< 1 Samuel 29 >

1 Now all the troops of the Philistines were gathered together to Aphec: and Israel also camped by the fountain which is in Jezrahel.
Awo Abafirisuuti ne bakuŋŋaanyiza eggye lyabwe lyonna e Afeki, n’Abayisirayiri ne basiisira ku luzzi oluli mu Yezuleeri.
2 And the lords of the Philistines marched with their hundreds and their thousands: but David and his men were in the rear with Achis.
Abakulembeze b’Abafirisuuti bwe baali nga bakumba n’ebibinja byabwe eby’ebikumi n’eby’enkumi, Dawudi n’abasajja be ne babagoberera nga babavaako emabega wamu ne Akisi.
3 And the princes of the Philistines said to Achis: What mean these Hebrews? And Achis said to the princes of the Philistines: Do you not know David, who was the servant of Saul the king of Israel, and hath been with me many days, or years, and I have found no fault in him, since the day that he fled over to me until this day?
Abaduumizi b’Abafirisuuti ne babuuza nti, “Ate bano Abaebbulaniya bakola ki wano?” Akisi n’abaddamu nti, “Oyo ye Dawudi, omukungu wa Sawulo kabaka wa Isirayiri. Abadde nange okusukka mu mwaka, era okuva ku lunaku lwe yayabulira Sawulo n’okutuusa leero, sirabanga nsonga ku ye.”
4 But the princes of the Philistines were angry with him, and they said to him: Let this man return, and abide in his place, which thou hast appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest he be an adversary to us, when we shall begin to fight: for how can he otherwise appease his master, but with our heads?
Naye abaduumizi b’Abafirisuuti ne bamunyiigira ne bamugamba nti, “Sindika omusajja oyo addeyo mu kifo kye wamuwa. Tasaanye kugenda naffe mu lutalo, si kulwa nga atwefuukira wakati mu lutalo. Olowooza waliwo ekkubo eddala erisinga lino okumusobozesa okufuna okuganja eri mukama we bw’amutwalira emitwe gy’abasajja baffe?
5 Is not this David, to whom they sung in their dances, saying: Saul slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands?
Oyo si ye Dawudi gwe baayimbangako, nga bazina, nga boogera nti, “‘Sawulo asse enkumi ze, ne Dawudi asse emitwalo gye?’”
6 Then Achis called David, and said to him: As the Lord liveth, thou art upright and good in my sight: and so is thy going out, and thy coming in with me in the army: and I have not found my evil in thee, since the day that thou camest to me unto this day: but thou pleasest not the lords.
Awo Akisi n’ayita Dawudi n’amugamba nti, “Amazima ddala nga Mukama bw’ali omulamu, obadde mwesimbu era eyeesigibwa, era nandyagadde oweerereze wamu nange mu magye. Okuva ku lunaku lwe wajja gye ndi n’okutuusa leero sirabanga bukyamu mu ggwe, naye abakulu tebakusiimye.
7 Return therefore, and go in peace, and offend not the eyes of the princes of the Philistines.
Noolwekyo ddayo kaakano, ogende mirembe oleme okwemulugunyizisa abafuzi b’Abafirisuuti.”
8 And David said to Achis: But what have I done, and what hast thou found in me thy servant, from the day that I have been in thy sight until this day, that I may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?
Awo Dawudi n’amubuuza nti, “Naye nkoze ki? Nsonga ki gy’olabye etali nnungi mu muweereza wo okuva ku lunaku lwe natandika okukuweereza n’okutuusa leero? Kiki ekindobera okugenda okulwanyisa abalabe ba mukama wange kabaka?”
9 And Achis answering said to David: I know that thou art good in my sight, as an angel of God: but the princes of the Philistines have said: He shall not go up with us to the battle.
Akisi n’amuddamu nti, “Mmanyi nga tolina nsonga n’emu mu maaso gange nga malayika wa Katonda, naye abaduumizi b’Abafirisuuti bagambye nti, ‘Tosaana kugenda naffe mu lutalo.’
10 Therefore arise in the morning, thou, and the servants of thy lord, who came with thee: and when you are up before day, and it shall begin to be light, go on your way.
Kaakano obudde bwe bunaakya onoogolokoka ggwe wamu n’abasajja ba mukama wo, be wazze nabo, mugende ku makya obudde nga bwakalaba.”
11 So David and his men arose in the night, that they might set forward in the morning, and returned to the land of the Philistines: and the Philistines went up to Jezrahel.
Awo Dawudi ne basajja be ne bagolokoka ku makya nnyo ne baddayo mu nsi ey’Abafirisuuti, Abafirisuuti bo ne bambuka e Yezuleeri.

< 1 Samuel 29 >