< 2 Chronicles 24 >

1 Joas was seven years old when he began to reign: and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Sebia of Bersabee.
Joash gbara afọ asaa mgbe e mere ya eze, ọ chịrị iri afọ anọ na Jerusalem. Aha nne ya bụ Zibịa onye Bịasheba.
2 And he did that which is good before the Lord all the days of Joiada the priest.
Joash mere ihe ziri ezi nʼanya Onyenwe anyị nʼafọ niile nke Jehoiada bụ onye nchụaja, dị ndụ.
3 And Joiada took for him two wives, by whom he had sons and daughters.
Jehoiada lụtaara ya ndị inyom abụọ, ndị mụtaara ya ụmụ ndị ikom na ụmụ ndị inyom.
4 After this Joas had a mind to repair the house of the Lord.
Mgbe ihe ndị a gasịrị, Joash kpebiri ime ka ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị dị ọhụrụ.
5 And he assembled the priests, and the Levites, and said to them: Go out to the cities of Juda, and gather of all Israel money to repair the temple of your God, from year to year: and do this with speed: but the Levites were negligent.
Ọ kpọkọtara ndị nchụaja na ndị Livayị niile sị ha, “Gaanụ nʼobodo Juda niile nakọta ego ụtụ afọ nʼaka ndị Izrel niile, maka iwuzi ụlọnsọ Chineke unu. Meenụ ya ugbu a.” Ma ndị Livayị emeghị ya ngwangwa.
6 And the king called Joiada the chief, and said to him: Why hast thou not taken care to oblige the Levites to bring in out of Juda and Jerusalem the money that was appointed by Moses the servant of the Lord for all the multitude of Israel to bring into the tabernacle of the testimony?
Ya mere, eze kpọrọ Jehoiada bụ onyeisi nchụaja sị ya, “Gịnị mere i mebeghị ka ndị Livayị gaa nakọtaa, site nʼaka ndị bi nʼobodo Juda niile, na nʼobodo Jerusalem, ego ụtụ nke Mosis ohu Onyenwe anyị na ọgbakọ ụmụ Izrel nyere nʼiwu maka ụlọ ikwu nke iwu ọgbụgba ndụ?”
7 For that wicked woman Athalia, and her children have destroyed the house of God, and adorned the temple of Baal with all the things that had been dedicated in the temple of the Lord.
Nʼoge a ụmụ ndị ikom Atalaya, nwanyị ọjọọ ahụ tipuru ụlọnsọ Chineke, bukọrọ ihe nsọ niile e ji efe Onyenwe anyị dị nʼime ya maka Baal.
8 And the king commanded, and they made a chest: and set it by the gate of the house of the Lord on the outside.
Ya mere, eze nyere iwu ka e wuo igbe onyinye, nke a ga-adọba nʼọnụ ụzọ e si abanye ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị.
9 And they made a proclamation in Juda and Jerusalem, that every man should bring to the Lord the money which Moses the servant of God appointed for all Israel, in the desert.
A kpọsara ya na Juda na Jerusalem niile sị ka ha wetara Onyenwe anyị ụtụ nke Mosis ohu Chineke kwagidere ụmụ Izrel nʼọzara na ha ga na-atụ.
10 And all the princes, and all the people rejoiced: and going In they contributed and cast so much into the chest of the Lord, that it was filled.
Ndịisi na ndị mmadụ niile jiri obi ụtọ tụta ụtụ ha. Ha jiri onyinye ha bịa tụnye ha nʼigbe onyinye ahụ, tutu rụọ mgbe o juru nʼọnụ.
11 And when it was time to bring the chest before the king by the hands of the Levites, (for they saw there was much money, ) the king’s scribe, and he whom the high priest had appointed went in: and they poured out the money that was in the chest: and they carried back the chest to its place: and thus they did from day to day, and there was gathered an immense sum of money.
Mgbe ọbụla ndị Livayị bubataara ndị ozi eze igbe ahụ, ha hụ na-atụjuola ya ego, ode akwụkwọ eze ya na onyeozi nke onyeisi nchụaja ga-awụpụta ihe dị nʼigbe, ma bughachi okpokoro igbe ahụ nʼọnọdụ ya. Otu a ka ha mere ọtụtụ oge ruo mgbe ha nwetara ọtụtụ ego dị ukwuu.
12 And the king and Joiada gave it to those who were over the works of the house of the Lord: but they hired with it stonecutters, and artificers of every kind of work to repair the house of the Lord: and such as wrought in iron and brass, to uphold what began to be falling.
Eze na Jehoiada weere ego ahụ niile nyefee ha nʼaka ndị ọrụ ụlọ Onyenwe anyị dị nʼaka, ha chọtara ndị ọka na-edo nkume, na ndị ọkpọ ǹtu. Ha tinyere ọrụ ime ka ụlọnsọ ahụ dị ọhụrụ nʼaka ndị a. Ha gokwara ndị ụzụ bịara kpụọ ihe niile gbasara bronz na igwe e ji rụọ ọrụ ahụ.
13 And the workmen were diligent, and the breach of the walls was closed up by their hands, and they set up the house of the Lord in its former state, and made it stand firm.
Ndị e nyefere ọrụ ahụ nʼaka ji obi ha niile rụọ ọrụ nke mere na ọrụ ahụ gara nʼihu nke ọma. Ha rụziri ụlọnsọ ukwu Chineke dịka atụmatụ ya mbụ si dị, meekwa ya ka o sie ike karịa.
14 And when they had finished all the works, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Joiada: and with it were made vessels for the temple for the ministry, and for holocausts and bowls, and other vessels of gold and silver: and holocausts were offered in the house of the Lord continually all the days of Joiada.
Mgbe ha rụsịrị ọrụ niile, ha weghachitere ego fọdụrụ, nye ya eze na Jehoiada, ha were ya rụta ngwa ije ozi maka ụlọnsọ Onyenwe anyị, ngwa ije ozi na ihe isure aja nsure ọkụ, na ngaji, ya na efere dị iche iche, na ihe ọlaọcha na ọlaedo. A na-achụ aja nsure ọkụ nʼụlọnsọ nye Onyenwe anyị ụbọchị niile Jehoiada dị ndụ.
15 But Joiada grew old and was full of days, and died when he was a hundred and thirty years old.
Ma Jehoiada mere nnọọ agadi, jupụtakwa nʼọtụtụ afọ, ọ nwụrụ mgbe ọ gbara narị afọ na iri afọ atọ.
16 And they buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done good to Israel, and to his house.
E liri ya nʼebe a na-eli ndị eze nʼobodo Devid nʼihi ihe ọma niile o meere Izrel na Chineke na ụlọnsọ ya.
17 And after the death of Joiada, the princes of Juda went in, and worshipped the king: and he was soothed by their services and hearkened to them.
Mgbe Jehoiada nwụsịrị, ndịisi Juda bịara ịkwanyere eze Joash ugwu. O gekwara ha ntị.
18 And they forsook the temple of the Lord the God of their fathers, and served groves and idols, and wrath came upon Juda and Jerusalem for this sin.
Ha hapụrụ ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị Chineke nna nna ha, fee ogidi Ashera na arụsị ndị ọzọ. Nʼihi ikpe ọmụma ha wetaara onwe ha, iwe Chineke dakwasịrị Juda na Jerusalem.
19 And he sent prophets to them to bring them back to the Lord, and they would not give ear when they testified against them.
Onyenwe anyị zitere ọtụtụ ndị amụma, ndị bịara buo amụma maka ịkpọghachi ha azụ, ma ha mesiri obi ha ike, jụ ige ntị.
20 The spirit of God then came upon Zacharias the son of Joiada the priest, and he stood in the sight of the people, and said to them: Thus saith the Lord God: Why transgress you the commandment of the Lord which will not be for your good, and have forsaken the Lord, to make him forsake you?
Mgbe ahụ, Mmụọ nke Chineke bịakwasịrị Zekaraya nwa Jehoiada onye nchụaja. O guzoro nʼihu ọha na eze gwa ha okwu sị; “Otu a ka Chineke sịrị, ‘Gịnị mere unu ji enupu isi nʼiwu Onyenwe anyị? Ihe agaghị agara unu nke ọma. Unu agbakụtala Onyenwe anyị azụ, ugbu a, ya onwe ya agbakụtakwala unu azụ.’”
21 And they gathered themselves together against him, and stoned him at the king’s commandment in the court of the house of the Lord.
Ma ndịisi Juda niile gbara izu megide ya, sitekwa nʼiwu eze nyere ha ji nkume tugbuo ya nʼogige ụlọnsọ ukwu Onyenwe anyị.
22 And king Joas did not remember the kindness that Joiada his father had done to him, but killed his son. And when he died, he said: The Lord see, and require it.
Eze Joash echetaghị ebere nke nna Zekaraya bụ Jehoiada meere ya kama o gburu nwa ya. Ma mgbe ọ na-anwụ, ọ sịrị, “Ka Onyenwe anyị hụkwa mmeso ọjọọ a ma kwụọkwa unu ụgwọ ajọ omume unu niile.”
23 And when a year was come about, the army of Syria came up against him: and they came to Juda and Jerusalem, and killed all the princes of the people, and they sent all the spoils to the king of Damascus.
O ruo ka ọ gbara otu afọ, ndị agha Aram bịara imegide Joash, ha wakporo Juda na Jerusalem gbuo ndị ndu niile site nʼetiti ndị mmadụ. Ha zigaara eze ha nọ na Damaskọs ihe niile ha kwatara nʼike.
24 And whereas there came a very small number of the Syrians, the Lord delivered into their hands an infinite multitude, because they had forsaken the Lord the God of their fathers: and on Joas they executed shameful judgments.
Nʼagbanyeghị na ndị Aram kpọọ naanị ndị ikom ole na ole bịa, Onyenwe anyị raara igwe ndị agha dị ukwuu ranye ha nʼaka. Nʼihi na Juda gbakụtara Onyenwe anyị azụ, bụ Chineke nke nna nna ha, e mezuru ihe niile e kpere nʼikpe nʼahụ Joash.
25 And departing they left him in diseases: and his servants rose up him, for revenge of the blood of the son of Joiada the priest, and they slew him in his bed, and he died: and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the sepulchres of the kings.
Mgbe ndị agha Aram lara, hapụ Joash nʼọnọdụ mmerụ ahụ dị ukwuu, ndịisi ozi ya gbara izu gbuo ya, nʼihi ogbugbu o gburu nwa Jehoiada, onye nchụaja. Ha gburu ya mgbe o dina nʼihe ndina ya. Emesịa, ha liri ya nʼobodo Devid, ma ọ bụghị nʼebe a na-eli ndị eze.
26 Now the men that conspired against him were Zabad the son of Semmaath an Ammonitess, and Jozabad the son of Semarith a Moabitess.
Ndị gbara izu gbuo ya bụ Zabad, onye nne ya bụ Shimeat onye Amọn, na Jehozabad, onye nne ya bụ Shimrit onye Moab.
27 And concerning his sons, and the sum of money which was gathered under him, and the repairing the house of God; they are written more diligently in the book of kings: and Amasias his son reigned in his stead.
Ihe niile gbasara Joash na ụmụ ya, na amụma niile e buru banyere ya, na otu e si wuzie ụlọnsọ ukwu Chineke, ka e dere nʼakwụkwọ akụkọ ndị eze Izrel niile. Mgbe Joash nwụrụ, Amazaya nwa ya ghọrọ eze Juda.

< 2 Chronicles 24 >