< 1 Kings 21 >

1 And after these things, Naboth the Jezrahelite, who was in Jezrahel, had at that time a vineyard near the palace of Achab king of Samaria.
Y Nabot jezreelita tenía un viñedo en Jezreel, cerca de la casa de Acab, rey de Samaria.
2 And Achab spoke to Naboth, saying: Give me thy vineyard, that I may make me a garden of herbs, because it is nigh, and adjoining to my house, and I will give thee for it a better vineyard: or if thou think it more convenient for thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.
Y Acab dijo a Nabot: Dame tu huerta para que la tenga para un huerto de plantas de olor, porque está cerca de mi casa; y permíteme darte un mejor huerto a cambio, o, si te parece bien, permíteme darte su valor en dinero.
3 Naboth answered him: The Lord be merciful to me, and not let me give thee the inheritance of my fathers.
Pero Nabot dijo a Acab: Por el Señor, lejos de mí este darte la herencia de mis padres.
4 And Achab came into his house angry and fretting, because of the word that Naboth the Jezrahelite had spoken to him, saying: I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers. And casting himself upon his bed, he turned away his face to the wall, and would eat no bread.
Entonces Acab entró en su casa amargado y enojado porque Nabot el jezreelita le había dicho: No te daré la herencia de mis padres. Y se tiró en la cama boca abajo, y no comió.
5 And Jezabel his wife went in to him, and said to him: What is the matter that thy soul is so grieved? and why eatest thou no bread?
Pero Jezabel, su esposa, se acercó a él y le dijo: ¿Por qué tu espíritu es tan amargo que no tienes deseos de comer?
6 And he answered her: I spoke to Naboth the Jezrahelite, and said to him: Give me thy vineyard, and take money for it: or if it please thee, I will give thee a better vineyard for it. And he said: I will not give thee my vineyard.
Y él le dijo: Porque yo estaba hablando con Nabot de Jezreel, y le dije: Déjame tener tu viña por un precio o, si te complace, te daré Otra viña por ella: y él dijo: No te daré mi huerto.
7 Then Jezabel his wife said to him: Thou art of great authority indeed, and governest well the kingdom of Israel. Arise, and eat bread, and be of good cheer, I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrahelite.
Entonces Jezabel, su esposa, dijo: Ahora eres el gobernante de Israel Levántate, come, y alégrese tu corazón; Te daré el jardín de la vid de Nabot de Jezreel.
8 So she wrote letter’s in Achab’s name, and sealed them with his ring, and sent them to the ancients, and the chief men that were in his city, and that dwelt with Naboth.
Entonces ella envió una carta en nombre de Acab, estampada con su sello, a los hombres responsables y a los jefes que estaban en autoridad con Nabot.
9 And this was the tenor of the letters: Proclaim a fast, and make Naboth sit among the chief of the people,
Y en la carta ella decía: “Que se proclame un ayuno público, y pongan a Nabot delante del pueblo;
10 And suborn two men, sons of Belial against him, and let them bear false witness: that he hath blasphemed God and the king: and then carry him out, and stone him, and so let him die.
Y que dos falsos testigos vengan ante él y den testimonio de que ha estado maldiciendo a Dios y al rey. Entonces sáquenlo y hazlo apedrear para que muera.
11 And the men of his city, the ancients and nobles, that dwelt with him in the city, did as Jezabel had commanded them, and as it was written in the letters which she had sent to them:
Así que los hombres responsables y los jefes que estaban en autoridad en su pueblo, hicieron lo que Jezabel había dicho en la carta que ella les envió.
12 They proclaimed a fast, and made Naboth sit among the chief of the people.
Dieron órdenes para un día de dolor público y pusieron a Nabot delante del pueblo.
13 And bringing two men, sons of the devil, they made them sit against him: and they, like men of the devil, bore witness against him before the people, saying: Naboth hath blasphemed God and the king: wherefore they brought him forth without the city, and stoned him to death.
Y los dos testigos malvados entraron y tomaron asiento delante de él y dieron testimonio contra Nabot, frente al pueblo, diciendo: Nabot ha estado maldiciendo a Dios y al rey. Luego lo sacaron de la ciudad y lo apedrearon hasta la muerte.
14 And they sent to Jezabel, saying: Naboth is stoned, and is dead.
Entonces enviaron un mensaje a Jezabel, diciendo: Nabot ha sido apedreado y está muerto.
15 And it came to pass when Jezabel heard that Naboth was stoned, and dead, that she said to Achab: Arise and take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrahelite, who would not agree with thee, and give it thee for money: for Naboth is not alive, but dead.
Entonces Jezabel, al enterarse de que Nabot había sido apedreado y estaba muerto, le dijo a Acab: Levántate y toma como herencia el viñedo de Nabot Jezreelita, que no te daría por dinero, porque Nabot ya no vive sino que está muerto.
16 And when Achab heard this, to wit, that Naboth was dead, he arose, and went down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezrahelite, to take possession of it.
Acab, al enterarse de que Nabot había muerto, bajó al viñedo de Nabot, el Jezreelita, para tomarlo como herencia.
17 And the word of the Lord came to Elias the Thesbite, saying:
Entonces vino la palabra del Señor a Elías de Tisbe, diciendo:
18 Arise, and go down to meet Achab king of Israel, who is in Samaria: behold he is going down to the vineyard of Naboth, to take possession of it:
Desciende a Acab, rey de Israel, en Samaria; Mira, él está en el huerto de Nabot de Jezreel, donde ha ido a tomarlo como su herencia.
19 And thou shalt speak to him, saying: Thus saith the Lord: Thou hast slain, moreover also thou hast taken possession. And after these words thou shalt add: Thus saith the Lord: In this place, wherein the dogs have licked the blood of Naboth, they shall lick thy blood also.
Dile: El Señor dice: ¿Has matado a un hombre y has tomado su herencia? Entonces dile: El Señor dice: En el lugar donde los perros han estado bebiendo la sangre de Nabot, tu sangre se convertirá en la bebida de los perros.
20 And Achab said to Elias: Hast thou found me thy enemy? He said: I have found thee, because thou art sold, to do evil in the sight of the Lord.
Y Acab dijo a Elías: ¿Te has encontrado cara a cara conmigo, oh mi enemigo? Y él dijo: He venido a ti porque te has entregado a hacer el mal a los ojos del Señor.
21 Behold I will bring evil upon thee, and I will cut down thy posterity, and I will kill of Achab him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up, and the last in Israel.
Mira, te enviaré el mal y te acabaré por completo, cortando de Acab a todo hijo varón, al que está callado y al que sale libre en Israel;
22 And I will make thy house like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and like the house of Baasa the son of Ahias: for what thou hast done, to provoke me to anger, and for making Israel to sin.
Haré que tu familia sea como la familia de Jeroboam, el hijo de Nebat, y como la familia de Baasa, el hijo de Ahías, porque me has hecho enojar, y has hecho que Israel haga el mal.
23 And of Jezabel also the Lord spoke, saying: The dogs shall eat Jezabel in the field of Jezrahel.
Y de Jezabel, el Señor dijo: Jezabel se convertirá en alimento para perros en la herencia de Jezreel.
24 If Achab die in the city, the dogs shall eat him: but if he die in the field, the birds of the air shall eat him.
Cualquier hombre de la familia de Acab que muera en la ciudad se convertirá en alimento para los perros; y el que muera en campo abierto será alimento para las aves del aire.
25 Now there was not such another as Achab, who was sold to do evil in the sight of the Lord: for his wife Jezabel set him on,
No había nadie como Acab, que se entregó a sí mismo para hacer el mal a los ojos del Señor, incitado por Jezabel su esposa.
26 And he became abominable, insomuch that he followed the idols which the Amorrhites had made, whom the Lord destroyed before the face of the children of Israel.
Hizo algo muy desagradable al perseguir a dioses falsos, haciendo todas las cosas que hicieron, a quienes el Señor había echado de delante de los hijos de Israel.
27 And when Achab had heard these words, he rent his garments, and put haircloth upon his flesh, and fasted and slept in sackcloth, and walked with his head cast down.
Al oír estas palabras, Acab, con gran dolor, se humilló; se puso ropas ásperas y ayuno, durmiendo con la misma ropa y andando en silencio.
28 And the word of the Lord came to Elias the Thesbite, saying:
Entonces vino la palabra del Señor a Elías de Tisbe, diciendo:
29 Hast thou not seen Achab humbled before me? therefore, because he hath humbled himself for my sake, I will not bring the evil in his days, but in his son’s days will I bring the evil upon his house.
¿Ves cómo Acab se humilló ante mí? porque él se ha humillado ante mí, no enviaré el mal en su vida, pero en el tiempo de su hijo enviaré el mal a su familia.

< 1 Kings 21 >