< Psalms 86 >

1 A Prayer of David himself. Incline your ear, O Lord, and hear me. For I am needy and poor.
Abre tus oídos a mi voz, oh Señor, y dame una respuesta; porque estoy afligido y tengo necesidad.
2 Preserve my soul, for I am holy. My God, bring salvation to your servant who hopes in you.
Guarda mi alma, porque soy fiel a ti; Oh mi Dios, da la salvación a tu siervo, cuya esperanza está en ti.
3 O Lord, be merciful to me, for I have cried out to you all day long.
Ten misericordia de mí, oh Señor; porque mi llanto va hasta ti todo el día.
4 Give joy to the soul of your servant, for I have lifted up my soul to you, Lord.
Alegra el alma de tu siervo; porque está elevada a ti, oh Señor.
5 For you are sweet and mild, Lord, and plentiful in mercy to all who call upon you.
Eres bueno, oh Señor, y lleno de perdón; tu misericordia es grandiosa para todos los que te claman.
6 Pay attention, Lord, to my prayer, and attend to the voice of my supplication.
Oh Señor, escucha mi oración; atiende a mi plegaria.
7 In the day of my tribulation, I cried out to you, because you heeded me.
En el día de mi angustia, te clamo; porque me darás una respuesta.
8 There is no one like you among the gods, O Lord, and there is no one like you in your works.
No hay dios como tú, oh Señor; no hay obras como tus obras.
9 All the nations, which you have made, will draw near and adore in your presence, O Lord. And they will glorify your name.
Vengan todas las naciones tuyas, y adoren, oh Jehová, glorificando tu nombre.
10 For you are great, and you perform wonders. You alone are God.
Porque tú eres grande, y haces grandes obras de asombro; solo eres Dios.
11 Lead me, O Lord, in your way, and I will walk in your truth. May my heart rejoice, so that it will fear your name.
Abre tu camino a mí, oh Señor; Seguiré mi camino en tu fe: deja que mi corazón se alegre con el temor de tu nombre.
12 I will confess to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart. And I will glorify your name in eternity.
Te alabaré, oh Jehová Dios mío, de todo corazón; Daré gloria a tu nombre para siempre.
13 For your mercy toward me is great, and you have rescued my soul from the lower part of Hell. (Sheol h7585)
Porque tu misericordia conmigo es grande; has sacado mi alma de los lugares profundos del inframundo. (Sheol h7585)
14 O God, the iniquitous have risen up against me, and the synagogue of the powerful have sought my soul, and they have not placed you in their sight.
Oh Dios, hombres de orgullo se han levantado contra mí, y el ejército de hombres violentos buscan mi vida; no te han puesto delante de ellos.
15 And you, Lord God, are compassionate and merciful, being patient and full of mercy and truthful.
Pero tú, oh Señor, eres un Dios lleno de compasión y perdón, lento para enojarte, grande en misericordia y verdad.
16 Look down upon me and have mercy on me. Grant your authority to your servant, and bring salvation to the son of your handmaid.
Mírame, y ten misericordia de mí! da fortaleza a tu siervo, y tu salvación al hijo de tu sierva.
17 Make me a sign of what is good, so that those who hate me, may look and be confounded. For you, O Lord, have helped me and consoled me.
Dame una señal para el bien; para que mis enemigos lo vean y se avergüencen; porque tú, Señor, has sido mi ayuda y mi consuelo.

< Psalms 86 >