< Daniel 1 >

1 In the third year of the reign of Joakim king of Juda, Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and besieged it.
Mu mwaka ogwokusatu ogw’obufuzi bwa Yekoyakimu kabaka wa Yuda, Nebukadduneeza kabaka w’e Babulooni n’alumba Yerusaalemi.
2 And the Lord delivered into his hands Joakim the king of Juda, and part of the vessels of the house of God: and he carried them away into the land of Sennaar, to the house of his god, and the vessels he brought into the treasure house of his god.
Mukama n’awaayo Yekoyakimu kabaka wa Yuda, mu mukono gwa Nebukadduneeza, era n’ebintu ebimu eby’omu yeekaalu ya Katonda, Nebukadduneeza n’abiggyamu n’abitwala e Babulooni n’abiteeka mu ggwanika ery’omu ssabo lya lubaale we.
3 And the king spoke to Asphenez the master of the eunuchs, that he should bring in some of the children of Israel, and of the king’s seed and of the princes,
Nebukadduneeza n’alagira Asupenaazi omukulu w’abalaawe be alonde mu Bayisirayiri ab’omu lulyo olulangira, ne mu bakungu,
4 Children in whom there was no blemish, well favoured, and skillful in all wisdom, acute in knowledge, and instructed in science, and such as might stand in the king’s palace, that he might teach them the learning, and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
abavubuka abataliiko kamogo, abalabika obulungi mu maaso, nga bategeevu mu nsonga zonna ne mu by’amagezi byonna, era abakalabakalaba mu kutegeera, era abasaanira okuweereza mu lubiri lwa kabaka. Asupenaazi yalina obuvunaanyizibwa obw’okubayigirizanga amagezi g’Abakaludaaya, n’olulimi lwabwe.
5 And the king appointed them a daily provision, of his own meat, and of the wine of which he drank himself, that being nourished three years, afterwards they might stand before the king.
Kabaka n’alagira baweebwenga ku mmere ne ku wayini ebyagabulwanga ku mmeeza ya kabaka. Baali baakutendekebwa okumala emyaka esatu, n’oluvannyuma bagende baweereze kabaka.
6 Now there were among them of the children of Juda, Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias.
Mu abo abaalondebwa mwe mwali abaava mu Yuda, era n’amannya gaabwe baali Danyeri, ne Kananiya, ne Misayeri, ne Azaliya.
7 And the master of the eunuchs gave them names: to Daniel, Baltassar: to Ananias, Sidrach: to Misael, Misach: and to Azarias, Abdenago.
Asupenaazi n’abawa amannya amaggya: Danyeri n’amutuuma Berutesazza, Kananiya n’amutuuma Saddulaaki, Misayeri n’amutuuma Mesaki, ne Azaliya n’amutuuma Abeduneego.
8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not be defiled with the king’s table, nor with the wine which he drank: and he requested the master of the eunuchs that he might not be defiled.
Naye Danyeri n’amalirira mu mutima gwe obuteeyonoonyesa na mmere na wayini ebyavanga ku mmeeza ya kabaka, n’asaba Asupenaazi amukkirize aleme kweyonoonyesa.
9 And God gave to Daniel grace and mercy in the sight of the prince of the eunuchs.
Mu biro ebyo Katonda n’akozesa Asupenaazi okulaga ekisa n’okusaasira eri Danyeri.
10 And the prince of the eunuchs said to Daniel: I fear my lord the king, who hath appointed you meat and drink: who if he should see your faces leaner than those of the other youths your equals, you shall endanger my head to the king.
Asupenaazi n’agamba Danyeri nti, “Ntidde mukama wange kabaka, eyalagidde mulye emmere eyo n’ebyokunywa ebyo. Singa anaabalaba nga mukozze okusinga abavubuka abalala ab’emyaka gyammwe, kabaka ajja kunzita.”
11 And Daniel said to Malasar, whom the prince of the eunuchs had appointed over Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias:
Awo Danyeri n’agamba omusigire wa Asupenaazi, Asupenaazi gwe yassaawo okulabiriranga Danyeri, ne Kananiya, ne Misayeri ne Azaliya nti,
12 Try, I beseech thee, thy servants for ten days, and let pulse be given us to eat, and water to drink:
“Nkwegayiridde ogezese abaddu bo okumala ennaku kkumi, oleme kubawa kintu kirala kyonna okuggyako enva endiirwa n’amazzi ag’okunywa.
13 And look upon our faces, and the faces of the children that eat of the king’s meat: and as thou shalt see, deal with thy servants.
N’oluvannyuma otugeraageranye n’abavubuka abalala abalya ku mmere ya kabaka, olyoke okole nga bw’onoolaba.”
14 And when he had heard these words, he tried them for ten days.
N’akkiriziganya nabo ku nsonga eyo, n’abagezesa okumala ennaku kkumi.
15 And after ten days their faces appeared fairer and fatter than all the children that ate of the king’s meat.
Awo ennaku ekkumi bwe zaggwaako, bo baali banyiridde era nga bafaanana bulungi okusinga abavubuka abaalyanga ku mmere ya kabaka.
16 So Malasar took their portions, and the wine that they should drink: and he gave them pulse.
Awo omusigire n’alekayo okubawa emmere yaabwe ey’enjawulo ne wayini gwe baali bateekwa okunywa, n’abawa enva endiirwa.
17 And to these children God gave knowledge, and understanding in every book, and wisdom: but to Daniel the understanding also of all visions and dreams.
Abavubuka abo abana, Katonda n’abawa amagezi n’okutegeera eby’okuyiga eby’engeri zonna; Danyeri n’asukkirira mu kutegeera okw’okuvvuunula okwolesebwa okw’engeri zonna, n’ebirooto.
18 And when the days were ended, after which the king had ordered they should be brought in: the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nabuchodonosor.
Awo ekiseera kabaka kye yalagira abavubuka bonna baleetebwe, bwe kyatuuka, Asupenaazi n’abaleeta n’abalaga eri Nebukadduneeza.
19 And when the king had spoken to them, there were not found among them all such as Daniel, Ananias, Misael, and Azarias: and they stood in the king’s presence.
Kabaka n’ayogera nabo, ne mutalabika mu bo bonna eyenkanaankana nga Danyeri, ne Kananiya, ne Misayeri ne Azaliya mu kutegeera; kyebaava baweebwa emirimu egy’obuvunaanyizibwa mu lubiri lwa kabaka.
20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the diviners, and wise men, that were in all his kingdom.
Buli nsonga ey’amagezi n’ey’okutegeera kabaka gye yababuuzanga, baali bagitegeera emirundi kkumi okusinga abasawo n’abafumu bonna, mu bwakabaka bwe bwonna.
21 And Daniel continued even to the first year of king Cyrus.
Awo Danyeri n’aba muweereza mukulu mu bwakabaka okutuusa ku mwaka ogw’olubereberye ogwa Kabaka Kuulo.

< Daniel 1 >