< Psalms 64 >

1 Unto the end. A Psalm of David. Hear, O God, my prayer of supplication. Rescue my soul from the fear of the enemy.
Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Zabura ta Dawuda. Ka ji ni, ya Allah, yayinda nake faɗin abin da yake damuna; ka tsare raina daga barazanan abokin gāba.
2 You have protected me from the assembly of the malignant, from a multitude of workers of iniquity.
Ka ɓoye ni daga ƙulle-ƙullen mugaye, daga daure dauren wannan taro masu aikata mugunta.
3 For they have sharpened their tongues like a sword; they have formed their bow into a bitter thing,
Sukan wāsa harsunansu kamar takuba su harba kalmominsu kamar kibiyoyi masu kisa.
4 so that they may shoot arrows from hiding at the immaculate.
Sukan yin kwanto su harbi marar laifi; sukan yi harbi nan da nan, ba tsoro.
5 They will suddenly shoot arrows at him, and they will not be afraid. They are resolute in their wicked talk. They have discussed hidden snares. They have said, “Who will see them?”
Sukan ƙarfafa juna a mugayen ƙulle-ƙullensu, sukan yi magana yadda za su ɓoye tarkunansu; su ce, “Wa zai gan su?”
6 They have been searching carefully for iniquities. Their exhaustive search has failed. Man will approach with a deep heart,
Sukan yi ƙulle-ƙullen rashin adalci su ce, “Mun gama ƙulla cikakkiyar maƙarƙashiya tsab!” Zuciyar mutum da tunaninsa, suna da wuyar ganewa.
7 and God will be exalted. The arrows of the little ones have become their wounds,
Amma Allah zai harbe su da kibiyoyi; nan da nan za a buge su su fāɗi.
8 and their tongues have been weakened against them. All those who saw them have been troubled;
Zai juya harshensu a kansu yă kuma kawo su ga hallaka; duk waɗanda suka gan su za su kaɗa kai, suna musu ba’a.
9 and every man was afraid. And they announced the works of God, and they understood his acts.
Dukan mutane za su ji tsoro; za su yi shelar ayyukan Allah su kuma yi tunanin abin da ya aikata.
10 The just will rejoice in the Lord, and they will hope in him. And all the upright of heart will be praised.
Bari masu adalci su yi farin ciki a cikin Ubangiji su kuma nemi mafaka a gare shi; bari dukan masu gaskiya a zuciya su yabe shi!

< Psalms 64 >