< Zephaniah 2 >

1 Assemble, be gathered together, O people not worthy to be loved.
Bann san wont! Pran tèt nou. Kalkile byen,
2 Until the decree settles accounts, the day like dust is passing away, before which the wrath of the fury of the Lord may overcome you, before which the day of the anger of the Lord may overcome you.
anvan nou pase tankou pay van pote ale yon sèl jou, anvan dife kòlè Seyè a tonbe sou nou, anvan jou kòlè Seyè a rive sou nou.
3 Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth; you who have been working are his judgment. Seek the just, seek the meek. So then, in some way, you might be hidden in the day of the fury of the Lord.
Nou menm, pòv malere nan peyi a k'ap fè sa Seyè a bay lòd fè a, vin jwenn li. Fè sa ki dwat devan li. Pa kite lògèy vire tèt nou. Nou pa janm konnen, nou ka chape jou Seyè a va fè wè kòlè li.
4 For Gaza will be destroyed, and Ashkelon will be in the desert; they will expel Ashdod at midday, and Ekron will be eradicated.
p'ap rete yon moun lavil Gaza. Lavil Askalon ap tounen yon dezè. Gwo midi, y'ap mete tout moun Asdòd yo deyò. Y'ap depòte tout moun Ekwon yo.
5 Woe to you who inhabit the coast of the sea, you people of perdition. The word of the Lord is over you, Canaan, the land of the Philistines, and I will disperse you, so that not one inhabitant will be left.
Madichon pou moun peyi Filisti yo ki rete tout bò lanmè a! Seyè a ban nou santans nou, nou menm moun Filisti ki rete nan peyi Kanaran an. L'ap detwi nou nèt, li p'ap kite yon moun nan peyi a.
6 And the coastline of the sea will be a resting place for shepherds and a fence line for cattle.
Tout bò lanmè a pral tounen savann kote gadò mouton va mennen bèt yo vin manje.
7 And it will be the line of him who will remain from the house of Judah. There they will pasture. In the houses of Ashkelon, they will rest towards evening. For the Lord their God will visit them, and he will turn away their captivity.
Ti ponyen moun ki va rete nan fanmi Jida a va gen tout bò lanmè a pou yo. Se la y'a mennen mouton yo al manje. Nan aswè, y'av al dòmi nan kay lavil Askalon yo. Seyè a, Bondye yo a, va fè kichòy pou yo. L'a fè yo leve tèt yo ankò.
8 I have heard about the disgrace of Moab and the blasphemies of the sons of Ammon, by which they have defamed my people and have been magnified beyond their borders.
Seyè a di ankò! -Mwen te tande jan moun peyi Moab yo ak moun Amon yo t'ap joure pèp mwen an. Yo t'ap pale yo mal. Yo t'ap mache di yo pral pran peyi a nan men yo.
9 Because of this, as I live, says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, Moab will be like Sodom, and the sons of Ammon like Gomorrah, like the dryness of thorns, and piles of salt, and a desert, all the way to eternity. The remnant of my people will despoil them, and the residue of my nation will possess them.
Se poutèt sa, mwen menm Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a, Bondye vivan pèp Izrayèl la, mwen sèmante sou tèt mwen, sa ki te rive lavil Sodòm lan, se sa ki pral rive peyi Moab la. Sa ki te rive lavil Gomò a, se sa ki pral rive peyi moun Amon yo. Yo pral tounen yon kote se pikan chadwon ase ki pral leve, yon mi n' sèl, yon dezè pou tout tan. Ti ponyen ki va rete nan moun pèp mwen yo va piye yo, ti ponyen ki va rete nan moun k'ap sèvi m' yo va pran peyi a pou yo.
10 This will come upon them for their arrogance, because they have blasphemed and have been magnified over the people of the Lord of hosts.
Se sa ki pral rive moun Moab yo ak moun Amon yo, paske yo te gen lògèy, yo t'ap pale pèp Seyè ki gen tout pouvwa a mal. Yo t'ap mache di yo pral pran peyi a nan men yo.
11 The Lord will be a horror over them, and he will reduce all the gods of the earth. And they will adore him, each man from his own place, all the islands of the Gentiles.
Seyè a pral fè yo pase pa yo. Li pral disparèt tout bondye moun sou latè yo ap sèvi. Lèfini, tout nasyon toupatou sou latè pral adore l', yo chak nan peyi pa yo.
12 Even so, you Ethiopians, you will be executed by my sword.
Nou menm tou, moun peyi Letiopi yo, Seyè a ap touye nou nan lagè!
13 And he will extend his hand over the North, and he will destroy Assur. And he will set the Beautiful in the wilderness, and in an impassable place, and like a desert.
Seyè a va leve men l' bò nan nò, l'ap detwi peyi Lasiri. L'ap fè lavil Niniv tounen yon savann, yon tè sèk tankou dezè.
14 And flocks will lie down in its midst, all the beasts of the Gentiles. And the pelican and the hedgehog will stay at its threshold; the voice of the singing bird will be at the window, with the crow above its threshold, for I will diminish her strength.
Se la tout kalite bèt savann pral chwazi fè kay yo. Koukou ak zagoudi pral fè nich yo nan mitan moso demoli kay wòch yo. Y'ap rele bò fennèt yo. Kaou va rele nan papòt kay yo. Y'ap rache tout bwa sèd nan chapant kay yo.
15 This is the glorious city, dwelling in trust, which said in her heart, “I am and there is no one other than me.” How has she become a lair for beasts in the desert? All who pass through her will hiss and wag their hand.
Men sa ki pral rive lavil kote moun t'ap pran plezi yo, lavil kote moun te mete nan tèt yo anyen pa ka rive yo, lavil kote moun yo t'ap di nan kè yo: Se mwen menm sèl chèf! Pa gen lòt! Tout moun k'ap pase bò la pral sezi, y'ap mete men nan tèt lè yo wè sa ki rive.

< Zephaniah 2 >