamaniina biũ.
24 Thou shalt not adore their gods, nor serve them. Thou shalt not do their works, but shalt destroy them, and break their statues.
Mũtikanainamĩrĩre ngai ciao, kana mũcihooe, kana mũrũmĩrĩre mĩtugo yao. No nginya mũcianange, nayo mĩhianano ya ngai ciao cia mahiga mũmiunange tũcunjĩ.
25 And you shall serve the Lord your God, that I may bless your bread and your waters, and may take away sickness from the midst of thee.
Hooyagai Jehova Ngai wanyu nake, nĩarĩrathimaga irio cianyu na maaĩ manyu. Nĩndĩĩmweheragĩria mĩrimũ gatagatĩ-inĩ kanyu,
26 There shall not be one fruitless nor barren in thy land: I will fill the number of thy days.
na gũtirĩ mũndũ ũkaahuna kana atuĩke thaata bũrũri-inĩ wanyu. Nĩndĩĩmũkinyagĩria matukũ marĩa mwathĩrĩirio ma gũtũũra muoyo.
27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come: and will turn the backs of all thy enemies before thee.
“Nĩngũtũma kĩmakania gĩakwa mbere yanyu, na ndũme ndũrĩrĩ iria mũrĩĩkoragĩrĩra inyiitwo nĩ kĩrigiicano. Nĩndĩtũmaga thũ cianyu imũũragĩre.
28 Sending out hornets before, that shall drive away the Hevite, and the Chanaanite, and the Hethite, before thou come in.
Nĩngatũma magi mbere yanyu, maingate Ahivi, na Akaanani na Ahiti mamweherere.
29 I will not cast them out from thy face in one year: lest the land be brought into a wilderness, and the beasts multiply against thee.
No rĩrĩ, ndikamaingata o mwaka ũmwe, tondũ bũrũri wahota gũcooka gĩthaka, nacio nyamũ cia gĩthaka imũingĩhĩre mũno.
30 By little and little I will drive them out from before thee, till thou be increased, and dost possess the land.
Ndĩmaingataga o kahora o kahora, nginya rĩrĩa mũkaingĩha mũhote kwĩnyiitĩra bũrũri ũcio.
31 And I will set thy bounds from the Red Sea to the sea of the Palestines, and from the desert to the river: I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hands, and will drive them out from before you.
“Nĩngekĩra mĩhaka yanyu kuuma Iria Itune, ndĩmĩikũrũkie nginya Iria rĩa Afilisti, na kuuma werũ-inĩ nginya Rũũĩ rwa Farati. Andũ arĩa maikaraga kũu nĩngamaneana moko-inĩ manyu, na inyuĩ mũmaingate mamweherere.
32 Thou shalt not enter into league with them, nor with their gods.
Mũtikagĩe na kĩrĩkanĩro nao kana na ngai ciao.
33 Let them not dwell in thy land, lest perhaps thy make thee sin against me, if thou serve their god: which undoubtedly will be a scandal to thee.
Mũtikareke matũũre bũrũri-inĩ wanyu; nĩ tondũ no matũme mũnjĩhĩrie, nĩ tondũ kũhooya ngai icio ciao ti-itherũ nĩgũkamũtoonyia mũtego-inĩ.”

< Exodus 23 >