< Luke 21 >

1 And he looked up and saw the rich casting their gifts into the treasury;
Yesuusis ol milʼatee sooreyyii kennaa isaanii miʼa buusii keessa buusaa jiran arge.
2 but he saw also a certain poor widow casting therein two mites.
Akkasumas haadha hiyyeessaa hiyyeettii tokko saantima sibiila diimaa xixinnoo lama buusuu ishee arge.
3 And he said, Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow has cast in more than all;
Innis akkana jedhe; “Ani dhuguman isinitti hima; haati hiyyeessaa hiyyeettiin kun warra kaan hunda caalaa buufteerti.
4 for all these out of their abundance have cast into the gifts [of God]; but she out of her need has cast in all the living which she had.
Namoonni kunneen hundi qabeenya isaanii irraa kennan; isheen garuu hiyyuma ishee keessaa waan ittiin jiraattu hunda kennite.”
5 And as some spoke of the temple, that it was adorned with goodly stones and consecrated offerings, he said,
Barattoota isaa keessaas tokko tokko waaʼee mana qulqullummaa, haala manni qulqullummaa sun dhagaawwan babbareedanii fi kennaawwan Waaqaaf kennamaniin itti miidhagfame dudubbachaa turan. Yesuus garuu akkana jedhe;
6 [As to] these things which ye are beholding, days are coming in which there shall not be left stone upon stone which shall not be thrown down.
“Yeroon itti wanni isin ilaaltan kun hundinuu, utuu dhagaan tokko iyyuu wal irratti hin hafin diigamu tokko ni dhufa.”
7 And they asked him saying, Teacher, when then shall these things be; and what [is] the sign when these things are going to take place?
Isaanis, “Yaa barsiisaa, wanni kun yoom taʼa? Mallattoon yeroo wanni kun itti fiixaan baʼuu gaʼuu maali?” jedhanii gaafatan.
8 And he said, See that ye be not led astray, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am [he], and the time is drawn nigh: go ye not [therefore] after them.
Innis akkana jedhee deebise; “Isin akka hin gowwoomfamneef of eeggadha. Namoonni hedduun, ‘Ani isa; yeroon sun dhiʼaateera’ jechaa maqaa kootiin ni dhufuutii. Isin garuu isaan duukaa hin buʼinaa.
9 And when ye shall hear of wars and tumults, be not terrified, for these things must first take place, but the end is not immediately.
Yommuu waaʼee waraanaatii fi waaʼee fincilaa dhageessanitti, hin sodaatinaa. Wanni kun duraan dursee taʼuu qabaatii; dhumni garuu yeruma sana hin taʼu.”
10 Then he said to them, Nation shall rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom;
Innis akkana isaaniin jedhe; “Sabni sabatti, mootummaanis mootummaatti ni kaʼa.
11 there shall be both great earthquakes in different places, and famines and pestilences; and there shall be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.
Iddoo garaa garaatti sochiin lafaa guddaan, beellii fi golfaan ni taʼa; samii irrattis wanni sodaachisaanii fi mallattoon gurguddaan ni taʼa.
12 But before all these things they shall lay their hands upon you and persecute you, delivering [you] up to synagogues and prisons, bringing [you] before kings and governors on account of my name;
“Kana hunda dura garuu isaan isin qabu; isin ariʼatus. Dabarsanii manneen sagadaatti isin kennu; mana hidhaa keessas isin buusu; isin maqaa kootiif jettanii fuula moototaatii fi bulchitootaa duratti ni dhiʼeeffamtu.
13 but it shall turn out to you for a testimony.
Akkasiin isin anaaf dhugaa baatu.
14 Settle therefore in your hearts not to meditate beforehand [your] defence,
Isin garuu akkamitti akka falmattan duraan dursitanii akka hin yaaddofne yaadatti qabadhaa.
15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your opposers shall not be able to reply to or resist.
Anuu afaanii fi ogummaa diinonni keessan tokko iyyuu dandaʼanii dura hin dhaabanne yookaan hin mormine isiniif nan kennaatii.
16 But ye will be delivered up even by parents and brethren and relations and friends, and they shall put to death [some] from among you,
Abbaa fi haati, obboloonni, firoonnii fi michoonni dabarsanii isin kennu; isin keessaas tokko tokko ni ajjeesu.
17 and ye will be hated of all for my name's sake.
Namni hundinuu sababii maqaa kootiif isin jibba.
18 And a hair of your head shall in no wise perish.
Garuu rifeensi mataa keessanii tokko iyyuu hin badu.
19 By your patient endurance gain your souls.
Isin jabaadhaa dhaabadhaa; yoos lubbuu keessan ni oolfattu.
20 But when ye see Jerusalem encompassed with armies, then know that its desolation is drawn nigh.
“Isin yommuu Yerusaalem loltootaan marfamtee argitanitti akka badiin ishee dhiʼaate beekaa.
21 Then let those who are in Judaea flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of it depart out, and those who are in the country not enter into it;
Yommus warri Yihuudaa keessa jiran gaarranitti haa baqatan; warri magaalaa keessa jiranis achii haa baʼan; warri baadiyyaa jiran immoo magaalaa hin seenin.
22 for these are days of avenging, that all the things that are written may be accomplished.
Akka wanni barreeffame hundinuu raawwatamuuf yeroon kun yeroo haaloo baasuutii.
23 But woe to them that are with child and to them who give suck in those days, for there shall be great distress upon the land and wrath upon this people.
Bara sana keessa dubartoota ulfaatii fi haadhota hoosisaniif wayyoo! Lafa irratti dhiphinni guddaan, saba kanatti immoo dheekkamsi ni dhufaatii.
24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of [the] nations until [the] times of [the] nations be fulfilled.
Isaanis goraadeedhaan ajjeefamu; boojiʼamaniis biyyoota ormaa hundatti ni geeffamu; hamma barri Namoota Ormaa dhumutti Yerusaalem Namoota Ormaatiin dhidhiitamti.
25 And there shall be signs in sun and moon and stars, and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity [at] the roar of the sea and rolling waves,
“Aduu irratti, jiʼa irratti, urjiiwwan irrattis mallattoon ni taʼa. Lafa irrattis sababii huursaatii fi dhaʼaa galaanaatiif saboonni ni muddamu; waan taʼanis ni wallaalu.
26 men ready to die through fear and expectation of what is coming on the habitable earth, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Namoonnis sababii humnoonni samii irraa raafamaniif, waan addunyaa kanatti dhufuuf jiru yaaddaʼanii sodaadhaan ni gaggabu.
27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Isaanis yeroo sana utuu Ilmi Namaa humnaa fi ulfina guddaadhaan duumessaan dhufuu ni argu.
28 But when these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws nigh.
Yommuu wanni kun taʼuu jalqabutti mataa keessan ol qabadhaa; olis ilaalaa; furamuun keessan dhiʼaateeraatii.”
29 And he spoke a parable to them: Behold the fig-tree and all the trees;
Innis akkana jedhee fakkeenya kana isaanitti hime; “Mee muka harbuutii fi muka hunda ilaalaa.
30 when they already sprout, ye know of your own selves, [on] looking [at them], that already the summer is near.
Yommuu isaan baala baafatanitti isin mataan keessan iyyuu ilaaltanii akka bonni dhiʼaate beekuu dandeessu.
31 So also ye, when ye see these things take place, know that the kingdom of God is near.
Akkasuma isinis yommuu wanni kun raawwatamuu isaa argitanitti akka mootummaan Waaqaa dhiʼaate ni beektu.
32 Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall in no wise pass away until all come to pass.
“Ani dhuguma isinittin hima; hamma wanni kun hundi taʼutti dhaloonni kun hin darbu.
33 The heaven and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall in no wise pass away.
Samii fi lafti ni darbu; dubbiin koo garuu gonkumaa hin darbu.
34 But take heed to yourselves lest possibly your hearts be laden with surfeiting and drinking and cares of life, and that day come upon you suddenly unawares;
“Isin of eeggadhaa; yoo kanaa achii qalbiin keessan qananiidhaan, machii fi yaaddoo jireenyaatiin fudhatamee guyyaan sunis utuu isin hin beekin akkuma kiyyoo isin qabata.
35 for as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth.
Guyyaan sun warra lafa irra jiraatan hundatti ni dhufaatii.
36 Watch therefore, praying at every season, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things which are about to come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Kanaafuu akka waan dhufuuf jiru hunda jalaa baataniif, akka fuula Ilma Namaa duras dhaabachuu dandeessaniif yeroo hunda dammaqaa; kadhadhaas.”
37 And by day he was teaching in the temple, and by night, going out, he remained abroad on the mountain called [the mount] of Olives;
Yesuus guyyuma guyyaan mana qulqullummaa keessatti barsiisaa ture; halkan halkan immoo tulluu Gaara Ejersaa jedhamu irra bula ture.
38 and all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple to hear him.
Namoonni hundinuus isa dhaggeeffachuuf jedhanii barii barraaqaan mana qulqullummaa dhufu turan.

< Luke 21 >