< Acts 3 >

1 And Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, [which is] the ninth [hour];
Eso afadafa, baloga, Bida amola Yone da Debolo Diasuga asi. Baloga (3ougologo agoane), dunu ilia da Godema sia: ne gadomusa: Debolo Diasuga gilisisu.
2 and a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb was being carried, whom they placed every day at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, to ask alms of those who were going into the temple;
Ela da logo holei (ea dio Logo Holei Ida: iwane Ba: su) amoga, dunu afae e da emo gasuga: igiwane lalelegele asigilai, esalebe ba: i. Eso huluane, eno dunu da amo dunu gisa asili, ligisili, e da eno dunu Debolo diasuga doaga: musa: logoga ahoanebe, ilima muni edegesu.
3 who, seeing Peter and John about to enter into the temple, asked to receive alms.
E da Bida amola Yone, Debolo diasuga golili ahoanebe ba: loba, ela da ema ima: ne edegei.
4 And Peter, looking stedfastly upon him with John, said, Look on us.
Ela da ema ha: giwane hodole, Bida e amane sia: i, “Anima di ba: ma!”
5 And he gave heed to them, expecting to receive something from them.
E da liligi elama lamusa: dawa: beba: le, elama ba: i.
6 But Peter said, Silver and gold I have not; but what I have, this give I to thee: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazaraean rise up and walk.
Be Bida da ema amane sia: i, “Na da muni hamedafa gagusa. Be na gagui na dima imunu. Yesu Gelesu, Na: salede dunu, amo Ea Dioba: le wa: legadole laloma!”
7 And having taken hold of him [by] the right hand he raised him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones were made strong.
Amalalu, Bida da ea lobodafa amo lobolele, e fidili wa: legadolesi. Hedolowane, amo dunu ea emo amola ea emo muguni, bu gasa lale, moloi.
8 And leaping up he stood and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.
E da wa: legadole, soagala: le lalalu. Amalalu, hahawane soagala: lewane, Godema nodonana, e Yone amola Bida gilisili Debolo Diasu ganodini golili sa: i.
9 And all the people saw him walking and praising God;
Dunu huluane da ea hahawane Godema nodosu hou amola lalebe hou ba: i.
10 and they recognised him, that it was he who sat for alms at the Beautiful gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Ba: beba: le, amo dunu da musa: gasuga: igi dunu udigili Logo Holei Ida: iwane Ba: su amoga dunuma edegemusa: fi dialu ilia dawa: i. Amaiba: le, ea gaheabolo hou ba: beba: le, ilia bagadewane fofogadigi.
11 And as he held Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico which is called Solomon's, greatly wondering.
Soloumane ea Fila Ahoasu ganodini, dunu huluane da amo dunu, Bida amola Yone nonogonanebe ba: beba: le, fofogadigili hehenane, ilima doaga: i.
12 And Peter, seeing it, answered the people, Men of Israel, why are ye astonished at this? or why do ye gaze on us as if we had by our own power or piety made him to walk?
Amo hou ba: beba: le, Bida e amane sia: i, “Na fi dunu! Dilia abuliba: le fofogadigisala: ? Abuliba: le anima ba: sala: ? Ania gasa bagade hou amola ania hou ida: iwane, amoga ania goe dunu hahamoi dilia dawa: bela: ? Hame mabu!
13 The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he had judged that he should be let go.
A: ibalaha: me, Aisage, Ya: igobe amola ninia aowalali dunu huluane, ilia Gode da Ea hawa: hamosu dunu Yesu Gelesuma hadigidafa hou i dagoi. Be dilia amo dunu afugili Gamane ouligisu dunu ilima i. Bailade da ea se dabe iasu diasu logo doasimusa: dawa: i galu. Be dilia higa: i.
14 But ye denied the holy and righteous one, and asked that a man [that was] a murderer should be granted to you;
E da Dunu ida: iwane hadigidafa galu. Be dilia E higale, dilia sia: beba: le, Bailade da medole legesu dunu ea se dabe iasu diasu logo doasi dagoi.
15 but the originator of life ye slew, whom God raised from among [the] dead, whereof we are witnesses.
Dilia da Fifi Ahoanusu iabe Dunu medole legei dagoi. Be Gode da E bu uhini, wa: legadolesi dagoi. Amo hou huluane ninia ba: i.
16 And, by faith in his name, his name has made this [man] strong whom ye behold and know; and the faith which is by him has given him this complete soundness in the presence of you all.
Yesu Gelesu Ea gasa bagade Dio amoga amo emo gasuga: igi esalu dunu da wali gasawane lala. Ania da Yesu Ea dio dafawaneyale dawa: beba: le, amo hou dilia waha ba: i liligi hamoi
17 And now, brethren, I know that ye did it in ignorance, as also your rulers;
Be, defea, na fi dunu! Na dawa: ! Dilia amola dilia ouligisu dunu da bai hame dawa: beba: le, Yesu medole legei.
18 but God has thus fulfilled what he had announced beforehand by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ should suffer.
Musa: hemonega, Gode olelebeba: le, balofede dunu da Mesaia da se nabimu olelei. Amaiba: le, Gode da Ea sia: i defele agoane hamoi dagoi.
19 Repent therefore and be converted, for the blotting out of your sins, so that times of refreshing may come from [the] presence of the Lord,
Amaiba: le, dilia gogosiane Godema sinidigima. Amasea, Gode da dilia wadela: i hou gogolema: ne olofomu.
20 and he may send Jesus Christ, who was foreordained for you,
Dilia da agoane hamosea, Gode da a: silibu gasa hou dilima imunu. E da Yesu Gelesu, Ea ilegei Mesaia dunu, dilima bu asunasimu.
21 whom heaven indeed must receive till [the] times of [the] restoring of all things, of which God has spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since time began. (aiōn g165)
Bai E da wali Hebene soge amo ganodini esala! Be balofede dunu da hemonega amo Gode da liligi huluane gaheabolo hamomu sia: i. Amo eso doaga: sea, Yesu Gelesu da bu misunu. (aiōn g165)
22 Moses indeed said, A prophet shall [the] Lord your God raise up to you out of your brethren like me: him shall ye hear in everything whatsoever he shall say to you.
Bai Mousese da amane olelei, ‘Dilia Hina Gode, E da na asunasi amo defele, Balofede Dunu eno asunasimu. E da dilia fi dunu esalumu. Ea sia: huluane nabawane hamoma!
23 And it shall be that whatsoever soul shall not hear that prophet shall be destroyed from among the people.
Nowa dunu da amo Balofede Ea sia: nabawane hame hamosea, Gode da Ea fi ilima fadegale gugunufinisimu!’
24 And indeed all the prophets from Samuel and those in succession after [him], as many as have spoken, have announced also these days.
Balofede dunu huluane, Sa: miuele amola fa: no mabe balofede dunu huluane, ilia da waha mabe hou huluane musa: hemonega olelei.
25 Ye are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God appointed to our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
Gode Ea hahawane ilegele imunu sia: i, amo E da musa: balofede dunu ilima sia: i, amo da dilima maha. Gode da dilia aowalali dunuma Ea fi afadafa gilisimusa: gousa: su hamobeba: le, amo hou dilia amola da lai dagoi. E da A: ibalaha: mema amane sia: i, ‘Digaga fi dunu ilia hawa: hamobeba: le, Na da osobo bagade fifi asi gala dunu huluane hahawane dogolegele fidimu!’
26 To you first God, having raised up his servant, has sent him, blessing you in turning each one [of you] from your wickedness.
Amaiba: le, Gode da Ea Hawa: Hamosu Dunu Ida: iwane gala, E ilegele hidadea dilima asunasi. Dilia da wadela: i hou yolesili Ema sinidigima: ne, amola hahawane ba: ma: ne, E da Yesu asunasi dagoi!”

< Acts 3 >