< Philippians 1 >

1 Paul and Timotheus, bondmen of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with [the] overseers and ministers;
پَولَتِیمَتھِنامانَو یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ داسَو پھِلِپِنَگَرَسْتھانْ کھْرِیشْٹَیِیشوح سَرْوّانْ پَوِتْرَلوکانْ سَمِتیرَدھْیَکْشانْ پَرِچارَکاںشْچَ پْرَتِ پَتْرَں لِکھَتَح۔
2 grace to you, and peace from God our Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
اَسْماکَں تاتَ اِیشْوَرَح پْرَبھُ رْیِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَشْچَ یُشْمَبھْیَں پْرَسادَسْیَ شانْتیشْچَ بھوگَں دییاسْتاں۔
3 I thank my God for my whole remembrance of you,
اَہَں نِرَنْتَرَں نِجَسَرْوَّپْرارْتھَناسُ یُشْماکَں سَرْوّیشاں کرِتے سانَنْدَں پْرارْتھَناں کُرْوَّنْ
4 constantly in my every supplication, making the supplication for you all with joy,
یَتِ وارانْ یُشْماکَں سْمَرامِ تَتِ وارانْ آ پْرَتھَمادْ اَدْیَ یاوَدْ
5 because of your fellowship with the gospel, from the first day until now;
یُشْماکَں سُسَںوادَبھاگِتْوَکارَنادْ اِیشْوَرَں دھَنْیَں وَدامِ۔
6 having confidence of this very thing, that he who has begun in you a good work will complete it unto Jesus Christ's day:
یُشْمَنْمَدھْیے یینوتَّمَں کَرْمَّ کَرْتُّمْ آرَمْبھِ تینَیوَ یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ دِنَں یاوَتْ تَتْ سادھَیِشْیَتَ اِتْیَسْمِنْ درِڈھَوِشْواسو مَماسْتے۔
7 as it is righteous for me to think this as to you all, because ye have me in your hearts, and that both in my bonds and in the defence and confirmation of the glad tidings ye are all participators in my grace.
یُشْمانْ سَرْوّانْ اَدھِ مَمَ تادرِشو بھاوو یَتھارْتھو یَتوہَں کاراوَسْتھایاں پْرَتْیُتَّرَکَرَنے سُسَںوادَسْیَ پْرامانْیَکَرَنے چَ یُشْمانْ سَرْوّانْ مَیا سارْدّھَمْ ایکانُگْرَہَسْیَ بھاگِنو مَتْوا سْوَہرِدَیے دھارَیامِ۔
8 For God is my witness how I long after you all in [the] bowels of Christ Jesus.
اَپَرَمْ اَہَں کھْرِیشْٹَیِیشوح سْنیہَوَتْ سْنیہینَ یُشْمانْ کِیدرِشَں کانْکْشامِ تَدَدھِیشْوَرو مَمَ ساکْشِی وِدْیَتے۔
9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all intelligence,
مَیا یَتْ پْرارْتھْیَتے تَدْ اِدَں یُشْماکَں پْریمَ نِتْیَں ورِدّھِں گَتْوا
10 that ye may judge of and approve the things that are more excellent, in order that ye may be pure and without offence for Christ's day,
جْنانَسْیَ وِشِشْٹاناں پَرِیکْشِکایاشْچَ سَرْوَّوِدھَبُدّھے رْباہُلْیَں پھَلَتُ،
11 being complete as regards the fruit of righteousness, which [is] by Jesus Christ, to God's glory and praise.
کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ دِنَں یاوَدْ یُشْماکَں سارَلْیَں نِرْوِگھْنَتْوَنْچَ بھَوَتُ، اِیشْوَرَسْیَ گَورَوایَ پْرَشَںسایَے چَ یِیشُنا کھْرِیشْٹینَ پُنْیَپھَلاناں پُورْنَتا یُشْمَبھْیَں دِییَتامْ اِتِ۔
12 But I would have you know, brethren, that the circumstances in which I am have turned out rather to the furtherance of the glad tidings,
ہے بھْراتَرَح، ماں پْرَتِ یَدْ یَدْ گھَٹِتَں تینَ سُسَںوادَپْرَچارَسْیَ بادھا نَہِ کِنْتُ ورِدّھِریوَ جاتا تَدْ یُشْمانْ جْناپَیِتُں کامَیےہَں۔
13 so that my bonds have become manifest [as being] in Christ in all the praetorium and to all others;
اَپَرَمْ اَہَں کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ کرِتے بَدّھوسْمِیتِ راجَپُرْیّامْ اَنْیَسْتھانیشُ چَ سَرْوّیشاں نِکَٹے سُسْپَشْٹَمْ اَبھَوَتْ،
14 and that the most of the brethren, trusting in [the] Lord through my bonds, dare more abundantly to speak the word of God fearlessly.
پْرَبھُسَمْبَنْدھِییا اَنیکے بھْراتَرَشْچَ مَمَ بَنْدھَنادْ آشْواسَں پْراپْیَ وَرْدّھَمانینوتْساہینَ نِحکْشوبھَں کَتھاں پْرَچارَیَنْتِ۔
15 Some indeed also for envy and strife, but some also for good will, preach the Christ.
کیچِدْ دْویشادْ وِرودھاچّاپَرے کیچِچَّ سَدْبھاواتْ کھْرِیشْٹَں گھوشَیَنْتِ؛
16 These indeed out of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the glad tidings;
یے وِرودھاتْ کھْرِیشْٹَں گھوشَیَنْتِ تے پَوِتْرَبھاواتْ تَنَّ کُرْوَّنْتو مَمَ بَنْدھَنانِ بَہُتَرَکْلوشَدایِینِ کَرْتُّمْ اِچّھَنْتِ۔
17 but those out of contention, announce the Christ, not purely, supposing to arouse tribulation for my bonds.
یے چَ پْریمْنا گھوشَیَنْتِ تے سُسَںوادَسْیَ پْرامانْیَکَرَنےہَں نِیُکْتوسْمِیتِ جْناتْوا تَتْ کُرْوَّنْتِ۔
18 What is it then? at any rate, in every way, whether in pretext or in truth, Christ is announced; and in this I rejoice, yea, also I will rejoice;
کِں بَہُنا؟ کاپَٹْیاتْ سَرَلَبھاوادْ وا بھَویتْ، یینَ کینَچِتْ پْرَکارینَ کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ گھوشَنا بھَوَتِیتْیَسْمِنْ اَہَمْ آنَنْدامْیانَنْدِشْیامِ چَ۔
19 for I know that this shall turn out for me to salvation, through your supplication and [the] supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ;
یُشْماکَں پْرارْتھَنَیا یِیشُکھْرِیشْٹَسْیاتْمَنَشْچوپَکارینَ تَتْ مَنِّسْتارَجَنَکَں بھَوِشْیَتِیتِ جانامِ۔
20 according to my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but in all boldness, as always, now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether by life or by death.
تَتْرَ چَ مَماکانْکْشا پْرَتْیاشا چَ سِدّھِں گَمِشْیَتِ پھَلَتوہَں کیناپِ پْرَکارینَ نَ لَجِّشْیے کِنْتُ گَتے سَرْوَّسْمِنْ کالے یَدْوَتْ تَدْوَدْ اِدانِیمَپِ سَمْپُورْنوتْساہَدْوارا مَمَ شَرِیرینَ کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ مَہِما جِیوَنے مَرَنے وا پْرَکاشِشْیَتے۔
21 For for me to live [is] Christ, and to die gain;
یَتو مَمَ جِیوَنَں کھْرِیشْٹایَ مَرَنَنْچَ لابھایَ۔
22 but if to live in flesh [is my lot], this is for me worth the while: and what I shall choose I cannot tell.
کِنْتُ یَدِ شَرِیرے مَیا جِیوِتَوْیَں تَرْہِ تَتْ کَرْمَّپھَلَں پھَلِشْیَتِ تَسْماتْ کِں وَرِتَوْیَں تَنْمَیا نَ جْنایَتے۔
23 But I am pressed by both, having the desire for departure and being with Christ, [for] [it is] very much better,
دْوابھْیامْ اَہَں سَمْپِیڈْیے، دیہَواسَتْیَجَنایَ کھْرِیشْٹینَ سَہَواسایَ چَ مَمابھِلاشو بھَوَتِ یَتَسْتَتْ سَرْوّوتَّمَں۔
24 but remaining in the flesh [is] more necessary for your sakes;
کِنْتُ دیہے مَماوَسْتھِتْیا یُشْماکَمْ اَدھِکَپْرَیوجَنَں۔
25 and having confidence of this, I know that I shall remain and abide along with you all, for your progress and joy in faith;
اَہَمْ اَوَسْتھاسْیے یُشْمابھِح سَرْوَّیح سارْدّھَمْ اَوَسْتھِتِں کَرِشْیے چَ تَیا چَ وِشْواسے یُشْماکَں ورِدّھیانَنْدَو جَنِشْییتے تَدَہَں نِشْچِتَں جانامِ۔
26 that your boasting may abound in Christ Jesus through me by my presence again with you.
تینَ چَ مَتّورْتھَتو یُشْمَتْسَمِیپے مَمَ پُنَرُپَسْتھِتَتْواتْ یُویَں کھْرِیشْٹینَ یِیشُنا بَہُتَرَمْ آہْلادَں لَپْسْیَدھْوے۔
27 Only conduct yourselves worthily of the glad tidings of the Christ, in order that whether coming and seeing you, or absent, I may hear of what concerns you, that ye stand firm in one spirit, with one soul, labouring together in the same conflict with the faith of the glad tidings;
یُویَں ساوَدھانا بھُوتْوا کھْرِیشْٹَسْیَ سُسَںوادَسْیوپَیُکْتَمْ آچارَں کُرُدھْوَں یَتوہَں یُشْمانْ اُپاگَتْیَ ساکْشاتْ کُرْوَّنْ کِں وا دُورے تِشْٹھَنْ یُشْماکَں یاں وارْتّاں شْروتُمْ اِچّھامِ سییَں یُویَمْ ایکاتْمانَسْتِشْٹھَتھَ، ایکَمَنَسا سُسَںوادَسَمْبَنْدھِییَوِشْواسَسْیَ پَکْشے یَتَدھْوے، وِپَکْشَیشْچَ کیناپِ پْرَکارینَ نَ وْیاکُلِیکْرِیَدھْوَ اِتِ۔
28 and not frightened in anything by the opposers, which is to them a demonstration of destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;
تَتْ تیشاں وِناشَسْیَ لَکْشَنَں یُشْماکَنْچیشْوَرَدَتَّں پَرِتْرانَسْیَ لَکْشَنَں بھَوِشْیَتِ۔
29 because to you has been given, as regards Christ, not only the believing on him but the suffering for him also,
یَتو یینَ یُشْمابھِح کھْرِیشْٹے کیوَلَوِشْواسَح کْرِیَتے تَنَّہِ کِنْتُ تَسْیَ کرِتے کْلیشوپِ سَہْیَتے تادرِشو وَرَح کھْرِیشْٹَسْیانُرودھادْ یُشْمابھِح پْراپِ،
30 having the same conflict which ye have seen in me, and now hear of in me.
تَسْماتْ مَمَ یادرِشَں یُدّھَں یُشْمابھِرَدَرْشِ سامْپْرَتَں شْرُویَتے چَ تادرِشَں یُدّھَں یُشْماکَمْ اَپِ بھَوَتِ۔

< Philippians 1 >