< Revelation 18 >

1 And after these things, I saw another Angel, descending from heaven, having great authority. And the earth was illuminated by his glory.
Ye fikilile fyoni ifi nikabwene umunyamola ujunge ikwika paasi kuhuma kukyanya. Umwene alyale nuvutavulilua uvuvaha, na ji iisi jikamulikue nhu vwimike vwaa mwene.
2 And he cried out with strength, saying: “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great. And she has become the habitation of demons, and the keepsake of every unclean spirit, and the possession of every unclean and hateful flying thing.
Alyalilile nilisio ilivaha, akajova, “Ghughwile, ghughwile, ilikaja ilivaha ilya Babeli! Ulivukale vwa Mipepo, kange panosikukala imhepo indamafu soni, kange napano vikukala avanyali voni nikijuni kino kikalasia.
3 For all the nations have imbibed the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And the kings of the earth have fornicated with her. And the merchants of the earth have become wealthy by the power of her pleasures.”
Ulwakuva ifisina fyooni finywile uluhuje nhuvunoghelua vwea vuvwafu vwamweene vuno vukum'pelelela ing'alasi. Avatua va mu iisi va vwafuike naghwoope. Navanyaduka vooni vooni va mu iisi vakavile uvuvwafu ku ngufu sa mikalile gha mwene gha vunoghelua.”
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: “Go away from her, my people, so that you may not be participants in her pleasures, and so that you may not be recipients of her afflictions.
Kange nikapulika ilisio ilinge kuhuma kukyanya liiti, “Vukagha kwa mwene mwe vaanhu vango, ulwakuuti mulihasing'ana mumakole gha mwene, ulwakuuti muleke pikuvupila imumuko sa mwene sooni.
5 For her sins have pierced through even to heaven, and the Lord has remembered her iniquities.
Inyali sa mwene simemeleng'ine kukyanya heene vulanga, naju Nguluve asikumbwike imbombo sa mwene imbivi.
6 Render to her, as she has also rendered to you. And repay her doubly, according to her works. Mix for her a double portion, in the cup with which she mixed.
Mumombaghe ndavule akavahombile avange, kange muhombaghe mugomokaghe kaviili ndavule akavombile; mukikombe kino akahasing'inie, mumanikiiaghe kaviili ulwa mweene.
7 As much as she has glorified herself and lived in pleasure, so much so give to her torment and grief. For in her heart, she has said: ‘I am enthroned as queen,’ and, ‘I am not a widow,’ and, ‘I shall not see sorrow.’
Ndavule akighinisie jujuo mwene, kange akikalile nulunomo, mum'pelaghe imumuko nyinga na kusukunala. Ulwakuva ijova mu mwoojo ghwa mwene, nikalile hwene minja Ntua; kange nanilimfwile, nambe na kwande nikukwagha kulila.'
8 For this reason, her afflictions shall arrive in one day: death and grief and famine. And she shall be burned with fire. For God, who will judge her, is strong.
Pa uluobmu n'kate mukighono kimo imumuko sa mwene sikumulemagha: Vufue, ikililo, nhi njala, itangukagha nu mwooto, ulwakuva u Mutwa u Nguluve ghwe nyangufu, kange ghwe mighi ghwa mwene.”
9 And the kings of the earth, who have fornicated with her and lived in luxury, shall weep and mourn for themselves over her, when they see the smoke of her conflagration,
Avatua va iisi vano vakavwafwike na kuhasiling'ana palikimo nu mwene viliilagha na pikung'ulasia pano kwande vikulivona ilyosi ilyakupia umweene.
10 standing far away, out of fear of her torments, saying: ‘Woe! Woe! to Babylon, that great city, that strong city. For in one hour, your judgment has arrived.’
Vikwima patali numwene, ku vwoghofi vwa vuvafi vwa mwene vitisagha, “Iiga, iiga kulikaja ilivaha, Babeli, ilikaja ilinyangufu! Ku kivalilo kimo uluhighilo lwako lwisile.”
11 And the businessmen of the earth shall weep and mourn over her, because no one will buy their merchandise anymore:
Vanyaduka va iisi mulilaghe na pikung'ulasia vwimila u mwene, ulwakuva nakwale nambe jumo juno ighula ifinu fya mwene kange -
12 merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls, and of fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and of every citrus tree wood, and of every tool of ivory, and of every tool from precious stone and brass and iron and marble,
ifiinu ifya sahabu, indalama, amavue agha lutogo, lulu, ugolole um'balafu, izambalau, umwene nda ghuno ghutetema, ndangali, amapiki ghoni ghono ghinukila vunofu, ifivombelo fyoni ifya mapembe gha jungua, ifyombo fyoni fino fitendilue namapiki gha lutogo, shahaba, kyuma, ilivue,
13 and of cinnamon and black cardamom, and of fragrances and ointments and incense, and of wine and oil and fine flour and wheat, and of beasts of burden and sheep and horses and four-wheeled wagons, and of slaves and the souls of men.
Mdalasini, ifilungo, vufumba, manemane, vubani, uluhuje, amafuta, uvutine uvunono, ingano, ing'ombe ni ng'olo, ifarasi ni gale, na vakami, ni numbula sa vaanhu.
14 And the fruits of the desires of your soul have gone away from you. And all things fat and splendid have perished from you. And they shall never find these things again.
Imeke sino ukasinoghilue ni ngufu saako sivukile kuhuma kulyuve. Uvunoghelua vwaako vwooni nhu vunonofivikile, nafilavoneka kange.
15 The merchants of these things, who were made wealthy, shall stand far away from her, out of fear of her torments, weeping and mourning,
Vano vighusia ifiinu ifi vano vakavile uvumofu muvughane vwamwene vikwimagha kuvutali kuhuma kwa mwene vwimila vwa vwoghofi vwa mumuko saa mwene, vilila nilisio lya kung'ulasia.
16 and saying: ‘Woe! Woe! to that great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet, and which was adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls.’
Viiti, “Iga, iga kulikaja ilivaha ghwe juno ifwikilue ugolole unono, sambalau, ni ndangali, na kunosevua ni sahabu, ni finu ifya lutogo ni lulu!”
17 For such great wealth was brought to destitution in one hour. And every shipmaster, and all who navigate on lakes, and mariners, and those who work at sea, stood far away.
Mun'kate mu sala jimo uvumofu vwooni uvuo vukikalile. Avaghendesia meli vooni, kange avoghelelelaji va mubahari na vooni vano vivomba imbombo mu nyanja, valyimile patali.
18 And they cried out, seeing the place of her conflagration, saying: ‘What city resembles this great city?’
Valyalilile ye vikulivona ilyosi ilyakupia umwene. Vakaati, “Likaja liliku lino liwanana nilikaja iili ilivaha?”
19 And they cast dust upon their heads. And they cried out, weeping and mourning, saying: ‘Woe! Woe! to that great city, by which all who had ships at sea were made rich from her treasures. For she has been made desolate in one hour.
Vakitaghile iling'undi pa matu gha vanave, pe vakalila, vakahumagha amahosi na pikung'ulisia, “Iiga, iiga ghwelikaja ilivaha mwonimwoni vano valyale ni meli saave mu nyanja valyale vamofu vwimila vwa kyuma kya mwene. Mun'kate mu sala jimo vitipulue.”
20 Exult over her, O heaven, O holy Apostles and Prophets. For God has judged your judgment upon her.’”
“Mukelaghe khu lwa mwene, vulanga, umwue vitiki, mweva sun'gua navavili, ulwakuva u Nguluve aletile uluhighilo lwa mwene pa ulu!”
21 And a certain strong Angel took up a stone, similar to a great millstone, and he cast it into the sea, saying: “With this force shall Babylon, that great city, be cast down. And she shall never be found again.
Umunyamola unyangufu alyanyanywile ilivue hweene livuhe ilivaha ilya kuhavulila kange akatagha mu nyanja, akaatisagha, “Kusila iiji, Babeli, ilikaja ilivaha liila, ghutaghua pasi kuvu lefi nulavoneka kange.
22 And the sound of singers, and musicians, and flute and trumpet players shall not be heard in you again. And every artisan of every art shall not be found in you again. And the sound of the mill shall not be heard in you again.
Amasio gha finanda, avanyanyimbo, avaseja pilimbi, nulu kelema navalapulika kange kulyumue. Nambe avamang'ani vooni navalavoneka kulyumue. Nambe ilitavua lya lituule nalilapulikika kange kulyumue.
23 And the light of the lamp shall not shine in you again. And the voice of the groom and of the bride shall not be heard in you anymore. For your merchants were the leaders of the earth. For all the nations were led astray by your drugs.
Ulumuli lwa tala nalulamulika mulyuve. Ilisio lya nyavutolani umughosi nu nyavutolani umu mama nalilapulikika kange mulyuve, ulwakuuva avaghusia fiinu vako valyale vavaha va mu iisi, kange vafisikina, vasyangilue nuvuhavi vwako.
24 And in her was found the blood of the Prophets and of the Saints, and of all who were slain upon the earth.”
Mun'kate mwa mwene idanda ja vaviili na vitiki jilya vonike, ni danda ja vooni vano valya m'budilue mu iisi.”

< Revelation 18 >