< Revelation 4 >

1 After these things, I saw, and behold, a door was opened in heaven, and the voice that I heard speaking with me first was like a trumpet, saying: “Ascend to here, and I will reveal to you what must occur after these things.”
Masuole chu inlârna dang ku mua, ko hong ena, invân inkhâr in-ong ku mua. Male bekul miring angati rôl ki riet masa han ni chongpui, “Hin hong inla, hima suole neinun hong om ngêt rang ngei nang min mu ki tih,” a tia.
2 And immediately I was in the Spirit. And behold, a throne had been placed in heaven, and there was One sitting upon the throne.
Voikhatrengin Ratha'n mi ompuia. Invân khin rêngsukmun le a chunga mi inkhat ânsung ahong oma.
3 And the One who was sitting there was similar in appearance to a stone of jasper and sardius. And there was an iridescence surrounding the throne, in aspect similar to an emerald.
A mâi hah jasper le carnelian lungmantam angin ânlanga, male rêngsukmun rihîla han sûminsâng emerald lung rông anghan ânjâm sa.
4 And surrounding the throne were twenty-four smaller thrones. And upon the thrones, twenty-four elders were sitting, clothed entirely in white vestments, and on their heads were gold crowns.
Rêngsukmun rihîla han rêngsukmunngei adang sômnikminli an om sa, ma rêngsukmunngeia han upa sômnikminli ngei puon ngoi an insila, rângkachak rênglukhumngei inkhumin an insunga.
5 And from the throne, lightnings and voices and thunders went forth. And there were seven burning lamps before the throne, which are the seven spirits of God.
Rêngsukmun renga han kôlinleka dapdaptingei, khuonri rahangngei le mechêk puok rahangngei ahong oma. Rêngsukmun motona han châti sari ngei mochokin aoma, mangei hah Pathien ratha sari ngei hah an ni.
6 And in view of the throne, there was something that seemed like a sea of glass, similar to crystal. And in the middle of the throne, and all around the throne, there were four living creatures, full of eyes in front and in back.
Rêngsukmun moton nanâk han crystal lung anga vâr lîm-en tuikhanglien angati khom aom sa. Rêngsukmun rihîlin kângkhat tieng khom, kângkhat tieng khom iring parânngei minli motontieng le nûktieng amit sipmat an oma.
7 And the first living creature resembled a lion, and the second living creature resembled a calf, and the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature resembled a flying eagle.
Iring inkhatna hah chu ikeibaknei aphuoa; inikna chu serâtchal aphuoa, inthumna chu a mâi hah munisi mâi aphuoa; male minlina chu minmu vuonglâi aphuo ani.
8 And each of the four living creatures had upon them six wings, and all around and within they are full of eyes. And they took no rest, day or night, from saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come.”
Ma iring parân minli ngei hah manthangei uruk an dôn paka, male anni ngei hah amit sipmat an nia, sûngtieng le pêntieng khom. Sûn le jân inngam loiin lâ an thoa: “Ânthieng, ânthieng, ânthieng, Pumapa Pathien Râtinchung, A om sai, a omtit, le a la hong om rangpu chu.”
9 And while those living creatures were giving glory and honor and blessings to the One sitting upon the throne, who lives forever and ever, (aiōn g165)
Iring parân minli ngei han rêngsukmuna ânsung ngâipu tuonsôt tuonsôta ring tit kôm han roiinpuina, miritna le minpâkna lângei an thoa. Ma anga an tho racham han, (aiōn g165)
10 the twenty-four elders fell prostrate before the One sitting upon the throne, and they adored him who lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying: (aiōn g165)
upa sômnikminli ngei han rêngsukmuna ânsungpu makunga inbokin tuonsôt tuonsôta ring titpu chubai an mûka. An rênglukhumngei hah rêngsukmun motona an dara: (aiōn g165)
11 “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For you have created all things, and they became and were created because of your will.”
“Kin Pumapa le kin Pathien! nangma chu roiinpuina, miritna, le sinthotheina man ruopiel ni ni. Neinunngei murdi nangman na sina, male nu lungdoa om le ringna pêk an ni.”

< Revelation 4 >