< Zechariah 5 >

1 And I turned and lifted up my eyes. And I saw, and behold, a book flying.
Andin mǝn yǝnǝ beximni kɵtürüp, mana bir uqar oram yazmini kɵrdüm.
2 And he said to me, “What do you see?” And I said, “I see a book flying. Its length is twenty cubits, and its width is ten cubits.”
U mǝndin: «Nemini kɵrdüng?» dǝp soridi. Mǝn: «Bir uqar oram yazmini kɵrdüm; uzunluⱪi yigirmǝ gǝz, kǝngliki on gǝz ikǝn» — dedim.
3 And he said to me, “This is the curse that goes forth over the face of the whole earth. For every thief will be judged, just as it has been written there, and everyone who swears by this, will be judged in like manner.”
U manga: «Bu bolsa pütün zemin üstigǝ qiⱪirilƣan lǝnǝttur; qünki ⱨǝrbir oƣriliⱪ ⱪilƣuqi bu tǝripigǝ yezilƣini boyiqǝ üzüp taxlinidu; wǝ ⱪǝsǝm iqküqilǝrning ⱨǝrbiri u tǝripigǝ yezilƣini boyiqǝ üzüp taxlinidu».
4 I will bring it forth, says the Lord of hosts, and it will approach to the house of the thief, and to the house of him who swears falsely by my name, and it will remain in the midst of his house and will consume it, with its wood and its stones.
— «Mǝn bu [yazmini] qiⱪirimǝn» — dǝydu samawi ⱪoxunlarning Sǝrdari bolƣan Pǝrwǝrdigar, «wǝ u oƣrining ɵyigǝ ⱨǝmdǝ namim bilǝn yalƣandin ⱪǝsǝm iqküqining ɵyigǝ kiridu wǝ xu ɵydǝ ⱪonup uni yaƣaq-taxliri bilǝn ⱪoxupla yǝwetidu».
5 And the angel had departed, who was speaking with me. And he said to me, “Lift up your eyes, and see what this is, that goes forth.”
Andin mǝn bilǝn sɵzlixiwatⱪan pǝrixtǝ qiⱪip manga: «Əmdi bexingni kɵtürgin, nemining qiⱪiwatⱪinini kɵrüp baⱪ» — dedi.
6 And I said, “What, then, is it?” And he said, “This is a container going forth.” And he said, “This is their eye in all the earth.”
Mǝn: «U nemǝ?» — dǝp soridim. U manga: «Bu qiⱪiwatⱪan «ǝfaⱨ» sewitidur», wǝ: «Bu bolsa [xu rǝzillǝrning] pütün zemindiki ⱪiyapitidur» — dedi.
7 And behold, a talent of lead was being carried; and behold, one woman sitting in the middle of the container.
Əfaⱨ sewitining aƣzidin dumilaⱪ bir ⱪoƣuxun kɵtürüldi, mana, ǝfaⱨ sewiti iqidǝ bir ayal olturatti.
8 And he said, “This is impiety.” And he cast her into the middle of the container, and he sent the weight of lead into its mouth.
U: «Bu bolsa, rǝzillik»tur» — dǝp, uni ǝfaⱨ sewiti iqigǝ ⱪayturup taxlap, ǝfaⱨning aƣziƣa eƣir ⱪoƣuxunni taxlap ⱪoydi.
9 And I lifted up my eyes and I saw. And behold, two women were departing, and a spirit was in their wings, and they had wings like the wings of a kite, and they lifted up the container between earth and heaven.
Beximni kɵtürüp, mana ikki ayalning qiⱪⱪanliⱪini kɵrdüm; xamal ularning ⱪanatlirini yǝlpütüp turatti (ularning lǝylǝkningkidǝk ⱪanatliri bar idi); ular ǝfaⱨni asman bilǝn zeminning otturisiƣa kɵtürdi.
10 And I said to the angel who was speaking with me, “Where are they taking the container?”
Mǝn bilǝn sɵzlixiwatⱪan pǝrixtidin: «Ular ǝfaⱨni nǝgǝ kɵtürüp mangidu?» — dǝp soridim.
11 And he said to me, “To a house that may be built for it in the land of Shinar, and so that it may be established and set there upon its own base.”
U manga: Ular ǝfaⱨ üqün «Xinar zemini»da bir ɵy selixⱪa kǝtti; ɵy bǝrpa ⱪilinƣandin keyin, ǝfaⱨ sewiti xu yǝrdǝ ɵz turalƣusiƣa ⱪoyulidu, — dǝp jawab bǝrdi.

< Zechariah 5 >