< Song of Solomon 5 >

1 Bride: May my beloved enter into his garden, and eat the fruit of his apple trees. Groom to Bride: I have arrived in my garden, O my sister, my spouse. I have harvested my myrrh, with my aromatic oils. I have eaten the honeycomb with my honey. I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends, and drink, and be inebriated, O most beloved.
Na zo lambuna,’yar’uwata, amaryata; na tattara mur nawa da kayan yajina. Na sha zumana da kuma kakinsa na sha ruwan inabina da kuma madarana. Ƙawaye Ku ci, ku kuma sha, ya ku ƙawaye; ku sha ku ƙoshi, ya ƙaunatattu.
2 Bride: I sleep, yet my heart watches. The voice of my beloved knocking: Groom to Bride: Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my immaculate one. For my head is full of dew, and the locks of my hair are full of the drops of the night.
Na yi barci amma zuciyata tana a farke. Ku saurara! Ƙaunataccena yana ƙwanƙwasa ƙofa. “Buɗe mini,’yar’uwata, ƙaunatacciyata, kurciyata, marar laifina. Kaina ya jiƙe da raɓa, gashina ya yi danshin ɗiɗɗigar dare.”
3 Bride: I have taken off my tunic; how shall I be clothed in it? I have washed my feet; how shall I spoil them?
Na tuɓe rigata, sai in sāke sa ta kuma? Na wanke ƙafafuna, sai in sāke ɓata su?
4 My beloved put his hand through the window, and my inner self was moved by his touch.
Ƙaunataccena ya turo hannunsa ta cikin ramin ƙofar; zuciyata ta fara juyayi a kansa.
5 I rose up in order to open to my beloved. My hands dripped with myrrh, and my fingers were full of the finest myrrh.
Na tashi don in buɗe wa ƙaunataccena, sai hannuna ya jiƙe sharkaf da mur, yatsotsina suna ɗiga da mur, a hannuwan ƙofar.
6 I opened the bolt of my door to my beloved. But he had turned aside and had gone away. My soul melted when he spoke. I sought him, and did not find him. I called, and he did not answer me.
Na buɗe wa ƙaunataccena ƙofa, amma ƙaunataccena ba ya nan, ya riga ya tafi. Zuciyata ta damu da tafiyarsa. Na neme shi amma ban same shi ba. Na yi ta kiransa amma bai amsa ba.
7 The keepers who circulate through the city found me. They struck me, and wounded me. The keepers of the walls took my veil away from me.
Masu gadi suka gamu da ni yayinda suke kai kawo a cikin birni. Suka yi mini dūka, suka yi mini rauni; suka ƙwace gyalena waɗannan masu gadin katanga!
8 I bind you by oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, if you find my beloved, announce to him that I languish through love.
’Yan matan Urushalima, ina roƙonku, in kun sami ƙaunataccena me za ku ce masa? Ku ce masa na suma saboda ƙauna.
9 Chorus to Bride: What kind of beloved is your beloved, O most beautiful among women? What kind of beloved is your beloved, so that you would bind us by oath?
Mafiya kyau a cikin mata me ya sa ƙaunataccenki ya fi sauran? Don me kike roƙonmu mu faɗa masa yadda kike ji?
10 Bride: My beloved is white and ruddy, elect among thousands.
Ƙaunataccena kyakkyawa ne ƙaƙƙarfa kuma, da ƙyar a sami irinsa ɗaya a cikin dubu goma.
11 His head is like the finest gold. His locks are like the heights of palm trees, and as black as a raven.
Kansa zinariya ce zalla; gashinsa dogaye ne baƙi wuluk kamar hankaka.
12 His eyes are like doves, which have been washed with milk over rivulets of waters, and which reside near plentiful streams.
Idanunsa sun yi kamar na kurciyoyin da suke kusa da ruwan rafi, da aka wanke da madara aka kuma kafa kamar kayan ado masu daraja.
13 His cheeks are like a courtyard of aromatic plants, sown by perfumers. His lips are like lilies, dripping with the best myrrh.
Kumatunsa kamar lambun kayan yaji suna ba da turare. Leɓunansa sun yi kamar furen bi-rana suna ɗiga da mur.
14 His hands are smoothed gold, full of hyacinths. His abdomen is ivory, accented with sapphires.
Hannuwansa kamar sandunan zinariyar da aka sa musu duwatsu masu daraja. Jikinsa ya yi kamar gogaggen hauren giwan da aka yi masa ado da duwatsun saffaya.
15 His legs are columns of marble, which have been established over bases of gold. His appearance is like that of Lebanon, elect like the cedars.
Ƙafafunsa sun yi kamar ginshiƙan dutsen alabastar da aka kafa su a cikin rammukar zinariya. Kamanninsa ya yi kamar Lebanon, mafi kyau kamar itacen al’ul nasa.
16 His throat is most sweet, and he is entirely desirable. Such is my beloved, and he is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
Bakinsa zaƙi ne kansa; komensa yana da kyau. Haka ƙaunataccena, abokina, yake’yan matan Urushalima.

< Song of Solomon 5 >