< Ecclesiastes 7 >

1 A good name is better than precious ointments: and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.
Kokende sango ya malamu eleki malasi ya solo kitoko na motuya, mpe mokolo ya kufa eleki mokolo ya mbotama na malamu.
2 It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to the house of feasting: for in that we are put in mind of the end of all, and the living thinketh what is to come.
Kokende na ndako ya matanga ezali malamu koleka kokende na ndako oyo ezali na feti, pamba te kufa ezali suka ya moto nyonso; yango wana, bato nyonso oyo bazali na bomoi basengeli kokanisaka na tina na yango.
3 Anger is better than laughter: because by the sadness of the countenance the mind of the offender is corrected.
Mawa eleki koseka na malamu, pamba te elongi ya mawa eyeisaka motema esengo.
4 The heart of the wise is where there is mourning, and the heart of fools where there is mirth.
Motema ya moto ya bwanya ezalaka kati na ndako ya matanga, kasi motema ya zoba ezalaka kati na ndako ya bisengo.
5 It is better to be rebuked by a wise man, than to be deceived by the flattery of fools.
Koyoka pamela ya moto ya bwanya ezali malamu koleka koyoka banzembo ya zoba.
6 For as the crackling of thorns burning under a pot, so is the laughter of a fool: now this also is vanity.
Koseka ya bazoba ezalaka lokola makelele ya basende oyo ezali kozika na se ya nzungu; wana mpe ezali pamba.
7 Oppression troubleth the wise, and shall destroy the strength of his heart.
Minyoko ekomisaka moto ya bwanya zoba, mpe bakado epengwisaka motema.
8 Better is the end of a speech than the beginning. Better is the patient man than the presumptuous.
Suka ya likambo ezali malamu koleka ebandeli ya likambo; kokanga motema ezali malamu koleka lolendo.
9 Be not quickly angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of a fool.
Kotombokaka noki te, pamba te kanda evandaka kati na bazoba.
10 Say not: What thinkest thou is the cause that former times were better than they are now? for this manner of question is foolish.
Kolobaka te: « Mpo na nini mikolo eleki ezali malamu koleka mikolo ya lelo? » Pamba te bwanya etindaka te bato kotuna mituna ya boye.
11 Wisdom with riches is more profitable, and bringeth more advantage to them that see the sun.
Bwanya ezali lokola libula, ezalaka malamu mpe epesaka litomba na bato oyo bamonaka moyi.
12 For as wisdom is a defence, so money is a defence: but learning and wisdom excel in this, that they give life to him that possesseth them.
Bwanya ezali lokola nguba, ndenge mpe mosolo ezalaka nguba; kasi litomba ya boyebi ezali ete ebatelaka bomoi ya bato oyo bazali na yango.
13 Consider the works of God, that no man can correct whom he hath despised.
Tala malamu misala ya Nzambe: Nani akoki kosembola eloko oyo Ye asili kogumba?
14 In the good day enjoy good things, and beware beforehand of the evil day: for God hath made both the one and the other, that man may not find against him any just complaint.
Na mokolo ya malamu, sepela; na mokolo ya mabe, kanisa; pamba te Nzambe nde asala nyonso mibale mpo ete moto ayeba te makambo oyo ekoya sima na ye.
15 These things also I saw in the days of my vanity: A just man perisheth in his justice, and a wicked man liveth a long time in his wickedness.
Na mikolo ya pamba ya bomoi na ngai, namonaki makambo oyo nyonso: Moto ya sembo akufi mpo na bosembo na ye, mpe moto mabe awumeli na bomoi mpo na mabe na ye.
16 Be not over just: and be not more wise than is necessary, lest thou become stupid.
Kolekisa ndelo te ya kozala moto ya sembo to ya kozala moto ya bwanya; mpo na nini komibebisa?
17 Be not overmuch wicked: and be not foolish, lest thou die before thy time.
Kolekisa ndelo te ya kozala moto mabe to ya kozala zoba; mpo na nini kokufa liboso ete mikolo ya bomoi na yo ekoka?
18 It is good that thou shouldst hold up the just, yea and from him withdraw not thy hand: for he that feareth God, neglecteth nothing.
Ezali malamu kokangama na toli ya liboso mpe kosimba toli ya mibale, pamba te moto oyo atosaka Nzambe akosalela toli nyonso mibale.
19 Wisdom hath strengthened the wise more than ten princes of the city.
Bwanya ekomisaka moto oyo azali na yango makasi koleka bakambi zomi kati na engumba.
20 For there is no just man upon earth, that doth good, and sinneth not.
Kati na mokili, ezali na moto moko te ya sembo oyo asalaka kaka malamu, bongo azanga kosala masumu.
21 But do not apply thy heart to all words that are spoken: lest perhaps thou hear thy servant reviling thee.
Kotiaka matoyi na bilobaloba ya bato te, noki te okoyoka mosali na yo kotiola yo;
22 For thy conscience knoweth that thou also hast often spoken evil of others.
pamba te, oyebi malamu, kati na motema na yo, ete yo mpe otiolaka bato mosusu mbala mingi.
23 I have tried all things in wisdom. I have said: I will be wise: and it departed farther from me,
Namekaki kososola makambo wana nyonso na nzela ya bwanya, namilobelaki: « Nakosala nyonso mpo ete nakoma moto ya bwanya, » kasi bwanya ezalaki kaka mosika na ngai.
24 Much more than it was: it is a great depth, who shall find it out?
Nyonso oyo ezalisami ezali mosika, mozindo mpe mozindo makasi; nani akoki komona yango?
25 I have surveyed all things with my mind, to know, and consider, and seek out wisdom and reason: and to know the wickedness of the fool, and the error of the imprudent:
Boye, na motema na ngai mobimba, namipesaki mpo na kososola, koyeba, koluka bwanya mpe boyebi; mpe mpo na kososola bozoba ya mabe elongo na liboma ya bozoba.
26 And I have found a woman more bitter than death, who is the hunter’s snare, and her heart is a net, and her hands are bands. He that pleaseth God shall escape from her: but he that is a sinner, shall be caught by her.
Namoni likambo oyo: mwasi oyo motema na ye ezali lokola motambo to monyama, oyo maboko na ye ezali lokola minyololo, azali mabe koleka kufa; mobali oyo asepelisaka Nzambe akotikala kokangama te na motambo na ye, kaka mobali oyo asalaka masumu nde akokangama na motambo na ye.
27 Lo this have I found, said Ecclesiastes, weighing one thing after another, that I might find out the account,
Mosakoli alobi: « Tala makambo oyo nasosoli sima na koyekola mwasi moko na moko mpo na kozwa mayele:
28 Which yet my soul seeketh, and I have not found it. One man among a thousand I have found, a woman among them all I have not found.
Nazali koluka, kasi nanu namoni te. Namoni mobali moko ya sembo kati na mibali nkoto moko, kasi namoni ata mwasi moko te ya sembo kati na basi nyonso!
29 Only this I have found, that God made man right, and he hath entangled himself with an infinity of questions. Who is as the wise man? and who hath known the resolution of the word?
Tala makambo oyo nasosoli: Nzambe asala bato mpo ete bazala malamu, kasi bato bamilukelaka mindondo bango moko. »

< Ecclesiastes 7 >