< 1 Thessalonians 5 >

1 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that ye should be written to,
Ti eshuwotso! keewan b́ wotit́ dúronat b́ gizewosh eegoru itsh guut'o geyiratse.
2 for ye know perfectly well yourselves, that the day of [the] Lord so comes as a thief by night.
Doonzo b́ weet aawo úmp'etso t'úwon b́ wafok'o b́ wottsotse it it tookon sheengshde'k'at danfte.
3 When they may say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon her that is with child; and they shall in no wise escape.
Ashuwots «Keew jamó jeenonat s'k erkee» bo etor na'a maac'ts máátsuwats na'a shuwi shambo bin b́detsfok'o t'afo danerawo boats b́ weeti, eegi weeronoru bítse keshosh falatsne.
4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you as a thief:
Ti eshuwotso itmó, t'aluwots itnaliye, mansh aaw man ump'etsok'o itats waratse.
5 for all ye are sons of light and sons of day; we are not of night nor of darkness.
It it únets shááni ashuwots, aawi ashuwots itne, nooye wee t'úwi wee t'alwi ashuwots noonaliye.
6 So then do not let us sleep as the rest do, but let us watch and be sober;
Mansh eshe no tooko kewde beewone bako k'oshwotskok'o tokrk'ayone.
7 for they that sleep sleep by night, and they that drink drink by night;
Tokriru ashuwots t'úwone botokriri, mashiruwotswere t'úwone bomashiri.
8 but we being of [the] day, let us be sober, putting on [the] breastplate of faith and love, and as helmet [the] hope of salvation;
Noomó aawi ashuwotsi nowottsotse notooko keewon no angok'on beewone, imnetiyonat shunon t'ururiyok'o nogerats tahde'oone, kashosh jangetso kes'tswots boatse baziyosh bogúúfef k'obiyok'o tookats guufde'one,
9 because God has not set us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Ik'o noon b́ s'eeg fayosh b́woterawon nodoonz Iyesus Krstos weeron no kashishee.
10 who has died for us, that whether we may be watching or sleep, we may live together with him.
Krstos no jangosh b́k'ir kashon nobeyal wee nok'iriyal bínton nobeyishe.
11 Wherefore encourage one another, and build up each one the other, even as also ye do.
Mansh and it k'alirwok'on iko iko kup'shon t'engde'e.
12 But we beg you, brethren, to know those who labour among you, and take the lead among you in [the] Lord, and admonish you,
Eshuwotso! ititse finon shaatsirwotsi, doonzon it naashwotsnat iti iziruwotsi it mangiyituwok'o itn k'oniruwoone,
13 and to regard them exceedingly in love on account of their work. Be in peace among yourselves.
Bo finatse tuutson boosh eents manogonat shunon it detsetwok'owa, itwere it atsatsewo jeenon beewere.
14 But we exhort you, brethren, admonish the disorderly, comfort the faint-hearted, sustain the weak, be patient towards all.
Eshuwotso! «Wihuwotsi fayore, aaw shuuk' deshawwotsi kúp'shwere, maawtswotsi te'uere, ash jamosh k'amoore» etaat gawiruwone.
15 See that no one render to any evil for evil, but pursue always what is good towards one another and towards all;
Asho konworu gondi shegrosh gndon bí anirawok'o it atso korde'er, dab jam aawo it it took tookosh wotowa mank'o k'osh ashuwotssh k'osh ash jamwotssh sheeng finosh kup'ore.
16 rejoice always;
Jam aawo gene'owere,
17 pray unceasingly;
it eed'irawo Ik'o k'onwere,
18 in everything give thanks, for this is [the] will of God in Christ Jesus towards you;
jam keewon Ik'o udoore, Krstos Iyesusn it detsts beyon Ik'o itatse b́ geyirwo maniye.
19 quench not the Spirit;
S'ayin shayiri fino úp'k'ayere,
20 do not lightly esteem prophecies;
bek'o gac'k'ayere.
21 but prove all things, hold fast the right;
Jam keewo faduwere, sheeng wottso deshde'ere.
22 hold aloof from every form of wickedness.
Gond fin jamatse wokoore.
23 Now the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly: and your whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
B́ tookon jeeni Ik'o Izar Izewer jam keewon iti S'ayintsuwe, it Shayiro, it kasho, it ats jamo no doonz Iyesus Krstos b́ weet aawosh ik jagalo koteyar beewe.
24 He [is] faithful who calls you, who will also perform [it].
Iti s'egtsmań amanek b́ wottsosh han k'alituwe.
25 Brethren, pray for us.
Ti eshuwotso! nooshowere Ik'o k'onwere.
26 Greet all the brethren with a holy kiss.
Eshúw jamwotsi S'ayints jobon jamo aatewere.
27 I adjure you by the Lord that the letter be read to all the [holy] brethren.
Woshan amants jamwotssh b́ nababetwok'o doonzo shútson oona itsh etetuwe.
28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you.
No doonz Iyesus Krstos s'aato itnton wotowe.

< 1 Thessalonians 5 >